
  • 网络Randomize Samples;Random sampling;random sample;stochastic sampling
  1. 然后对源IP地址和源端口进行统计,分别采用均匀随机采样、AMS算法以及本文提出的算法分别估算网络信息熵。

    Then , network information entropy is evaluated using the uniform random sampling , AMS algorithm and the proposed hybrid algorithm respectively .

  2. 方法对浙江工商大学入学1周内的大一新生,在统一培训的医务人员指导下,采用SCL-90症状自评量表进行随机采样分析。

    Methods Conded study was by random sampling and under the guidance of specially trained medical personnel by using the Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) .

  3. 该算法首先从原始数据集中随机采样,得到k×N个元素的采样集合,再从该采样集合中查找从大到小的第N个元素;

    The algorithm first constructs a sampling set of ( k × N ) elements by randomly sampling the original dataset .

  4. 通过检测角点获得耳朵特征点,讨论了采用随机采样一致性(RandomSampleConsensus,RANSAC)算法进行基础矩阵求解以自动匹配特征点时出现的问题。

    Use corner detection algorithm to get ear features , discuss the problem of using random sample consensus ( RANSAC ) algorithm to solve fundamental matrix for automatic ear feature matching .

  5. 对三维模型上的一点P,在P周围随机采样一些点,对这些点计算形状函数值,得到的形状函数值的分布就是局部形状分布。

    For a vertex P on the mesh of the 3d model , we sample some points randomly around P at first . Then , calculate shape function values for these points . The distribution of the shape function values is the local shape distribution .

  6. 针对液压腐蚀疲劳试验测控系统对可靠性的要求,提出了一种基于随机采样FFT加权算法的测控方法。

    Considering the demand of reliability on measuring and controlling system of corrupt fatigue experiments powered by oil-pressure , A kind of methods of FFT weighted computation of random sample is put forward .

  7. 通过实验测试,证明这两种主动学习算法在达到目标正确率时所需的标注代价小于传统的随机采样、Uncertainty采样和QBC采样算法。

    The experiment shows that these two proposed algorithm can achieve the target accuracy with fewer labeling cost than traditional random sampling , Uncertainty sampling and QBC sampling algorithms . 6 .

  8. RMSE极差最小为模拟退火和分层随机采样模式。

    With respect to the ranges of RMSE , the minimum RMSE can be achieved by the simulated annealing sampling model and stratified random sampling model .

  9. 主要分析了双A/D分相数字化实时采样方式下和等效时间随机采样方式下采集模块的工作原理及波形重建的方法,并简单介绍了监控软件流程及FPGA在本设计中的应用。

    It analyses the principle and methods of waveform reconstruction of the data acquisition module under double A / D parallel time-interleaved real-time sampling mode and random sampling mode . It also illustrates the flow of the monitoring software and the application of FPGA technology in this design .

  10. 然后用RANSAC随机采样算法对标定板上的点和图像上的点进行匹配。

    At last , the points in image with the target point in calibration board were matched with the help of RANSAC random sampling algorithm .

  11. 随机采样药物损失量高于4ml定量溶媒溶解及冲洗1次空药瓶和输液瓶的药物损失量。

    It also showed that the drug loss was more in randomly using solvent than that in quantitatively solvent dilution and rinsing the empty ampule and infusion bottle once .

  12. 另一种是基于激光测距数据的MonteCarlo定位方法,其基于随机采样策略来表示机器人位姿状态的概率分布,最终利用概率统计方法获得机器人位置的信度。

    The other localization method is Monte Carlo Localization ( MCL ) based on laser scanning data . By using this method , the distribution of robot poses can be represented based on a set of samples and the belief of mobile robot can be calculated by statistical algorithm .

  13. 首先把拉丁超几何体采样与普通随机采样在LU分解算法中的表现进行比较,然后把基于拉丁超几何体采样的LU分解法应用于空间直观森林景观模型LANDIS的模拟。

    Latin Hypercube sampling is first compared with a common sampling procedure ( random simple sampling ) in LU decomposition simulation . Then it is applied to the investigation of uncertainty in the simulation results of a spatially explicit forest model , LANDIS .

  14. 应用禽网状内皮组织增殖病病毒纯化抗原和抗REV单克隆抗体建立了改良阻断ELISA用于鸡血清中REV抗体检测,并对北京地区鸡群中随机采样的36份血清样本进行了检测,阳性率为5.6%。

    Avian reticuloendotheliosis virus ( REV ) was purified and monoclonal antibody against REV was used . A modified bloking ELISA was developed for the detection of antibody in chicken sera against REV.36 serum samples collected randomly from chicken flocks in Beijing were tested by the blocking ELISA .

  15. 以随机采样的方式,从湖北、湖南和江西3省10县的柑橘产区收集242份温州蜜柑(CitrusunshiuMarc.)、橘(C.reticulataBlanc.)、甜橙(C.sinensisOsb.))和柚(C.grandisOsb.)样品。

    242 samples of satsuma mandarin ( Citrus unshiu Marc ), tangerine ( C. reticulata Blanc ), sweet orange ( C. sinensis Osb . ) and pummelo ( C. grandis Osb . ) were randomly collected from ten counties of Hubei , Hunan , and Jiangxi .

  16. 高速数据采集系统中的差拍和随机采样技术

    Beat and Random Sampling Techniques in High Speed Data Acquisition Systems

  17. 最后展望了基于随机采样的运动规划的应用前景。

    Finally , future application of randomized sampling-based motion planning is proposed .

  18. 数字存贮示波器的随机采样原理

    The principle of random sample for digit save oscilloscope

  19. 方法:于生长后期定期随机采样调查。

    Method : Random sampling in late growing period .

  20. 基本矩阵随机采样鲁棒估计

    A Random Sampling Algorithm for Fundamental Matrix Robust Estimation

  21. 随机采样信号重构的快速计算方法

    Rapid calculation for rebuilding information with random sampling signals

  22. 具有自校准能力的随机采样技术的研究

    Research on Random Sampling Method with Self Calibration Capability

  23. 随机采样原理在远程超宽带雷达信号采样中的应用

    Random sampling theory in samples of UWB radar signals

  24. 基于随机采样的机器人双臂协调运动规划

    Randomized Sampling-based Motion Planning Algorithm for Dual-Arm Cooperation

  25. 随机采样法求解周期信号精确值的原理和方法

    Principle and Method for Getting the Precise Values of Periodic Signal by Random Sampling

  26. 综述了基于随机采样的运动规划方法。

    Randomized sampling-based motion planning method is surveyed .

  27. 捷联惯导系统非线性误差补偿的随机采样法

    A Study on the Random Sampling Method for Compensating the Nonlinear Errors in Inertial Navigation

  28. 一类伪随机采样序列的复杂度

    The Complexity of Some Pseudo-Random Decimated Sequences

  29. 基于嵌入式的随机采样系统设计

    Design of Embedded Random Sampling System

  30. 一类伪随机采样序列的互相关特性

    An Intercorrelation Performance of Pseudo-randon Sample