
  • 网络Archimedes method
  1. 采用阿基米德方法分别测量了含24%(摩尔分数)B的LiB合金反应完全并经冷挤压后的样品和未经第二次放热反应中间样品的密度,综合分析了以往不同研究者所测量的结果。

    For the 24 % ( mole fraction ) B Li B alloy , the densities of the specimen fully reacted and cold extruded and the specimen without second exothermic reaction were measured , respectively . Several experimental results of previous different researchers were discussed .

  2. 用阿基米德实验方法,采用二次正交回归实验设计,研究了低温铝电解质Na3AlF6AlF3Al2O3CaF2MgF2NaCl体系的密度。

    The density of the Na_3AlF_6 - AlF_3-Al_2O_3-CaF_2-MgF_2-NaCl system was investigated with the Archimedean method based on quadratic orthogonal regression experiments .

  3. 刘徽的计算方法与阿基米德的计算方法相似。

    His estimation is made with a method similar to Archimedes .

  4. 试论阿基米德数学发现方法的定位问题

    On the Orientation of Archimedes ' Method for Mathematical Discovery

  5. 本文推导出了渐开线斜齿圆柱齿轮(渐开线圆柱蜗杆)轴向齿廓的计算公式,并在此基础上提出了用车削阿基米德蜗杆的方法车削渐开线蜗杆的新方法。

    On the basis of which , a new method of turning involute helicoid worm as turning straight sided axial worm is put forward .

  6. 基于SolidWorks的阿基米德蜗杆蜗轮建模方法探讨

    Study on the Method of Modeling Archimedes Worm and Worm Wheel Based on SolidWorks

  7. 这份现在所谓的“阿基米德重写本”,是至今为止人们见过最重要的重写本,因为其中包含了人们所知的唯一一份阿基米德著作,《阿基米德方法》。

    This Archimedes palimpsest , as it 's now called , is by far the most important palimpsest anyone has ever seen , because it contains the only known existing copy of Archimedes ' treatise , called Method .