
  • 网络Queensway
  1. 这天ATS48正取道金钟道,向九龙竹园村进发。

    ATS48 ( JN4092 ) was seen here at Queensway heading for Chuk Yuen Estate in Kowloon .

  2. 然而,它们似乎给予金钟道的财团利润非常丰厚的条款。

    However , they appear to grant the Queensway syndicate remarkably profitable terms .

  3. 金钟道是数条赤柱路线前往中环的必经之路,不难发现城巴短阵版丹尼士巨龙踪影。

    It was very common to see them on Queensway , Admiralty , the trunk road for Stanley routes heading for Central .

  4. 申请书须送达香港金钟道66号金钟道政府合署高座30楼禁毒基金会秘书处。

    Application should reach the Beat Drug Fund Association Secretariat at30 / F , Queensway Government Offices , High Block , 66 Queensway , Admiralty , Hong Kong .

  5. 在抗议者在晚间竖起新的竹制路障后,警方开始拆除金钟道(金钟区一条主要道路,香港的有轨电车在此经过)上的路障。

    Police started dismantling barricades on Queensway - a main road in Admiralty district along which Hong Kong 's trams cross the city - after protesters erected new bamboo blockades overnight .

  6. 最终这宗交易在几内亚的大选中流产,但与此同时,金钟道的财团却很高兴,因为据报道他们将一架直升飞机作为礼物赠送给了几内亚的军事领袖。

    Ultimately this deal foundered on a Guinean election , but at the time the Queensway syndicate was so pleased that it reportedly gave guinea 's military ruler a helicopter as a present .

  7. 打通金钟道是政府战略的一环,目的是蚂蚁啃堤般地削弱抗议运动,而不诉诸可能加剧紧张局势、引发市民同情抗议者的战术。

    The move to open Queensway is part of a government strategy to chip away at the protest movement without resorting to tactics that could inflame tensions and spark sympathy for the protesters .