
wù shā
  • manslaughter
误杀 [wù shā]
  • [manslaughter] 法律上指没有杀人意图,因失误而伤人致死

误杀[wù shā]
  1. 他因误杀罪被送上法庭。

    He was had up for manslaughter .

  2. 陪审团裁定他(误杀)罪名成立。

    The jury found him guilty ( of manslaughter ) .

  3. 他们抢劫这家银行时误杀了一名同伙。

    They killed one of their accomplices by accident while robbing the bank .

  4. 他承认误杀,不承认谋杀。

    He pleads not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter .

  5. 这部影片的主题是赤手空拳的22岁黑人奥斯卡•格兰特(OscarGrant)在加州奥克兰与一名白人交警发生冲突而遭到误杀,这本来可以成就一部纪录片。

    Its subject matter-the fatal shooting of Oscar Grant , a black , unarmed 22-year-old by a white transit cop in Oakland , Calif. - might have made a documentary .

  6. 人们说他是被误杀的,他的死使我父亲很痛苦。

    People say he was killed falsely , so he is tormenting my father .

  7. 计算机软件的质量瑕疵担保责任、产品责任&以诺顿误杀案为切入视角

    Quality Warranty and Product Liability of Computer Software

  8. 他因误杀罪被送上法庭。

    He was had up for mansaughter .

  9. 米高积逊的医生默里被控非自愿性误杀罪名成立。

    Conrad Murray , Michael Jackson 's doctor , was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter .

  10. 【律】过失杀害,误杀非故意非预谋杀人罪可基于过失犯罪而成立。

    Homicide [ death ] by misadventure Involuntary manslaughter can be based on criminal negligence .

  11. 想自杀的女孩误杀了双胞胎姐姐。

    Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake !

  12. 正常邮件的误杀比率。

    Percentage of innocent mail killed .

  13. 一名法官昨赞赏误杀案受害人的家属,捐出受害人器官。

    A judge yesterday praised the family of a manslaughter victim after they donated his organs .

  14. 关于天敌-害虫系统中天敌之间误杀作用的一种数学模型

    A mathematical model of " the accidental slaugh - ter " between natural enemies in natural enemy-pest systems

  15. 一旦误杀,它都能得到佛的加持力,往生净土。

    Supposing killed accidentally , may it will be reborn in the Pure Land under the blessings of Buddha .

  16. 这虽然是一起误杀,但却暴露出年轻白人警察的种族偏见。

    Although this is a mis-shot , it discloses the racial discrimination of the young white policeman against the black .

  17. 如果存在误杀平民的风险,则降低爆炸火力从而缩小爆炸范围。

    If there is a risk of killing civilians , then the explosive power can be reduced to ensure a small blast radius .

  18. 不过,无人机也存有争议,因为无人机时不时地误杀无辜平民,这是今天美国和巴基斯坦交恶的一个重要原因。

    They are also controversial , since they periodically kill innocent civilians , and are one important reason for the disastrous state of US-Pakistan relations today .

  19. 有一个传说是这样的,在古代,有一位神界天鹅闯入人间被猎手误杀。

    According to one legend , once in ancient times , a celestial swan came into the mortal world where it was shot down by a hunter .

  20. 南非最高法院做出裁决,南非残奥会冠军奥斯卡·皮斯托瑞斯在女友瑞娃·斯廷坎普被杀一案中的谋杀罪名成立,并非误杀。

    Paralympian Oscar Pistorius ' conviction for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp has been scaled up to murder from culpable homicide by South Africa 's top appeals court .

  21. 帕耶特最初入狱是因为在一次蹩脚的抢劫中误杀了一名保安,他因此被判处了三十年的有期徒刑,关押在法国吕内堡监狱。

    Payet was originally jailed for a murder that occurred during a botched robbery on a security van , and was sentenced to thirty years in France 's Luynes Prison .

  22. 对下列情况的死亡必须进行死亡调查:暴力或意外死亡,谋杀或误杀以及涉及警察的囚犯死亡。

    An inquest has to take place where death is violent or unexpected , where death can be murder or manslaughter , where a prisoner dies and when police is involved .

  23. 预告片的片尾,白子画因为不能没有花千骨于是就去找她,结果身心破碎,上了花千骨的当而误杀了她。

    Ending with the Spoiler at the end where Bai Zi Hua goes out to search for her because he can 't live without her to only be heartbroken and deceived by her into killing her 。

  24. 如今,一项研究或许可以部分对这一误杀现象做出解释。研究人员发现,当一个人持有枪支时,他更容易认为其他人也持有武器。

    Now a study may explain - in part - these errors . Researchers found that when a person holds a gun , they 're more likely to think they see a weapon being carried by another .

  25. 去年,法官宣判皮斯托瑞斯误杀斯廷坎普,判处5年有期徒刑。但是有公诉人表示,皮斯托瑞斯打开了上锁的厕所的门,连开四枪,应当被判谋杀罪。这引起了全世界的注意,在南非也引起了持续的讨论。

    Last year a judge gave Pistorius a five-year jail sentence for " culpable homicide " of Steenkamp , but prosecutors argued that he should be convicted of murder for firing four shots through a locked toilet door in a case that attracted interest around the world and continues to fascinate and divide South Africa .