
  • 网络cure temperature;curing temperature;solidification temperature
  1. 再采用刷涂法,并通过对固化温度、时间等工艺参量的控制,分两步合成了聚酰亚胺PI固体薄膜。

    And then adopt the law of brushing , pass the control on craft parameters such as solidification temperature , time , etc , have divided two steps and formated the inferior amine PI solid state membrane of acyl of gathering .

  2. 设计胶粘剂微波固化温度监控仪及其驱动程序。

    The inspecting and controlling meter of micro-wave solidification temperature and its driving program are designed .

  3. PI固化温度及摩擦强度对涂TOP/STN-LCD的影响

    The Effect of PI Curing Temperature and Rubbing Intensity on STN-LCD Cell with TOP Coating Inside

  4. RTM工艺中树脂固化温度与介电性能

    Temperature and dielectric property of resin during RTM process

  5. BMC固化温度场的瞬态分析

    Twinkling_state analysis of temperature field of BMC during curing

  6. 对典型的涂层配方进行DTA分析确定了涂层的合理固化温度。

    From DTA analysis of the coating with typical formulation , the reasonable coating curing temperature was defined .

  7. 使用复合纳米TiO2作催化剂,能显著降低共聚树脂的固化温度。

    The usage of composite nanometer TiO2 as catalyst could markedly decrease the curing temperature of the copolymer resin .

  8. 通过差式扫描量热法(DSC)得出固化温度,并结合固化试验得出固化反应适宜的固化时间。

    Come through the curing temperature by differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ), Curing trial in combination with curing reaction appropriate curing time .

  9. 在相同的固化温度下,UPF树脂的固化速度要快于PF树脂;

    The curing speed of PUF resins is faster than that of PF resins at the same curing temperature .

  10. 在固化温度为145℃,固化时间为2h时,导电胶连接强度达到20MPa。

    The adhesion strength reached 20 MPa when the adhesives cured at 145 ℃ for 2 h.

  11. 研究了板栅合金Sb含量、铅膏硫酸量、固化温度、化成工艺对极板生产过程中废品率的影响。

    The effects of antimony content in grid alloy , sulfuric acid amount in paste , curing temperature and formation process on the scrap rate of plates are investigated .

  12. 用IRSEM和DTA表征了粘接接头固化温度、时间和固化程度的关系以及接头界面的破坏状态。

    IR , SEM and DTA are used to express the relation among curing temperature , time and degree as well as the damage state of adhesive interface .

  13. 通过对醇酸、TDI加成物双组分聚氨酯漆的硬度测定,分析了固化温度、NCO与OH摩尔比对漆膜硬度的影响。

    Through hardness test of alkyd and TDI addict two-component PU coatings , the author analyses the influence of curing temperature and - NCO / OH mole ratio on film hardness .

  14. 若将AR106固化温度提高为160℃,则固化时间可缩短至30min。

    When cured at 160 ℃, the curing time for the former can be shortened to 30 minutes .

  15. 介绍了太阳能电池粘接用EVA胶膜中交联剂(包括交联剂的选择,用量、固化温度及固化时间)对交联度的影响。

    The effects of the selection , add-on , curing temperature and curing time of the cross-linking agent used in EVA adhesive films for solar cells on the degree of crosslinking are studied in the paper .

  16. 随着2,4-EMI用量和固化温度的增加,固化反应速率增加。随着2,4-EMI用量的增大,固化产物玻璃化温度先增大后减小;

    When 2,4-EMI concentration and curing temperature increasing , curing reaction rate increased .

  17. 固化温度对SY-H2胶粘剂性能的影响

    Influence of cure temperature on performance of SY-H2 adhesive

  18. 通过对固化温度、相对湿度两种重要参数的控制,考察了不同固化工艺对铅酸蓄电池的化成电流效率、活性物质利用率及其对Peukert方程中n值和k值的影响。

    Controling of two important parameters involved curing temperature and relative humidity , the influence of several curing technology on formation current efficiency , the utilization of active masses and n , k of the Peukert equation were studied .

