
  • 网络the body shop
  1. 中国护肤品网购市场前10名品牌依次为:雅诗兰黛、玫琳凯、兰蔻、雅漾、海蓝之谜、倩碧、资生堂、高丝、雅顿、美体小铺。

    In2010Q2 , the top10 brands in China skincare online market are : Estee Lauder , Mary Kay , Lancome , Avene , La Mer , Clinique , Shiseido , Kose , Elizabeth Arden and The Body Shop .

  2. 从“美体小铺”传来的消息令整个零售行业不安。

    The news from Body Shop rattled the rest of the retail sector

  3. 奥普拉•温弗瑞已凭借个人名望建立了庞大的媒体王国,已故的美体小铺(BodyShop)创始人阿妮塔•罗迪克则证明,人们可以兼顾社会及环境责任和销售产品。

    Oprah Winfrey has leveraged her celebrity into a formidable media empire , and the late body shop founder Anita Roddick proved that you could market products by being socially and environmentally responsible .

  4. 他引用了据说是美体小铺创始人安妮塔罗迪克曾说过的话:“我观察着化妆品行业的走向,然后朝着相反的方向前进。”

    He quoted Anita Roddick , the founder of body shop , who is said to have said : " I watch where the cosmetics industry is going and then walk in the opposite direction . "