
shān chú jiàn
  • delete key
  1. 我选定了一个文件,按下了删除键。

    I selected a file and pressed the Delete key .

  2. 他按了删除键。

    He pressed the delete key .

  3. deletekey:删除键和值。

    Delete key : Delete the key and the value .

  4. 玛丽:不要!等等!您按下删除键了。

    Mary : No ! Wait ! You pushed the delete button .

  5. 从偏好设定删除键和它对应的值。

    Removes key and its corresponding value from the preferences .

  6. 当他们不停的按删除键的时候,他们一定会想起你的。

    They 'll be thinking of you as they keep hitting that delete button .

  7. 如果这样的话,用删除键从分析仪谱图菜单里删除趋势图。

    If so , delete trendings from the ANALYSE CHROMATOGRAM MENU with the delete button .

  8. 您可以从全局上下文中获取、放置、列出和删除键。

    You can get , put , list , and delete different keys from the global context .

  9. 在这个法律下,上述公司要给年轻用户看得见的全部删除键。

    Under the law , those companies would have to give young users a virtual delete all button .

  10. 幸运的是,梅耶尔的手指没有按到删除键,而是不小心打开了邮件。

    Luckily for Mayer , her finger missed the delete key and she ended up opening the pitch instead .

  11. 它只是执行代表用户按下删除键的命令,最后由编辑器执行并删除所选内容。

    Instead it just raises the command which represents the user hitting the delete key which is eventually handled by the editor and deletes the selection .

  12. 然后,随着光标在屏幕上闪动,他按下了删除键,直到患者名字里的每一个字母在搜索栏被清除得干干净净。

    Then , with the cursor blinking before us , he pressed the backspace key , keeping it pinned until there were no more letters for the cursor to gobble up .

  13. 在任何情况下,您都可以添加和删除键(编辑器左侧),以及创建或更改任何键的绑定关系(编辑器右侧)。

    In any case , you can add and remove keys ( on the left side of the editor ) and create or change the bindings of any key , as well as remove a binding ( on the right side of the editor ) .

  14. 如果不匹配,那么就不删除这个键,并返回false。

    If there is no match , the key isn 't removed , and false is returned .

  15. 在调用时,只有当键映射到指定的值时才从map中删除这个键。

    When called , it will only remove the key from the map if the key is mapped to the specific value .

  16. delete(key[,time])&从缓存中删除此键/值对。

    Delete ( key [ , time ] ) & Deletes the key / value pair from the cache .

  17. Python对象的属性行为就像是一个可在运行时向其添加新键和删除旧键的关联数组。

    The attributes of a Python object behave like an associative array to which new keys can be added , and old ones deleted , during runtime .

  18. 删除注册键:需要根目录和子键。

    Delete registry key : both root and subkey are required .

  19. 读取、写入、创建或删除注册表键和值。

    Read , write , create , or delete registry keys and values .

  20. 定位到下面所示的(注册表)键并删除该键

    Navigate to the following key and delete it

  21. 单击第三列,再单击标题栏,然后按“删除”键。

    Click the third column , then click on the header bar , and press the delete key .

  22. 但“删除”键仍是网络使用者用于对付垃圾广告入侵者最惧怕的杀敌武器。

    The " delete " key may still be Internet user 's greatest weapon against these inbox invaders .

  23. 话说,当你写网络介绍,在提交这前,都可以用“删除”键和“编辑”键来保证其正确性。

    Back when you were plotting your online profile , the delete key and edit function bailed you out of blunders before posting to the cyber-nation .

  24. 也可以用这种方法更新甚至删除注册表键,虽然从远程注册表删除键是非常危险的。

    It is also possible to update and even delete registry keys in this fashion , although deleting keys from a remote registry can be very dangerous .

  25. 您也可以删除键盘快捷键。

    You can also remove keyboard shortcuts .

  26. 要从ServerExplorer树中删除表,右键单击树中相应的表节点,然后选择Delete选项。

    To delete tables from the Server Explorer tree , right-click on the appropriate table node in the tree , and choose the Delete option .

  27. 当事务结束时,删除对应的范围键。

    When a transaction ends , the corresponding scope key is removed .

  28. 在“当前快捷键”框中,单击要删除的键盘快捷键。

    In the current keys box , click the keyboard shortcut that you want to remove .

  29. 删除函数略微有些复杂,因为我们还想删除正在删除的键的反向映射。

    Deletions are a little more complex , because we also want to delete the reverse mapping for the key we 're deleting .

  30. 最后,删除映射的办法是使用del操作符以及应该从容器中删除的键。

    Finally , you delete a mapping by using the del operator along with the key that should be deleted from the container .
