
  • 网络PHILIPPINES;philippine government
  1. 联合国和菲律宾政府正在评估台风“戈尼”造成的损失。

    The United Nations and the Philippines government are assessing damage caused by typhoon Goni .

  2. 拟议的广播条约是1997年在应菲律宾政府邀请举办的一次论坛之后启动的。

    The proposed broadcasting treaty was initiated in1997 following a forum organized at the invitation of the Philippines government .

  3. 菲律宾政府希望美国继续在东南亚驻军。

    The Philippine government wants the US to maintain a military presence in Southeast Asia .

  4. 菲律宾政府行政秘书EduardoErmita宣称,政府的作用是有限的。

    Cabinet Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita acknowledged government 's role has been limited .

  5. 1971年,一位菲律宾政府官员马纽尔·伊里杂德(ManuelElizalde)发现了一个石器时代与世隔绝居住于棉兰老岛的小部落。

    In1971 , a Philippine government minister ( Manuel Elizalde ) discovered a small stone age tribe living in isolation on the island of Mindanao .

  6. 菲律宾政府表示,查扣行动并非只针对中国公民。

    Philippine authorities say the crackdown did not specifically target Chinese nationals .

  7. 菲律宾政府向遇难者家属表达了慰问。

    The Philippine government has sent its condolences to the victim 's family .

  8. 菲律宾政府表示,这个电话是被非法记录的,且是伪造的。

    The Philippine government said the call was recorded illegally and then falsified .

  9. 抗议者要求菲律宾政府为周四发生的事件道歉。

    The demonstrators have demanded the Philippine government apologize for Thursday 's incident .

  10. 菲律宾政府已下令禁止载有菲律宾船员的船只在索马里附近行驶。

    The Philippine government has banned ships carrying Filipino crew members from sailing near Somalia .

  11. 虽然菲律宾政府已向枪击受害者家属道歉,但台湾方面还是采取了以上措施。

    This comes despite the Philippine government 's apology to the family of the shooting victim .

  12. 菲律宾政府要求在这一区域投资新赌场至少要投资10亿美元。

    The Philippine government requires a minimum $ 1 billion investment for new casinos built in the area .

  13. 菲律宾政府正在追踪与抗体检测呈阳性的五人有关的接触者。

    The Philippine Government is conducting contact tracing in relation to the five individuals who tested positive for antibodies .

  14. 中国政府确认,本周早些时候被菲律宾政府抓扣的中国公民中,已有52人获释。

    The Chinese government has confirmed the release of 52 Chinese nationals detained by Philippine authorities earlier this week .

  15. 菲律宾政府和菲律宾商界集合他们的努力去展示最佳的国家应该提供什么,

    The government and the Philippine business community have combined their efforts to showcase the best of what the country offers

  16. 菲律宾政府威胁将以经济破坏罪起诉大米非法囤积者能够处以无期徒刑。

    The Philippines government has threatened to charge rice hoarders with economic sabotage - a crime punishable by life imprisonment .

  17. 2003年7月,菲律宾政府与摩伊签署了停火协议。双方的新一轮和谈将于今年2月5日在马来西亚首都吉隆坡举行。

    The government and MILF peace panels are set to resume formal talks on Feb.5 in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia .

  18. 我们难免要想,从您的判断,菲律宾政府这样做有什么道理,他的目的何在?

    We have to ask that what do you think is the reason and the intention of the Philippine government ?

  19. 菲律宾政府要求司机制定固定的乘车价格。他们还要在车窗上贴上标志。

    The Filipino government has made drivers set fixed prices for rides . They must also put signs in the windows .

  20. 菲律宾政府救灾机构周日表示,受台风“海燕”影响的地区约有440万人无家可归。

    Philippine government disaster relief agency said Sunday about 4.4 million people have become homeless in areas hit by super typhoon Haiyan .

  21. 菲律宾政府去年的一项调查发现,在菲律宾低收入已婚女性中,有四分之一表示无法按自己的计划进行节育。

    A government survey last year found a quarter of low-income married women in the Philippines indicated their family planning needs were not being met .

  22. 去年6月,菲律宾政府销毁了超过五吨的象牙,11月美国政府销毁了近六吨象牙。

    In June , the Philippine government crushed more than five tons of ivory , and in November the U.S. government crushed almost six tons .

  23. 菲律宾政府未能进口足够的大米,以保障本国民众的食物来源,原因是没有人愿意出售。

    Manila has not been able to buy enough rice abroad to secure food for its people , because no one has wanted to sell .

  24. 为实现群体免疫,菲律宾政府的目标是今年为7000多万人接种疫苗,首先从医护人员和老年人开始。

    The government aims to inoculate up to 70 million people this year to achieve herd immunity , starting with health care workers and the elderly .

  25. 在中兴通讯赢得该合同不久之前,美国驻马尼拉大使致信菲律宾政府,敦促其公平考虑针对该项目的所有建议。

    The US ambassador in Manila wrote the government a letter urging fair consideration of all proposals for the project shortly before ZTE won the contract .

  26. 雅罗育在菲律宾政府宣布副总统金戈纳将辞去他所兼任的外长职务后,概述她的外交政策重点。

    Arroyo outlined her focuses in foreign policies after the Philippine government announced that vice president Guingona would resign from his concurrent position as foreign secretary .

  27. 菲律宾政府以往曾邀请中方将纠纷提交国际法庭解决,但中方始终拒绝,坚持要在双边框架内解决此类纠纷。

    The Philippine government has invited China to the International Court before , but the Chinese have always refused , preferring to resolve such disputes bilaterally .

  28. 菲律宾政府表示,菲方正在与叙利亚武装分子协商,要求叙武装分子释放被其扣押的21名菲律宾籍联合国维和部队士兵。

    The government of the Philippine says it 's negotiating to win the release of 21 Filipino U.N. peacekeepers who 've been sized by Syrian militants .

  29. 对于菲律宾政府言,将移住劳工的痛苦怪罪于台湾仲介、菲国仲介、雇主、甚至台湾的劳委会,是最便利的方法。

    It is also convenient for the Philippine government to blame the brokers , Philippine placement agencies , employers and even the CLA for the migrants woes .

  30. 在菲律宾政府发出以上指责之前,中国宣布在纳入西沙群岛的三沙市开建学校。

    The Philippine government 's accusations come following the announcement of the construction of a school in Sansha , a Chinese city incorporated in the Xisha Islands .