
wù jiě
  • misunderstand;misinterpret;mistake;misconstrue;misread;misapprehension;misconceive;misintelligence
误解 [wù jiě]
  • (1) [misunderstand;misread]∶理解得不对

  • 误解其意

  • (2) [misintelligence]∶错误的理解

  • 对这个案件事实的明显的误解

误解[wù jiě]
  1. 他的信心被误解为傲慢。

    His confidence was misread as arrogance .

  2. 他对形势完全误解了。

    He had completely misread the situation .

  3. 他的评论被误解为对这个项目的批评。

    His comments were misinterpreted as a criticism of the project .

  4. 所有的合同都经过翻译,以避免公司间发生任何误解。

    All contracts are translated to avoid any misunderstanding between the companies .

  5. 我不希望有任何误解。

    I don 't want there to be any misunderstanding .

  6. 很容易将信心误解为傲慢。

    It is easy to misconstrue confidence as arrogance .

  7. 我承认我误解了他的意图。

    I admit that I mistook his intentions .

  8. 对于这项工作的真实目的,仍然存在着严重的误解。

    There is still a fundamental misunderstanding about the real purpose of this work .

  9. 他希望不被人误解。

    He was anxious not to be misunderstood .

  10. 别误解我的意思——我对你所做的一切都很感激。

    Don 't misunderstand me ─ I am grateful for all you 've done .

  11. 这些统计资料会引起误解。

    These statistics are misleading .

  12. 你的表述可能引起误解。

    Your statement is misleading .

  13. 他十分震惊地发现自己竟然完全误解了情况。

    He was amazed that he 'd misinterpreted the situation so completely

  14. 他对语言的误解是引起其他问题的主要原因。

    His misunderstanding of language was the primary cause of his other problems

  15. 关于这两块大陆相似的假设是一种误解。

    It is a misconception to assume that the two continents are similar

  16. 说我们是朋友会让别人产生误解。

    It would be misleading to say that we were friends

  17. 他误解了所见到的事情。

    He put the wrong construction on what he saw .

  18. 你似乎存在相当大的误解。

    You seem to be labouring under considerable misapprehensions .

  19. 事实上人们对垃圾债券的称谓有误,所以产生了误解。

    The truth is that junk bonds were misnamed , and therefore misunderstood .

  20. 关于我们的出版目的存在着某些误解。

    There has been some misunderstanding of our publishing aims

  21. 我们认为对性状的这些描述是不准确的,且会使人产生误解。

    We know them as inaccurate and misleading property descriptions

  22. 外人也许会误解这种关系的本质。

    An outsider might misconstrue the nature of the relationship

  23. 对资本成本存在着广泛的误解。

    The cost of capital is widely misunderstood .

  24. 她补充说,西方人对包办婚姻的概念有些误解。

    She added that the concept of arranged marriages is misunderstood in the west .

  25. 这些误解造成了不良的影响。

    Undesirable consequences flow from these misconceptions .

  26. 维多利亚时代的价值观受到了严重误解。

    Victorian values are much misunderstood

  27. 把你的要求告诉助产士,这样她可以记下来,避免产生误解。

    Tell your midwife what you want so she can make a note of it and avoid misunderstandings .

  28. 你看,我说的没错吧?这就是为什么我早没提。我就知道你会误解。

    You see ? There you go . That 's why I didn 't mention it earlier . I knew you 'd take it the wrong way

  29. 措辞晦涩,致使人误解本意。

    The wording is so ambiguous that it leads to misinterpretations .

  30. 她不再害怕他们会误解她了。

    She no longer feared that they should misunderstand her .