
  • 网络Basic processing;base conditioning
  1. 那些特性和属性全都跟分析器与之交互的所有xml文档的基本处理相关,并且包括诸如验证、名字空间处理和实体扩充等内容。

    Those features and properties all related to the basic handling of all XML documents that the parser interacted with , and included such things as validation , namespace handling , and entity expansion .

  2. 我们不是在创建一个完整的像Quicktime那样的API,但是你将可以非常容易地做一些基本处理。

    We aren 't creating a full editing API like Quicktime , but you 'll be able to do the basics very easily .

  3. JAX-WS是核心平台,它使用Tube作为基本处理单元,表示SOAP级别的协议处理代码,如MustUnderstand,WS-Addressing处理。

    JAX-WS , the core platform , uses Tube as a basic processing unit that represents SOAP-level protocol handling code such as MustUnderstand and WS-Addressing processing .

  4. 然而,传统的视频编码过程都是以宏块为基本处理单位,对一整帧图像中的宏块依次进行处理,这使得系统Cache的性能十分低下。

    However , the classical video coding algorithms use macroblock as the basic processing unit and all the macroblocks in a frame should be done sequentially , and such a scheme make the cache performance very low .

  5. 基本处理元件(PE)接收来自其它元件的信号&多端输入.如果这些输入之和足够大,PE就被激发,并激励所有与之相联的其它元件。

    The basic processing element ( PE ) receives multiple inputs from other PEs and if the sum of the inputs is great enough , the PE fires and thus activates all the other PEs to which it connects .

  6. 本文利用细胞神经网络(CNN)的基本处理单元一细胞的分段线性饱和输出特性和相平面分析法实现了线性可分和线性不可分布尔函数。

    The piecewise linear saturation characteristics of cell in a cellular neural network ( CNN ) and phase plane analysis method are used to realize linear separable and nonseparable Boolean expressions .

  7. 通过ERDASIMAGINE遥感处理软件和ARC/INFO地理信息系统软件的使用,完成了遥感影像的几何精校正和各项基本处理及提取了相对应GPS点的遥感和GIS信息,为建模提供了大量的数据。

    By using RS soft ( ERDAS IMAGINE ) and GIS soft ( ARC / INFO ), The satellite image geometry rectification and all kinds of basic handling are finished and the corresponding RS and GIS information are obtained to provide a great deal datas for model .

  8. 在基本处理模式之外,不法原因给付处理机制尚存在着诸多的例外。

    There are many exceptions in addition to the basic performing mechanism .

  9. 特征是数据挖掘的基本处理和分析单元。

    Feature is the basic processing and analysis unit of data mining .

  10. 本论文还研究了生物芯片荧光图像的基本处理技术。

    The basic image processing technique was also included in the dissertation .

  11. 详细阐述了数据采集系统的功能组成及基本处理流程。

    The function and basic process flow of data acquisition system are described .

  12. 在实现许多应用之前,图像分割是最重要的基本处理之一。

    Image segmentation is one of the most crucial procedures before implementing many applications .

  13. 灰度图像基本处理及实现

    The gray image basic processing and realizations

  14. 增加地表处理使小麦单产在保护性耕作基本处理的基础上显著提高,经济效益明显。

    Fourth , yield of wheat was increased largely and better economic benefit was obtained .

  15. 试验数据分析前的基本处理

    Essential Treatment before Analysis of Test Data

  16. 本文阐述了光学信息处理技术中的一项基本处理方法&光学微分处理。

    In this article a basic processing method in optical information processing-optical differentiation processing is discussed .

  17. 建筑地基的基本处理方法

    Common treatment methods of foundation

  18. 密闭空间内的冲击伤医生都应该了解爆炸冲击伤患者的基本处理

    Blast injury in enclosed spaces All doctors should know the basic management of patients injured by explosive blast

  19. 签名的基本处理是通过直接传递给恰当的访问器方法的值自动实现的。

    The basic handling of signatures is automatic , using values passed directly to the appropriate visitor methods .

  20. 本篇主要从建筑设计理论上阐述了坡地建筑设计因素及其基本处理手法。

    This article expounds mainly the design factors of hill building and several fundamental means about them by architectural theory .

  21. 本文的图像基本处理包括阈值分割、获取目标区域、去除噪声。

    In this paper the basic processing of the image including thresholding , obtain the target area and remove noise .

  22. 本文研究了串联差分及双路差分的白光干涉谱数据的基本处理技术。

    The basic data processing techniques of tandem and two-path differential white light interfering spectrum were also included in the dissertation .

  23. 通过简述多种调制方式中频信号数字产生的基本处理方法,提出了一种具体实施方案,并分析了其技术特点。

    This paper discusses the digital generation method for communication IF signals and proposes a concrete implementation resolution and analyzes its technical characteristics .

  24. 基线模型中3条基线度量定理的发现,进一步揭示了信息掩盖程度与基本处理片和过程临时元的定量关系;

    Moreover , three baseline measurement theorems discovered in the baseline model further reveal the quantitative relationships among information annihilation , BPS and TEP .

  25. 第一个阶段是给付人基于不法原因而进行了给付,这是第一个可责难的理由;在基本处理模式之外,不法原因给付处理机制尚存在着诸多的例外。

    There are two stages and reasons to be abused on unlawful cause prestation . There are many exceptions in addition to the basic performing mechanism .

  26. 本文阐述了城市污泥的基本处理方法,从而达到消除污染、保护环境、充分利用的目的。

    This text tells us many ways to solve this problem so that we can remove pollution , protect environment and make good use of waste .

  27. 建立了以特征为基本处理单元的并行成本估算模型,研究了产品设计过程中特征变化对产品成本的影响。

    The concurrent cost evaluation model based on feature is built . The influence of the feature change at design stage on the product cost is studied .

  28. RCBCM算法对不同的冲突类型,采取不同的处理方法;并以两条冲突规则为基本处理对象,在其冲突消除过程中,顺序切割优先级较低的规则的每一维分量。

    The algorithm resolves rule conflicts according to the classification of conflicts . It treats two rules as the basic object and sequentially cuts every dimension of the rules with lower priority .

  29. 结合各碳源脱氮率、耗碳源量以及处理成本,选取基本处理的香樟叶作为最佳纤维素碳源。

    Therefore , according to the nitrogen removal rate , consumption of carbon sources and treatment cost , cinnamomum camphor leaf is considered as the best denitrification carbon source in local region .

  30. 本系统软件首先是通过几个基本处理,例如二值化处理,轮廓提取,灰度变换,边缘检测,细化处理。

    This system software is firstly to pass a few basic processing , for example the black-white processing , the outline picking-up , a transformation of ash , the edge examination , thin processing .