
  1. 阿丑跟你们阿凶不是一样的方家孙子。

    Aren 't Ah Ch'ou and your Ah Hsiung both Fang grandsons ? ' What became of Armand ? '

  2. 阿丑问,收拾房间要多少时候。但你们最好把行李整理好,以便服务员收拾房间。

    Ah Ch'ou asked how long it would take to straighten up the room . But you 'd better tidy up your belongings so that the housemaid will do up the room .

  3. 鸿渐初回国,家里房子大,阿丑有奶妈领着,所以还不甚碍眼讨厌。

    When Hung-chien first came back to china , the house was spacious and ah ch'ou had a wet nurse to look after him , so that ah ch'ou did not become a nuisance .