
  • 网络Fresnel Lens;Fresnel Lense
  1. 利用该方法制作了菲涅尔透镜、Dammann光栅和闪耀光栅等二元光学元件,取得了较好的效果。

    Fresnel lens , Dammann gratings and blazed gratings were manufactured by this method .

  2. 莫尔条纹是由LCD、菲涅尔透镜和微结构透镜等周期性结构的层叠引起的,对于设计高质量的LCD背投影屏幕至关重要。

    Moire pattern caused by the cascade of periodic structures of LCD , Fresnel lens , and Lenticular lens , etc. is a key concern in designing a high quality LCD rear projection screen .

  3. 该测量仪由近红外LED光源、窄带干涉滤光片、菲涅尔透镜、硅光电池检测器、单片机系统及校准模型等组成。

    The apparatus is made up of NIR LED , interference filter , lens , Si photronic detector , microprocessor system and calibration model .

  4. 仪器由LED(LightEmittingdiode)光源、窄带干涉滤光片、菲涅尔透镜、光电转换检测器、单片机系统等组成。

    The apparatus is made up of light emitting diode ( LED ) , interference filter , lens , opto-electronic transformation detector , microprocessor system .

  5. 采用甲基丙烯酸甲酯为主单体,丙烯酸甲酯为共聚单体,利用60Coγ射线辐射聚合技术制备菲涅尔透镜。

    With methyl methacrylate as main monomer and methyl acrylate as copolymer monomer , fresnel lens were prepared by 60Co γ - ray radiation polymerization technology .

  6. 接着,建立了人体目标穿过经过菲涅尔透镜阵列调制过的热释电红外传感器阵列的目标模型,并利用短时傅里叶变换(STFT)对仿真信号模型进行了预处理。

    Secondly , we established the target model while human targets are walking through the Fresnel fiber array modulated pyroelectric infrared sensor array and preliminary processing of the simulated signal model using the short-time Fourier transform ( STFT ) .

  7. 结果表明,采用辐射聚合方法制备菲涅尔透镜时,选择适宜的辐射剂量(35kGy)和辐射剂量率(84.40Gy/min),所制备的菲涅尔透镜具有优异的光学性能。

    The results showed that fresnel lens prepared by radiation means have excellent optical performance , when choosing appropriate radiation dose ( 35kGy ) and radiation dose rate ( 84.40Gy / min ) .

  8. 新型菲涅尔透镜模板数控加工技术研究棱镜式双目望远镜。

    Research of New Type Fresnel Lens Template CNC Machining Technology ;

  9. 特殊面形的菲涅尔透镜的设计与分析

    The design and analysis of Fresnel lens with a special profile

  10. 菲涅尔透镜光学系统在弹道测量中的应用

    The Applications of Fresnel Lens Optical Systems in Ballistic Measurements

  11. 菲涅尔透镜统一设计方法

    A general method for Fresnel lens design

  12. 通过实验,分析了菲涅尔透镜在提高太阳能利用率时的各种损失因素。

    Various loss factors which may occur when the Fresnel lens is used to improve the utilization of solar energy are analyzed experimentally .

  13. 以菲涅尔透镜工艺模型建立为例,说明了工艺模型的建立方法。

    By taking the element model establishment of Fresnel lenses for example , the method to establish the model of element technology is described .

  14. 利用该技术成功制作了5×5达曼光栅、8台阶闪耀光栅和菲涅尔透镜。

    Using digital mask technology , 5 × 5 Dammann grating , eight levels blazed grating , and eight levels Fresnel lens are made successfully .

  15. 采用静压主轴、静压导轨、气浮轴承等高新技术,对菲涅尔透镜模具进行精密加工。

    Using new technologies of static pressure bearing , static pressure guide and gas bearing , the mold of fresnel lenses mirror was precisely manufactured .

  16. 基于太阳能空气加热系统的基本理论,设计了利用菲涅尔透镜点聚焦方式来聚焦集热的聚光器,提高了聚光集热系统的光学效率。

    Based on the basic theory of solar air heating system , the design is the use of Fresnel lens point focusing way is focused on the condenser of the collector , improves the optical efficiency of concentrated heating system .

  17. 根据所提出的两级菲涅尔透镜聚光方案,建立了菲涅尔透镜几何光学分析模型,通过仿真计算,获得了不同偏角下的静态聚光光斑的位置,能量密度,光强分布特性。

    ( 3 ) With the designed two stages Fresnel lens system , optical model of Fresnel lens is presented and simulated . The position of focus spot at different deviation angle , energy density and radiation distribution are achieved .

  18. 用反应离子刻蚀技术制作Ge菲涅尔微透镜列阵

    Make of ge fresnel microlens arrays using reaction ion etching technology

  19. 分析表明,焦移的大小与菲涅尔数、透镜-光阑的分离程度以及入射波波面曲率半径等因素有关,并得出了消除焦移的条件。

    The analysis that the size of the focal shift is related to the factors such as Fresnel number , separating degree of lens-diaphragm and curvature radius of incident wave wavefront , etc.

  20. 并且,尽管还必须有一个含有目镜(也是一种运用菲涅尔视觉的特殊透镜,也是一种记录图像的相机)的卫星在焦点上运行,所需要的精准度也只是百分之一米。

    And although a second satellite containing the eyepiece ( a special lens that also uses Fresnel optics , and a camera to record the image ) must fly at the focus , the accuracy required is only hundredths of a metre , not billionths .

  21. 并且,尽管还必须有一个含有“目镜”(也是一种运用菲涅尔视觉的特殊透镜,也是一种记录图像的相机)的卫星在焦点上运行,所需要的精准度也只是百分之一米。

    And although a second satellite containing the " eyepiece " ( a special lens that also uses Fresnel optics , and a camera to record the image ) must fly at the focus , the accuracy required is only hundredths of a metre , not billionths .