
  • 网络error compensation
  1. 基于Web的数控曲面磨床几何误差补偿技术

    Web-based Application of Geometric Error Compensation for Curve Grinding Machine Tool

  2. 小数N频率合成器剩余量化误差补偿技术研究

    The Research on Residual Quantization Error Compensation Technique in Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizer

  3. 基于BP神经网络的虚拟轴机床的实时误差补偿控制

    Real Time Error Compensation Control Scheme for Virtual Axis Machine Tools Based on BP Neural Network

  4. 在补偿方面,本文又用了ADAMS仿真系统对串联机器人进行了实时误差补偿。

    In compensation aspect , ADAMS simulation system can operate real-time compensation to robot .

  5. 基于时间序列分析的Kalman滤波方法在MEMS陀螺仪随机漂移误差补偿中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of the Time-Serial Analysis Based Kalman Filter in MEMS Gyroscope Random Drift Compensation

  6. 时间交替ADC系统的一种动态误差补偿方法

    Dynamic error compensation for time interleaved ADC system

  7. 在本论文中,系统地研究了基于神经网络的误差补偿控制、基于DSP的并行计算和并行控制以及模糊控制。

    Error compensation control based on NN , parallel calculation and parallel control technology based on DSP , fuzzy control strategy are studied systematically in this thesis .

  8. 为提高正解结果精度,引进辅助网络,运用Kalman滤波器进行误差补偿,并给出了并联机器人的仿真实例。

    To improve the accuracy of the solution , an associated neural network using Kalman filter is used to compensate for the offset error .

  9. PMAC下直线电机定位精度分析与误差补偿技术

    The Study of Positioning Accuracy of Linear Motors and Error-Compensation Technology Based on PMAC

  10. 基于GMM在滚珠丝杠轴向误差补偿上的应用研究

    Based on GMM on the Ball Screw Axis to Error Compensation on the Application of Research

  11. 详细介绍GPS和磁阻传感器组合定位系统的系统组成、工作原理,并介绍了磁阻传感器的测量原理和误差补偿算法。

    The structure and the system principle of the GPS / MR integrated navigation system are introduced . The operating principle and the error compensation of the magnetoresistance are discussed .

  12. 基于IPC总线技术构建了误差补偿模块与开放式数控系统的实时信息交互通讯接口标准和数据通讯协议。

    Based on IPC bus technology , communication interface standard of real-time information exchange and data communication protocol were construct .

  13. 通过Matlab对比加入速度和加速度误差补偿控制策略前后的系统跟踪误差,可得出速度和加速度误差补偿能提高光电跟踪系统跟踪精度。

    Through Matlab contrasting the track error before and after adding speed error and acceleration compensation control , the speed and acceleration error compensation could improve the track precision of the photoelectric track system .

  14. 利用MFC编写了上位机应用软件,实现了上位机对电容测微仪所测得数据的数字滤波与非线性误差补偿,并将数据绘制成波形显示给用户。

    Data showing in PC , digital filtering for data from capacitance micrometer and nonlinear error compensation were achieved . Then data waveform was drown for users .

  15. 动态监控技术(DMC)是CIMS/MAS系统的重要研究内容之一,而误差补偿控制技术是DMC的重要内容之一。

    Dynamic monitor control technique ( DMC ) is one of important research content in CIMS / MAS system , and error compensation control technique is one of important content of DMC .

  16. 对某MEMS陀螺仪实测数据的误差补偿结果表明,所介绍的滤波方法能够有效地抑制其漂移误差,提高MEMS陀螺仪在实际系统中使用精度。

    The compensating results for the practical testing data of a MEMS gyroscope show , the drift error can be controlled effectively by the filtering method presented , and its application precision in practical system can be further proved .

  17. 本文针对车载环境下单位置激光陀螺寻北仪的输出信号进行了分析处理,设计了FIR低通数字滤波器抑制高频扰动,设计了一种利用加速度计进行陀螺误差补偿的低频扰动的抑制算法。

    This paper analysis the output data of laser gyro north - finder which is installed in vehicle , we design FIR low - pass digital filter to restrain high frequency disturb , and design algorithm to compensate gyro low frequency disturb using accelerometer .

  18. 本论文针对GPS/INS组合导航定位定向系统的一些技术问题和算法进行了探讨:研究了惯性测量元件(陀螺仪、加速度计)的误差补偿算法及其误差模型中误差系数的标定方法;

    This thesis discusses some technical problem of GPS / INS integrated navigation system : deduces the error compensation algorithm of the error model of inertial measurement component ( such as gyroscope and accelerometer ) , and presents the method of separating the coefficient of the error model ;

  19. 距离保护的快速算法、误差补偿和网络实现

    Distance Protecion 's Fast Algorithm , Error Compensation and Network Realization

  20. 基于神经网络的数控加工热误差补偿

    Compensation of thermal error based on neural network in NC machining

  21. 精密磨削加工的神经网络误差补偿技术

    Error Compensation Technology Based on Neural Networks of Precision Grinding Processes

  22. 试验获得的数据验证了本课题建立的测试误差补偿方法的可行性与有效性。

    Validated the feasibility and effectivity of testing error compensation model .

  23. 数字化齿面展成加工中的齿廓误差补偿研究。

    Research on error compensation of machining of digital tooth surfaces .

  24. 用微粒群算法与神经网络实现传感器误差补偿

    Sensor Nonlinear Error Compensation Evolved by Neural Network and Particle Swarm Algorithm

  25. 应用模糊推理的计算机辅助位置误差补偿

    Computer aided positional error compensation and correction using fuzzy inference

  26. 惯性测量组合的优化设计与误差补偿算法研究

    Optimization design and research on error compensation algorithm of inertial measurement unit

  27. 三轴磁航向传感器的全姿态误差补偿

    All status error compensation about three axis magnetic heading sensor

  28. 基于椭圆假设的电子罗盘误差补偿方法

    Error compensation method for electromagnetic compass based on ellipse hypothesis

  29. 一种提高数字宽带接收机动态范围的误差补偿方法

    Improving Dynamic Range of Digital Wideband Receiver Using Error Compensation

  30. 制导雷达组网相对系统误差补偿研究

    Study on Relative System Error Compensation in Guidance Radar Network