
  • 网络menu;OPTIONS MENU;Select;OPTION
  1. 从编辑选单上选“剪切”项。

    Choose the ' Cut ' option from the Edit menu .

  2. 从“发送”选单中选择“新邮件”。

    Select ' New Mail ' from the ' Send ' menu .

  3. 增加了可能性,对TNVshMenu选单使用自己的字体表。

    Added possibility to use own font table for TN VSH Menu .

  4. 用SSR和ISSR分子标记对候选单片段代换系进行了遗传背景分析。

    This study have analyzed genetic background of candidate SSSLs using SSR and ISSR molecular marker .

  5. 在CPM非稳腔Nd:YAG激光器中用被&被动锁模方法选单脉冲的探讨

    A study on selecting single pulse with passive-passive locked-mode method in the CPM unstable resonator nd : YAG laser

  6. 当鼠标勾选单灯控制区复选按钮时,同理通过串口传输数据,相应的LED点亮,取消勾选后该灯熄灭。

    When the mouse to check the single lamp control area on the check button , the same way to transfer data through the serial port , the corresponding LED lights up , un-check after the light turns off .

  7. 把一个由GaAs光电导开关和激光腔中的普克尔盒组成的正反馈回路,用于YAG激光器中,选单纵模和调Q,获得了稳定可靠的单纵模调Q脉冲。

    The positive feedback loop Composed of a GaAs switch and a pockels Cell is applied for mode-selecting and Q-switching in the Nd : YAG laser . Stable and reliable single longitudinal mode Q-switched pulses have been generated by using this technique .

  8. 此系统包括了Nd:YAG固体脉冲激光器,水冷系统,声光驻波调制器(AOM),染料循环系统,串联普克尔盒选单系统和相应的探测系统。

    This system includes Nd : YAG pulsed laser , water-cooled system , the circulatory dye system , acousto-optic standing wave modulator , Pockels cell system and the corresponding detection system .

  9. 你将被带到编辑版面的设定选单中。

    You will be taken to the General Forum Settings panel .

  10. 从弹出式选单选出你所要的项目。

    Select the option you want from the pop-up menu .

  11. 农用清选单风道横流风机设计方法

    Approach to Method of Designing the Cross-flow Fan Used for Agriculture Cleaner

  12. 基于数字机顶盒的电子选单的设计和实现

    Design and implementation of electronic menu based on digital set-top-box

  13. 基于组合体布拉格光栅选单纵模的技术研究

    The Research of Single Frequency Mode Controled by Assembled Volume Bragg Grating

  14. 公共机房软件选单系统的实现

    The Realization of Software Menu System of Public Computer Room

  15. 基于面向对象方法的选单自动生成系统

    An auto-generation system for menu based on the oriented-object method

  16. 它可以用来选单纵模,单横模等。

    It can be used to menu longitudinal mode , single transverse mode .

  17. 在每个回交世代早期实行前景选择,对经过了前景选择的中选单株在中后期实行背景选择和表型选择。

    On early stage of each backcross generation we carry out foreground selection .

  18. 必须回到主选单,才能换音轨&这可是对遥控器的绝对考验。

    Having to go back to main menu to change a sound track .

  19. 滑鼠右键选单亦提供快速导航功能。

    Fast navigation are also available in context menu .

  20. 有关主题的选单及报告的细节与规定会在学期中另行公布。

    Topics to choose from and more detailed instructions will be distributed in mid-semester .

  21. 请先选择语言,再在左边选单选择登记。

    Select your preferred language , then select registration from the left hand menu .

  22. 使用右键选单来控制控制埠。

    Use context menu to control the port .

  23. 对不起,目前我们只能处理选单上提供的讯息。

    Sorry , currently we can only process greeting messages on the drop down menu .

  24. 你要做的就是在整个赛季中,施用「互动和分析」选单,不停追踪这些个变化。

    Now track all of the changes through the season with interactive menus and analysis .

  25. 请从右边的选单选取您想要观看的优美校景类别。

    Please click on the right menu to watch the beautiful scene of NTNU campus .

  26. 于树状图右键选单中,点击新增资料夹。

    To add a new folder , right-click on blank area and click Add a new folder .

  27. 你要求的目录代号不正确,请由网站的选单中浏览网页。

    The index of category what you requested is incorrect . Please visit page by selecting menu .

  28. 离心风机的旋转脱流及其风道振动农用清选单风道横流风机设计方法

    Rotating Stall and Vibration of Centrifugal Fan Approach to Method of Designing the Cross-flow Fan Used for Agriculture Cleaner

  29. 在下拉选单选择「自我解压档」,并按下图作设定。

    Choose " Self-extracting archives " from the pull down menu , then make settings referring to the following figure .

  30. 在重播工具的选单,玩家可以选择「储存为电影档」按钮来叫出储存选项对话框。

    In the Replay menu , the player can select the'Save to Movie'button to bring up the Save options dialog .