
  • 网络no-show;no show
  1. 请问,是在这里办理误机确认手续吗?

    Excuse me , is this where I have my no-show status confirmed ?

  2. 请您先到乘机登记处办理一下误机确认,然后到售票处办理变更手续。

    You have to confirm your no-show status at the check-in counter in the registry office , and then you can go to the ticket office to ask for a change .

  3. 我必须赶快走了否则就会误机。

    I must fly or I 'll miss my plane

  4. 请告诉我你误机的原因。

    Please tell me the reason why you missed the plane .

  5. 如果不是因为你被捕我才不会误机

    I wouldn 't have if you hadn 't gotten yourself arrested .

  6. 我们可不想误机啊

    We don 't wanna miss our flight !

  7. 很抱歉先生恐怕你已经误机了

    I 'm sorry , sir . I 'm afraid you 've missed it .

  8. 我不认为是我本人的原因导致我误机。

    I don 't think I missed the flight because of my personal reason .

  9. 此外他们还采取鼓励国际航班乘客提前三小时出发的措施,以免乘客误机。

    Travellers taking international flights are encouraged to arrive at the airport three hours ahead of departure .

  10. 他们现在在叫你的航班呢,你最好跑起来,否则会误机的。

    They are announcing your flight now , you 'd better run or you 'll miss the plane .

  11. 旅客误机后,须按承运人有关规定,办理改乘后续航班,改变承运人或退票。

    The passenger could change to a later flight or change carrier or refund ticket in accordance with the carrier 's regulations .

  12. 把它送到了华盛顿邮报,说他总是误机,因为他不能穿过机场,在每个地点都要停下来喝几口。

    He sent it to the Washington Post and said he was missing all of his flights coz he couldn 't get through the airport without stopping and having a drink at every spot .

  13. 他说她可能误了那班飞机。我有联程的航班,如果不准时乘机,联程航班就误机了。

    He has spoken he will come tomorrow . I have a connecting flight , if we cannot get the flight on time , it will be missed .