
  • 网络follow-up;follow up;wait-and-see
  1. 复习78例胸部淋巴瘤的CT扫描和同期的胸部X线片,观察CT扫描对胸部淋巴瘤的诊断、分期及随诊的价值。

    CT scans and chest radiographs of 78 cases of intrathoracic lymphoma were reviewed for demonstrating the role of CT in the diagnosis , staging and follow-up .

  2. 结论:肝转移瘤主要为结节状和普通型,但尚有其他少见形状和类型,MRI扫描和临床随诊可提高诊断的准确性。

    CONCLUSIONS : Most liver metastases are nodular in shape , and present as common pattern , but some uncommon types also exist . MRI scan and clinical follow-up could increase the accuracy of diagnosis .

  3. 直肠癌手术后CT扫描随诊的价值

    Value of CT in Follow-up Postoperative Rectal Carcinoma

  4. 影像学资料包括术前的鞍区薄层骨窗CT扫描和术前、术后、随诊的鞍区磁共振平扫加增强扫描成像。

    Imaging data included preoperative sellar thin bone window CT scanning and preoperative , postoperative sellar MRI scanning and enhanced scan imaging .

  5. 方法对22例无手术史肠梗阻患者的术前CT表现与手术病理和临床随诊对照分析。

    Methods Intestinal obstruction of 22 cases without operation history diagnosed by preoperative CT scanning was retrospectively viewed , and compared with pathologic findings .

  6. 术后随诊复查CT,18个病灶明显缩小,4个病灶内出现坏死组织,4个病灶大小无明显变化。

    Follow-up CT reexamination demonstrated that 18 lesions were obviously diminished , necrosis was found in 4 lesions and remaining 4 lesions had no significant changes in size .

  7. 目的:探讨PET在颅内胶质瘤术后、放射治疗后随诊中的作用。

    This article discussed the clinical value of PET in characterizing and defining residue or recurrences tumors from treatment effects for postoperative and post radiotherapy intracranial glioma .

  8. 149例随诊中PPG进一步降低,85例ECG右心室肥厚术后转为正常,无一例发生再狭窄。

    In 85 patients , right ventricle hypertrophy shown in ECG was disappeared in follow up examination .

  9. 结果:3例患者CT平扫及灌注成像检查均可显示脑梗死灶;6例CT平扫未发现脑缺血灶,灌注成像检查可见病灶,随诊MR检查证实为缺血性脑梗死。

    Results 3 cases show infarction lesions at CT normal plain scanning and perfusion imaging , 6 cases only find lesions on perfusion imaging and diagnosed ischemia cerebral disease on later MRI imaging .

  10. 其中,有9例术后经CT及MRI随诊,肿瘤较术前有不同程度缩小,占39.1%。

    Among them , 9 cases after treatment examinations by CT or MRI showed more or less the reduction of tumors at a certain degree , the rate is 39.1 % .

  11. 方法90例急性胸痛患者,分别测定cTnI、CRP和D二聚体水平后,随诊3个月。

    Methods 90 patients were studied . Levels of serum cTnI , CRP and plasma D dimer were determined 24 hours after hospitalization .

  12. 术后48h内根据患者的休息时间及状况每8~14小时随诊1次,记录目测类比评分、用药量、患者自控静脉镇痛次数及术后镇静程度。

    In 48 hours after operation , every 8-14 hours the patients were followed up once according to the test time and status .

  13. FEV1下降是根据基线数据除以基线与随诊数据的差值计算出来的。

    FEV1 decline was calculated as the difference between baseline and follow-up measure , divided by the baseline figure .

  14. 在宫颈癌的筛查中联合应用HPV检测和细胞学,可以提高敏感性、减少随诊频率,减少不必要的阴道镜检查。

    A combination of HPV testing and Pap smears in cervical cancer screening programs could increase the sensitivity , reduce the frequency of follow-up , and minimize unnecessary colposcopy .

  15. 术后随诊无残余瘘发生。结论选择性冠状动脉造影检查是诊断CAF的金标准;

    No residual shunt was found before patients were discharged from the hospital Conclusions Preoperative selective coronary angiography is the golden standard for the CAF diagnosis .

  16. 方法对11例支气管闭锁患者进行了多层螺旋CT(MSCT)扫描。其中3例经手术证实,6例有支气管镜结果,2例随诊1年以上。

    Methods Eleven patients with CBA , who had histological results in 3 cases , bronchoscopy in 6 cases and more than 1 year follow-up in 2 cases , underwent MSCT with 10 mm slice thickness .

  17. 24例VR图像可以清晰显示病灶的整体轮廓以及其周围的血管集聚情况,其中5例利用CT容积测定软件准确测量肿瘤的体积大小,为随诊观察提供可靠依据。

    VR images in 24 cases could clearly show the whole outline of neoplasms and peripheral collected vessels . Five cases were measured the volume of the whole focus by CT measuring volume software , offering reliable foundation for reexamine .

