
  • 网络synchronous bus
  1. 用PLD构成高速RS&485同步总线接口

    High-Speed RS-485 Synchronous Bus Interface Formed by PLD

  2. FPDP总线为32位的并行同步总线,提供多块VME总线板之间的高速数据传输,总线设计不允许地址信息传递。

    The FPDP bus is a 32 bit parallel synchronous bus intended to provide high speed data transfer among multiple VME bus boards . The FPDP bus design does not allow for the transmission of address information .

  3. 高速同步总线的时序设计

    Timing Design of High Speed Synchronous Bus

  4. 给出了分布式控制方案中相位同步总线和均流总线的物理实现方法。

    The physical implementation methods of the phase synchronization bus and the current-sharing bus have been given .

  5. 主要讨论了微处理器的总线分类,分析了同步总线和异步总线的时序特点和使用要点,并介绍了接口相关电路。

    In the paper , we firstly discuss the sort of microprocessor bus , and analyse the sequential features and applications of synchronous bus and a synchronous bus . Finally , the paper introduces and designes the relevant interface circuits .

  6. 基于SDLC协议的同步RS485总线控制器的设计

    Design of Synchronous RS 485 Bus Controller Based on SDLC Protocol

  7. I2C总线是一种两线制同步串行总线,由于其接口简单、运行可靠,得到了广泛应用。

    I ~ 2C-bus is a kind of two-wire bus with synchronous serial communication .

  8. 设计中采用了异步先进先出来同步APB总线和I2C总线之间的数据交换。

    Asynchronous First In First Out ( FIFO ) is adopted to synchronize data transfer between APB bus and I2C bus .

  9. MICROWIRE总线与SPI总线是目前应用非常广泛的两种同步串行总线,由于两种总线协议的不完全兼容性,造成许多设备之间无法进行通信。

    Nowadays , the MICROWIRE bus and the SPI bus are widely used in electronic equipment . However , the incompatibility of the two bus protocols makes it impossible to communicate between some equipment using different protocols .

  10. 采集的四路同步信号经过PCI总线传到DSP处理。

    The four synchronous signals of data collection cards are processed by DSP through PCI bus .

  11. 机液同步装置的STD总线微机控制

    The Microcomputer Control System with STD Bus for Mechanic Hydraulic Synchronous System

  12. 采用了基于多周期同步法的PCI总线频率卡与工业控制微机接口,进行频率测量。

    It measures the frequency by PCI card which is base on the method of multi-period synchronization .

  13. 目前存在用于实现同步ESB和消息总线(简化的异步ESB)的标准和模式。

    Standards and patterns exist today for implementing a synchronous ESB and a message bus that is a simplified asynchronous ESB .