
  1. 美术馆建筑内部公共空间中的自然光

    Natural light in public space inside art gallery buildings

  2. 武汉美术馆建筑方案设计

    Wuhan Art Gallery Scheme Design

  3. 美术馆的建筑综合了当地传统建筑和设计元素。

    The Gallery building itself was built by incorporating local pattern and design .

  4. 在法国东部城市梅斯亮相的新的蓬皮杜中心美术馆在建筑界引起了极大的轰动,主要是它复杂的自由落体一样的屋顶,本周将对公众开放。

    The new Pompidou Center art museum in the eastern French city of Metz has generated a big buzz in the architecture world , largely for its complex free-form roof .

  5. 这美术馆可是保护建筑。

    This gallery is a listed public building .

  6. 各种类型建筑中公共空间的设计一直是学者们积极讨论的话题,从美术馆等文化建筑的公共空间,到商业综合体中的公共空间,都随之发展成各自完整的设计逻辑体系。

    The design of the public space in various of buildings has been the right topic among scholars . It has already developed into an integrated logical system .

  7. 从美秀美术馆探究园林式建筑空间理论

    Exploring the Architecture spatial theory of garden style through Miho Museum

  8. 第一次的考察是到纽约市,参加于耶鲁大学举行的有关都市生活之演讲,并参观两个现代美术馆(此行与建筑设计课合并)。

    The first trip is to New York City , to attend lectures given at Yale on Urbanism and to visit two modern art museums ( in conjunction with the architecture studio ) .

  9. 阐述了自然光环境在美术馆公共空间中的重要性及其特点,探讨了在美术馆建筑设计中,如何利用自然光来表现建筑自身的空间艺术并创造出适于美术馆艺术展陈的空间氛围。

    It illustrates importance characteristics of natural light environment in public space inside art gallery buildings and discusses how to embody special art of architecture by natural by natural light create special atmosphere fit for art display in art gallery in design of art gallery buildings .