  18. 方法对42例老年AMI患者行急诊PTCA及支架置入术治疗(PTCA组),48例老年AMI患者行溶栓治疗(溶栓组),比较两组住院与随诊期间的情况。

    Methods The AMI patients were divided into two groups : PTCA group ( 42 cases ), thrombolysis group ( 48 cases ), comparing the situation of the groups while hospitalization and following up .

  19. 术后3~12个月临床随诊仅1例出现短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA);颈动脉双功能彩超检查,1例出现舒张期短流。

    During 3-12 months of clinical follow-up after the operation , only 1 case suffered from transient ischemic attack and 1 case suffered from flow break of blood during diastole detected by the Doppler ultrasound .

  20. 随诊观察期平均8.2m。

    The follow-up period was 8.2 months in average .

  21. 方法采用环孢菌素A(CsA)联合造血细胞因子治疗难治性贫血(MDS-RA)患者19例,定期观察患者外周血象和骨髓细胞形态学、并随诊观察远期疗效。

    Methods 19 cases of MDS-RA were treated with CsA and hematopoietic growth factor , while the changes of blood cells count , bone marrow and long-term therapy effect were observed .

  22. 目的:探讨CA15-3对术后乳腺癌的随诊价值。

    Objective : To study the monitor evaluation of CA 15-3 follow up postoperative breast cancer .

  23. 方法测量67例次超急性期与急性期缺血性脑梗死的DWI图像高信号区和其周围区ADC值,对于超早期脑梗死患者均行MRI随诊至发病48h以后。

    Methods Sixty-seven patients with hyperacute and acute cerebral infarction were divided six groups according to the time of attack . Parameters measured apparent diffusion coefficient ( ADC ) in the DWI high signal intensity region and normal signal intensity just adjacent to high signal intensity .

  24. 方法回顾性分析245例SHA病历,电话或通信随访到71例,描述其病史、症状、体格检查、实验室、影像学、腹腔镜及骨密度检查指标、治疗和随诊情况。

    Methods : 245 cases of SHA were retrospectively analyzed and 71 cases have been followed by phone or letter to describe the history , symptoms , medical examination , laboratory and imaging examination , laparoscopy , bone mineral density , treatment and follow-up .

  25. 方法:门诊就诊的GD甲亢患者86例,均选用ATD治疗,服药时间3~24个月,治疗及停药随诊期间定期复查TT3、TT4、FT3、FT4和TSH。

    Methods : To treat 86 GD patients in clinic with ATD for 3 ~ 24 months , at the same time check the TT_3 , TT_4 , FT_3 , FT_4 and TSH at intervals .

  26. 结果:临床疗效评价:运用T检验术前与随诊时Harris疼痛、行走距离、关节活动度、总分评分差异有统计学意义,P<0.01;

    Results : 1 . There are significant difference on x - rays , pain , walk distance , joint movement , total mark between before operation and at the time of follow - up ( P < 0 . 01 ) . in Harris Hip Score we referred ;

  27. 结果术前正确诊断为垂体Rathke囊肿的仅为7例,术后随诊3月至8年,头痛病人的症状全部缓解,垂体功能紊乱病人55%得到改善,视功能障碍病人75%得到改善。

    Results Before operation , only 7 cases were correctly diagnosed . In 3 months to 8 years of follow-up , symptom of headache were all resolved , pituitary dysfunction were resolved in 55 % and visual interference in 75 % .

  28. 方法27例严重动脉粥样硬化性肾动脉狭窄伴有肾功能不全的患者进行了肾动脉支架置入术(PTRAS),并随诊6~48个月,观察手术对患者肾功能的影响。

    Methods Percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty with stent ( PTRAS ) was performed on 27 consecutive patients with severe atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis for preservation of renal function , and follow-up was conducted for 6 ~ 48 months .

  29. 结论:不规范或不完全的视网膜光凝是导致RVO激光治疗发生玻璃体出血的主要原因,规范的视网膜光凝、定期随诊和眼底荧光造影是保证疗效的关键。

    Conclusions : The main cause of vitreous hemorrhage after laser retinal photocoagulation in patients with RVO was non-standard laser retinal photocoagulation . The key for successful treatment was to perform standard retinal photocoagulation completely , to follow-up regularly and to perform fundus fluorescent angiography regularly .

  30. 超声心动图作为安全、有效、无创的检查方法,一直为先心病术后随诊及评估功能恢复之首选;尤其是sRT-3DE应用于评价左心室容积及功能时快捷、省时且准确性高。

    Echocardiography , as a safe , effective , non-invasive screening method , is a first choice for follow-up clinic and assessment of functional recovery of the congenital heart disease , sRT-3DE applied to check cardiac function is more convenient , much handier and better correlative .