
  • 网络CCI;co-channel interference;co-channel;In-Band Interference
  1. 移动WiMAX系统同频干扰抑制导频优化设计方法

    Pilot Design for Co-channel Interference Suppression in Mobile WiMAX System

  2. PHS系统在同频干扰下的网络容量分析

    Capacity Analysis of a Personal Handling System under Co-Channel Interference

  3. 直接序列扩频系统抗同频干扰的MATLAB仿真

    Simulation of DSSS System with Co-Channel Interference by MATLAB

  4. 用GPS技术解决森林防火通信系统中同频干扰的研究

    Use GPS Technique for Solving the Problem of Shared Frequency Interference in Forest Fire-Alarm Communication System

  5. 综合信道估计和卷积码的CDMA同频干扰消除技术

    CDMA Co channel Interference Cancellation Utilizing Pilot Symbol Aided Channel Estimation and Convolutional Codes

  6. WLAN分布式同频干扰避免新方法

    A New Distributed Interference Avoidance Algorithm for WLAN

  7. TD-SCDMA系统中相邻小区同频干扰问题的解决方案

    The Solutions to the Problem of Same Frequency Interference Among inter-cells in TD-SCDMA System

  8. 国标双模数字电视PAL同频干扰消除算法研究

    PAL Co-channel Interference Cancellation in GB Dual-mode DTV

  9. 如何设计有效的检测算法来抑制同频干扰是MIMO检测研究的一个重点。

    To mitigate the ICI , how to design an effectively detection algorithm is one of key tasks of MIMO detection research .

  10. 跟踪与数据中继卫星Ku频段的同频干扰分析

    TDRS Ku Band Shared Frequency Interference Analysis

  11. 采用OFDM的好处是可以保证小区内部频率都是正交的,小区内部的干扰可以忽略不计,所以小区的干扰来源主要是同频干扰。

    The benefit of OFDM is to ensure the orthogonality so that the intra-cell interference can be ignored , so the main interference is ICI .

  12. 在多小区无线局域网(WirelessLocalAreaNetworks,WLAN)中,由于存在小区间接入访问点同频干扰,以及小区间同频用户干扰,其系统性能与单小区网络具有很大不同。

    In multi-cell Wireless Local Area Networks ( WLAN ), co-channel interference between access points , and interference between co-channel users located in neighbored cells are existed , which lead the system performance different from the situation in a single-cell WLAN .

  13. 文中分析了蓝牙设备在微微网干扰下的数据传输情况,具体分析了ACL数据分组在微微网同频干扰下的丢包率及吞吐量。

    The data transmission performance of Bluetooth is analyzed , including the Packet Error Rate ( PER ) and throughput of ACL data packet under the inter-piconet interference .

  14. 随着频谱利用率的提高,同频干扰(Co-ChannelInterference,简称CCI)逐渐取代了高斯噪声成为影响通信质量的最主要因素之一。

    As the spectral efficiency increases , the co-channel interference ( CCI ) gradually replaces the Gaussian noise and becomes one of the most important factors which affect the communication .

  15. 这种阵列扩展方法和同频干扰抑制算法能在较低信噪比(0dB)以下工作,并且能实现2-D参数的自动配对。

    The method and the algorithm can work under lower SNR , ( OdB ), and the 2-D parameters can be automatically paired .

  16. 该方法可以灵活方便地得到符合特定频谱要求的成形脉冲,能抑制UWB系统与窄带通信系统之间的同频干扰。

    It is flexible and easy to get UWB shaping pulses , which not only can comply with the requirement of a special spectrum mask , but also can suppress the co-channel interference between UWB and the existing narrow band systems .

  17. 通过基站端良好的基于子载波信道的预处理矢量设计,将下行多用户MIMO系统转换为并行独立的单用户MIMO系统,确保每终端用户同频干扰的良好去除。

    Through the perfect design of transmit preprocessing weights based on the subcarrier channel at the transmitter , this scheme decomposes the multiuser MIMO downlink system into parallel independent single-user MIMO downlink system and assures the good elimination of co-channel interference at each mobile terminal .

  18. 在LTE-A多小区全频复用的构架下,同频干扰是制约系统性能提升的一个瓶颈,而多小区协同是一种抵抗同频干扰的有效手段。

    In the configuration of LTE-A multi-cell with spectrum reuse factor of 1 , the co-channel interference is one of bottlenecks for enhancing the system performance , while coordination of multi-cell is an effective way to counteract this impact .

  19. 本文提供了有关带宽、端到端时延、切换潜伏期、丢包数以及时延抖动的性能表征结果,并探讨了UMTS下的同频干扰和有无干扰下的性能区别。

    The results with respect to bandwidth , end-to-end delay , handoff latency , packet loss and delay jitter are presented to provide thorough investigation of UMTS . Additionally , we discuss the impact of co-channel interference and compare the performance in the situation with and without interference .

  20. 感应无线数据通信中同频干扰抑制

    Suppression of Similar Frequency Noise in Data Transmission by Induction Radio

  21. 采用多波束智能天线的蜂窝移动通信系统同频干扰的分析

    Cochannel Interference in Cellular Mobile System using Switched Beam Smart Antennas

  22. 基于时空处理的阵列扩展及同频干扰抑制

    Array extension based on time-space processing and suppression of same-frequency interference

  23. 一种消除雷达同频干扰参差电路的设计

    A Diverse Circuit to Eliminate Radar Disturbance of Pulse Repeat Frequency

  24. 硅谐振梁式微传感器同频干扰的研究

    Research on the Same Frequency Disturbance of the Silicon Resonant Beam Microsensor

  25. 扩散硅谐振式压力传感器同频干扰的建模与消除

    Model and Elimination for Co-Channel Interference in Diffused Silicon Resonant Pressure Sensor

  26. 同时提出了抑制同频干扰的算法。

    Meanwhile , an algorithm is presented for suppression of same-frequency interference .

  27. 舰艇编队监视雷达间的同频干扰分析

    Analysis of Shared-frequency Interference among Surveillance Radars in Ship Formation

  28. 降低蜂窝移动通信系统同频干扰的方法

    Demoting the interference from the same channels in the mobile cellular telecommunications system

  29. 卫星移动通信系统用户上行链路同频干扰分析

    Interference analysis in user uplink of mobile satellite system

  30. 抑制同频干扰的基本理论与方法

    Fundamental Theory And Method of Restrain Identical Frequency Disturbance