  19. 本文基于光栅对拉挤工艺生产FRP筋的过程中的固化温度和由于树脂固化过程中的化学收缩造成的残余应变进行监测,并采用双光栅法实现温度与应变的双参量同时监测。

    In this paper the curing temperature and chemical shrinkage inducing residual strain in FRP bar in pultrusion fabrication process are monitored with fibre Bragg gratings ( FBG ) . Simultaneous monitoring of temperature and strain is implemented by double FBGs .

  20. 测试结石体在不同龄期时的强度,对比固化温度、固化剂掺量、PS模数、PS浓度以及水灰比等因素对结石体强度的影响。

    The mechanical strength of PS-F grouting material is tested at different age and the effect of factors , such as curing temperature , amount of sodium fluosilicate , modulus of PS , concentration of PS and water-ash ratio to strength is also discussed .

  21. 制备一系列不同固化温度和固化时间的涂膜,测定涂膜的耐水性及吸水率,用索氏抽提法测定涂膜的固化交联率,确定了固化条件为固化温度160℃时间40min。

    The curing regularity of film coating is investigated too . A series of coating films of different curing temperature and curing time were prepared .

  22. 纳米TiO2/UPR的固化温度低于UPR,固化时间少于UPR。纳米TiO2/UPR的反应活性高于UPR。

    The nano-TiO_2 / UPR is very different from UPR in reactivity , the solidified temperture of the nano-TiO_2 / UPR is lower than UPR , the solidified time is less than UPR , the reactivity is higher the UPR .

  23. 一种铜粉导电胶,由E51环氧树脂、密胺-脲醛树脂MF,铜粉及少量添加剂组成,固化温度为100℃,体积电阻率≤3.6×10-3Ω·cm,该导电胶可应用在电子工业中。

    The electroconductive adhesive is composed of epoxy resin ( E51 )、 copper powder and a small amount additive , Its curing temperature is at 100 ℃, Its resistivity is ≤ 3.6 × 10-3 Ω· cm . The adhesive can be applied for electron industry .

  24. 最后讨论了SYH2糊状胶粘剂固化温度对胶接试样剪切强度的影响,在固定的固化时间内升高固化温度有助于提高胶接强度,最佳固化工艺参数为130~140℃固化2h。

    Finally , influence of cure temperature on shear strength of SY H2 paste adhesive was discussed . Increase of cure temperature in a given time can improve the bonding strength . Optimal curing parameter was suggested to be from 130 ℃ to 140 ℃ for two hours .

  25. 研究了混合温度及固化温度工艺参数对高燃速HTPB/IPDI推进剂力学性能的影响,在现有的实验条件下随着混合温度升高,推进剂力学性能下降,固化温度升高,推进剂力学性能得到改善。

    The effect of mixing and curing temperature on mechanical properties of high burning rate HTPB / IPDI propellant is studied , The results show that mechanical properties of propellant come down with mixing temperature rising and mechanical performance is improved along with curing temperature ascending .

  26. 改性酚醛树脂的最佳浸渍温度为40~60℃,最佳固化温度为160~180℃,最佳固化压力为0.6~1.5MPa。

    For the new ether phenolic resin , the optimum dipping temperature is 40 - 60 ℃, and the optimum temperature for curing is 160 - 180 ℃ with the curing pressure being around 0 . 6 - 1 . 5 MPa .

  27. 我们发现收缩应力随固化温度直线增加。

    Shrinkage stress was found to increase linearly with cure temperature .

  28. 典型的固化温度范围从125~175℃。

    Typical cure temperatures range from 125 to 175 ℃ .

  29. 用于胶接抢修的微波固化温度监控系统设计

    Design of Inspecting and Controlling Temperature of Micro-wave Solidification Used in Glue-repair

  30. 彩板涂料固化温度曲线的测定

    Determination on curing temperature curve of paints for coloured sheet