- 名stochastic primer labeling

The comparison between PCR and random primer labeled method
Methods Detection was carried out by slot blot and southern blot , using Cm resistance gene labeled with ~ ( 32 ) P by random primed method as the probe . CAT and MIC were exploited as the marker of drug resistance .
The EC of all groups were hybridized , insitu , with the digoxigenin-labeled MIP-1 α and VCAM-1 cDNA probes .
Random primer extension radiolabeled DNA probe and its application
Technological Improvement of Southern Blot Using Digoxigenin-labeled Probes with Random-primed Method
The Study on Hybridizing Efficiencies of cDNA Probes Labeled with PCR Priming and Random Priming
Whereas the random oligonucleotide labelling is more suitable for genomic DNA probe and the labelling efficiency could be increased by prolonging the labelling time appropriately .
METHODS : The expression and distribution of perforin mRNA in the local infiltrated cells were detected by in situ hybridization using a dig labeled perforin cDNA probe in liver biopsy tissues .
Results and conclusion : Taq DNA Polymerase labeling method is as efficient as Klenow fragment random primer DNA labeling system .
However , the essential content of law has its own form which is the inner structural character . coli Klenow fragment random primer DNA labeling system served as control .
The effects of double primers RAPD was analyzed .
The nucleic acids of the selected viruses were amplified and labeled by random-primer PCR method , and then were hybridized with the respiratory virus detection DNA microarray . The microarray were scanned after hybridization and washing , and the results were analyzed .
The whole HBV DNA sequences were labelled by random primer incorporation of Digoxigenin - labelled dUTP , and compared with ~ ( 32 ) P-labelled probe by nick translation .