
  • 网络Human rights in the United States
  1. 美国人权法教授Anaya称,他同意联合国的评估。

    Anaya , an American professor of human rights law , says he agrees with that assessment .

  2. 然而,尽管Robeson的激进主义使他盲目崇尚早期冷战偏执、黑名单、以及麦卡锡主义,Belafonte则更幸运:他事业的成就或多或少与他参与美国人权运动有关。

    But whereas Robeson 's activism ran headlong into early cold-war paranoia , blacklists and McCarthyism , Mr Belafonte was luckier : his career rose more or less in tandem with the American civil-rights movement .

  3. 塔布曼是美国人权运动先驱之一,她去世的同一月罗莎·帕克斯出生了。

    Tubman is one of America 's first civil-rights activists.In the same month she dies , Rosa P arks is born .

  4. 中国发布美国人权纪录以回应美国在人权报告中的指责。

    China has responded to US criticism of its human rights record by publishing its own report on American human rights issues .

  5. 他们痛恨被迫接受美国的人权定义。

    They resent being forced to accept America 's definition of human rights .

  6. 各国应相互尊重对方对于发展模式的选择。双方都认识到,中国与美国在人权领域存在分歧。

    Both sides recognized that the United States and China have differences on the issue of human rights .

  7. 他推动了美国的人权法案,并鼓励政府对公民更加公开,更加诚实。

    He was behind America 's Bill of Rights , which encourages government to be open and honest with its people .

  8. 上周日,中国中央电视台播出了一个专题片,揭示了美国在人权相关的问题上的双重标准:即美国对其他国家的内政指手画脚,而自身的许多问题却放任不管。

    The state-run China Central Television on Sunday aired a documentary that reveals the United States ' double standards on human rights-related issues , whereby the US pokes its nose into other countries ' internal affairs while leaving many of its own problems unsolved .

  9. 而回应者卡耐称起草的名单只涉及美国自己滥用人权的人物。

    Responser Carney says its drafty is own list US figures accused of human rights abuses .

  10. 查韦斯曾指责美国打着支持人权和民主发展的旗号向反对派提供援助。

    Chavez accused the United States of providing aid to opposition groups under the guise of supporting human rights and democracy development .

  11. 从美国革命到人权时代,美国选举曾经充满生机,参与者信念坚定,草根文化喧嚣一时。

    From the Revolution to the Civil Rights Era , the United States had a vibrant , robustly participatory and raucous culture of voting .

  12. 一些美国官员和人权主义组织说,美国军队系统地对阿富汗,Guantonamo湾和伊拉克的数百名拘留者大声播放音乐来对他们进行折磨。

    Detainees , some US officials and human rights groups say US forces have systematically used loud music against hundreds of detainees in Afghanistan , Guantonamo Bay and Iraq .

  13. 白宫表示,美国正在审查人权组织的新报告,报告中表示,美国在无人机袭击中致平民死亡涉嫌违反国际法。

    The White House says the US is reviewing a new report by human rights groups that says the US may have violated international law by killing civilians in drone attacks .

  14. 法拉盛宗教自由陈情书1657年的今天-法拉盛陈情书被签署,它被认为是美国宗教自由人权法案的先驱。

    Flushing Remonstrance 1657 - The Flushing Remonstrance is signed . It is considered a precursor to the United States Constitution 's provision on freedom of religion in the Bill of Rights .

  15. 埃里森.德.弗基斯是一名在美国出生的人权专家和历史学家,在2月12日她家乡纽约大水牛城附近的飞机坠毁事故中,她是遇难的50人之一。

    This is the VOA Special English Development Report . Alison Des Forges was an American-born human rights expert and historian . She was one of fifty people killed in a plane crash on February twelfth near her hometown of Buffalo , New York .

  16. 这是美国国家民权与人权中心博物馆内设置的互动体验。

    That 's an interactive experience inside the national center for civil and human rights .

  17. 美国对民主和人权的倡导并不只是理想主义这还关乎实际的国际安全

    America 's support for democracy and human rights goes beyond idealism it is a matter of national security

  18. 据WABE成员站罗丝·斯科特的报道,美国国家民权与人权中心博物馆被称为解决当今社会问题的全新方法。

    From member station WABE Rose Scott reports the national center for civil and human rights has been called a new-age way addressing current social issues .

  19. 俄罗斯反驳美国国务院发表的人权报告,这份报告批评俄罗斯是2007年在人权和民主领域倒退的国家中的一个鲜明的例子。

    Moscow is rejecting a U.S. State Department report that criticizes Russia as a high profile example of countries that regressed on human rights and democracy in 2007 .

  20. 但我们将呼吁政府站在人道主义的立场释放朝鲜公民,并且我们会要求他们在美国体系与国际人权的立场下尊重及善待公民们。

    But we would call on the government of North Korea to release the citizen on humanitarian grounds and we would ask they respect and treat the citizen in American system with international human rights role .

  21. 然而,布劳德的故事表明,就在美国国内,保护人权依然是一场艰苦卓绝的斗争——哪怕是在距离纽约最富裕、最自由的街区短短几英里之外的一所监狱里也是这样。

    Browder 's tale , however , shows that it remains a struggle to protect human rights within America 's own shores - even in a prison that lies a few short miles from some of the most gilded and liberal neighbourhoods of New York .

  22. 美国国务院发言人简·帕斯基维护美国基本的人权支持。

    State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki defends U.S. support for basic human rights .

  23. 这部时长45分钟的电视专题片,是基于美国国内外大量的媒体报道,以及对中国、美国、法国、加拿大、俄罗斯、瑞士等多国人权专家进行的采访,从多个角度揭示了美国践踏人权的问题。

    Based on extensive media reports both inside and outside the US , and interviews of many human rights experts from China , the US , France , Canada , Russia and Switzerland , the 45-minute TV program revealed the US trampling on American people 's human rights in all walks of life .

  24. 无论是美国对本国公民进行网络监控的隐私侵犯,还是美国无人机轰炸巴基斯坦、也门和其他国家,造成的滥杀无辜,都直指美国在几乎所有人权问题上采取的“双重标准”。

    The United States has been using double standards on practically every human rights-related issue , which is showcased both by its invasion of citizens ' privacy through online surveillance and civilian deaths caused by its drone attacks in Pakistan , Yemen and other countries , it showed .