
  • 网络base unit;basic unit;basic element;primitive;elementary entity
  1. Web服务作为面向服务的体系结构(ServicesOrientedArchitecture,SOA)的一个基本单元,它对服务构建的质量的好坏产生了很大的影响。

    As a basic unit of Services Oriented Architecture ( SOA ), Web Services has a great affect about the quality of service .

  2. 它是SCA系统内的松散耦合组合的基本单元。

    It is the basic unit of loosely-coupled composition within a SCA System .

  3. 第三章详细介绍了爱立信公司ENGINE解决方案的具体内容、基本单元、信令标准、方案优点及其在世界范围的应用。

    Charter 3 introduces the detailed content , basic components , signaling standard , solution advantage of ENGINE , and its marketing situation .

  4. 提出一个面向曲面NC加工刀位计算的曲面离散基本单元模型及其误差控制方法。

    This paper presents a new discrete model of NC path generation for free form surface machining .

  5. 本文探讨了一种新的CMOS三值逻辑系统,建立了一套完备的CMOS三值逻辑基本单元电路。

    A new CMOS three & valued logic system is discussed . Some CMOS three-valued logic unit circuits are designed .

  6. 而网络课程又是实施现代远程教育目标的基本单元和核心,因此基于Web的网络课程开发正成为研究的热点。

    Since the network course is the basic unit and nuclear of implementation of the modern long-distance education , the network course based on Web has became a hot issue among researchers .

  7. 首先介绍了构成MOSFETC网络的基本单元电路,MOSFETC积分器、放大器及相加器;

    First , the basic builing blocks of MOSFET C system such as MOSFET C integrators , amplifiers , and adders are in - troduced ;

  8. 区域是GIS空间分析的基本单元。它是环境科学、土壤科学等领域中广泛存在的一类地理实体。

    Region is one basic unit of spatial analysis in GIS applications , which is a kind of entity existing widely in many fields such as environment science , land information science and so on .

  9. 知识点是教学活动过程中传递教学信息的基本单元,知识点之间的关系可用一个总体树/局部图的组织模型来表示,这与XML文档的树形结构相合。

    Knowledge point is the basic unit to transfer teaching information in teaching course , its relations can be expressed with a whole-tree / part-graph organizing model , which corresponds to the tree structure of XML document .

  10. 综述了近年来以HBT、MESFET及HEMT为基本单元的GaAs超高速集成电路的发展情况,并对其市场的应用作一介绍。

    This paper describes the recent development of GaAs very high speed IC , the basic unit are MESFET , HBT and HEMT , also introduces the market of it .

  11. 基准电压源是模拟集成电路中的基本单元,它在SOC、ADC、DAC、传感器和通信电路以及存储器等领域有广泛应用。

    Reference voltage source is analog integrated circuits in the basic unit of its SOC , ADC , DAC , sensor and communication circuits , as well as the areas of memory are widely used .

  12. 在UML1中,规范性的基本单元是由元模型的包定义的,包含了差不多成百个可能的组合。

    In UML1 , the basic units of compliance were defined by the packages of the metamodel , with literally hundreds of possible combinations .

  13. 超前进位加法器基本单元电路及其组合方案的优化设计

    Optimizing Design of Basic Circuit Unit and Combination Scenario of CLA

  14. 县域经济是我国国民经济中的基本单元。

    County economy is a basic unit within our national economy .

  15. 谈谈电化学中基本单元选取的几个问题

    A Discussion on some problems of fundamental unit selection in electrochemistry

  16. 主要工作概括如下:1系统地研究了常用微波无源器件结构中若干通用基本单元的模式匹配分析方法。

    Systematically analyzed a series of key blocks by mode matching method .

  17. 课程是实现培养目标的基本单元。

    Curriculum is a primary unit for realizing training goal .

  18. 给出了可拓知识表示的形式化语义,其基本单元是知识物元;

    The basic element of the former is knowledge matter element model .

  19. 荒溪生态系统是流域研究和管理的基本单元。

    Torrent ecosystem is a basic unit for watershed management and watershed research .

  20. 而这些固定的模块,可以组成基本单元库。

    And a basic cell Library can be built based on these modules .

  21. 都市社区是我国都市社会管理与发展的基本单元。

    The urban community is the basic unit of urban management and development .

  22. 企业中创造价值的基本单元是业务流程。

    The fundamental unit of value creation in an organization is a process .

  23. 人文景观是构成人文地域综合体的基本单元的论断。

    The cultural landscape is the basic unit which constitutes regional human complexes .

  24. 作为分频器的基本单元,锁存器的工作速度直接影响了分频器的性能。

    Latch is the basic unit of frequency divider .

  25. 多电机同步调速系统的基本单元&三闭环调速系统

    Basic Element of Multi-Motor Synchronous Regulating System-Triple-Closed-Loop Regulating System

  26. 因此,本文以车道作为建模的基本单元,提出了一个构建三维可视化道路网络模型的有效方法。

    Therefore , this paper proposes a three-dimensional road data model based on lane .

  27. 土壤团聚体是保持土壤水分和土壤透性的基本单元。

    Aggregates are the basic units holding plant-available water and keeping the soil permeable .

  28. 探讨以这个基本单元为基础的桌椅布置方式所产生的空间尺度。

    Discussion on the basic unit based furniture layout of the resulting spatial scale .

  29. 所设计的电路可以做成单片集成电路,也可以作为一个基本单元应用于大规模集成芯片中。

    The circuit can be used in a intergrated system as a basic unit .

  30. 神经系统是复杂的非线性系统,神经元是其基本单元。

    Nerve system is a complex , nonlinear system whose basic unit is neuron .