
suí jī xìnɡ xiào yìng
  • stochastic effect
  1. 借助细胞遗传学手段,观察职业人员的生物细胞遗传毒性效应,可以反映辐射所致随机性效应的风险以及个体对辐射的敏感度。

    With the aid of the cytogenesis method , observations of cell genetic toxic effects in occupation population may reflect the risk of stochastic effect from radiation as well as the individual radiosensitivity .

  2. 癌症及遗传效应(也称随机性效应)。

    Cancer and heritable effects ( also called stochastic effects ) .

  3. 剂量和剂量率对辐射随机性效应的影响&剂量和剂量率效能因子

    Influence of dose and dose-rate on stochastic effects of radiation & dose and dose-rate effectiveness factor

  4. 第六章以正态分布和均匀分布的市场需求为例,通过改变其均值和方差等因素研究了市场需求的随机性对牛鞭效应的影响。

    The sixth chapter takes market demand which have normal distribution or uniform distribution as an example and then it demonstrates the dialectical relationship between related factors such as mean and variance and bullwhip effect .

  5. 由于风能的随机性及气动效应的影响,风电系统具有强非线性,动态过程较快等特点,传统的控制方法难以实现高精度控制。

    But because of the random of the wind and the effect of pneumatic , wind turbine is nonlinear , it is hard to be controlled exactly by traditional controllers .