
wù pàn
  • Misjudgment;miscarriage of justice;erroneous judgement
误判[wù pàn]
  1. 通过实验表明,该算法的准确性较高,并且误判率较低。

    Experiments showed that this algorithm had higher accuracy as well as lower rate of erroneous judgement .

  2. 并给出圆螺纹套管及接箍螺纹正确的检验程序,以避免检验紧密距时产生误判。

    The article also gives the right inspecting procedure of the threads of round thread casing and coupling to avoid erroneous judgement in the course of standoff inspection .

  3. 律师们应对误判负部分责任。

    Some of the blame for the miscarriage of justice must be borne by the solicitors

  4. 我想象不出比处死无辜的人更加严重的误判了。

    I can imagine no greater miscarriage of justice than the execution of an innocent man .

  5. 另一项主要的误判原因就是假供。

    Another major cause of wrongful convictions is false confessions .

  6. 如果这些误判仅仅是人们的意见所导致,那就不重要了。

    It would not matter if these misjudgments were just a matter of people 's opinions .

  7. 杰夫:有时,裁判的不公平和误判也真是令人讨厌的一件事情。

    Jeff : Sometimes , the partiality and miscarriage of justice are dis-gusting too .

  8. 基于最小误判准则的LED管芯数字图像分割

    Digital Image Segmentation of Led 's Chips Based on Minimum Error Criterion

  9. 基于边界扫描的FPGA等权值抗误判测试算法

    An equal-weight wrong-estimate algorithm for FPGA test based on boundary scan architecture

  10. 由于试样B的孔底角度系数太小,造成检测误差较大而产生误判。

    However the test error of sample B is larger and bring misjudgement due to its smaller angle coefficient of hole bottom .

  11. 其中动脉期将水肿区误判为坏死区以及静脉期将水肿区误判为正常区具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    Misjudging edematous for necrotic areas in arterial-phase or misjudging edematous for normal areas in venous-phase scan protocol has statistically significance ( p0.05 ) .

  12. 研究了超声C扫描图像的成像方法和表示方法,根据误判概率最小化原则给出了确定图像分割的阈值确定方法。

    The imaging method of ultrasonic C-scan was studied , the threshold-deciding method of image segment was offered by the principle of error probability minimum .

  13. 给出了在用户指定误判率约束条件下的数据分块Bloomfilter长度确定理论。

    And this paper gives a Bloom Filter length determined theory of data block in the constraints of user specifies misjudgment rate .

  14. 而且,由于采用多Hash编码进行标记,能在系统规模增大时,保持较低的误判率,提高定位攻击者的精确度。

    In addition , Multi-hash encoding strategy can maintain lower false rate and enhance precision of orientating Attacker .

  15. ST公司预警误判与会计信息质量关系的经验研究

    An empirical study of the relationship between the information about financial statements and prediction errors of listed companies ' special treatment

  16. 经实验表明,与传统的BP识别算法相比较,改进后的算法收敛速度快,识别误判率较低。

    The experiments show that compared with the traditional BP algorithm , the improved algorithm has convergence speed and identifies the acceptable failure rate lower .

  17. 他们上赛季在OT就得到了误判的照顾,所以现在该我们担心了。

    They got one at Old Trafford last season so that 's the worry now .

  18. 但是大批量的CT层片所产生的繁重读片任务容易使影像诊断医生产生漏诊、误判。

    But the bulk of the CT slices produced the heavy task of reading them , which will bring the diagnostic doctors the problem of missing and false diagnosis .

  19. 多因素判别分析对CH中、重度误判率较高。

    Incorrect judgment rate was high in determination of moderate and severe CH by multiple factor analysis .

  20. 投资银行LiberumCapital认为,必和必拓从一开始就严重误判了反垄断问题的复杂性。

    Investment bank Liberum Capital reckons BHP gravely misread from the outset the complexity of the anti-trust issue .

  21. 但是在训练过程中BP神经网络的寻优不具有唯一性,容易陷入局部极小值,从而可能造成误判。

    But the optimization of BP neural network is not unique ; it is susceptible to fall into the local minimum , which maybe results in miscarriage of justice .

  22. ColiO157∶H7,可大大减少血清玻片凝集试验的误判,结合毒力基因检测,可分析E。

    Coli O157 ∶ H7 specific gene detection can reduce greatly the misdiagnosis with serum slide agglutination assay .

  23. 运用DS证据理论,可以减小因隶属度函数的不同而带来故障误判的可能性,从而更准确地判断故障原因。

    The error of the membership degree of faults resulted from the difference of the membership degree function can be reduced by D-S evidence theory .

  24. TCL还有误判市场趋势的过错,而这是中国企业向海外拓展时的一个普遍缺陷。

    TCL is also still guilty of misreading market trends , a common pitfall when Chinese companies head overseas .

  25. 应用Bayes判别原理,引入误判成本和先验概率,构建了一个简明的违约判别模型,经检验模型是统计有效的,判别结果也是较好的。

    We construct a simple default judgment model applying Bayes judgment principle , misjudgment cost and priori probability . The model is tested effective with good results .

  26. 现今,美联储(FederalReserve)对市场的“操纵”和“公共部门,即美国政府,极不负责任的态度和严重的误判”将使拉美国家在2012年不可避免地出现严重通胀。

    Now federal reserve market " manipulation " and the " incredible irresponsibility and bad judgment of the public sector " i.e. the U.S. government make banana republic inflation levels inevitable starting in 2012 .

  27. 在CDMA系统中,宽带信号在多径信道中传输将会呈现频率选择特性,造成接收机的误判。

    In CDMA system , the broadband signal can present the frequency selective character when it transmits in multi-path channel , and it will result in the error of receiver .

  28. 循环冗余校验CRC由于编码简单、误判概率低,在通信系统中得到了广泛的应用。

    For its simple coding and low rate of error identification , the Cyclic Redundancy Check ( CRC ) is widely used in digital communication system .

  29. 仿真结果证明了MCA和MCA+算法能够获得比现有算法更高的故障检测率和更低的误判率,并且算法稳定,计算复杂度较低。

    Simulation results prove that MCA and MCA + can achieve higher fault detection rate and lower false positive rate than current algorithms .

  30. 焊接件在工业领域中的应用十分广泛,目前对其质量的评定是由检验人员依据有关标准凭经验对焊缝X射线图像来进行评判的,可能会造成误判或漏判。

    Welded structure was widely applied to industrial fields . Nowadays , the quality of welding was assessed by the experienced inspection personnel according to relevant standards at present , which might lead to misjudgment and judgment leakage .