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  1. 介绍低温焦油的性质,以及初步蒸馏后与改质沥青混兑,得到合格沥青的过程。

    This paper presents the function of low-temperature tar and the course that gets a qualified asphalt , through the tar of predistiUation mixed with the modified-asphalt .

  2. 中国央行顾问李稻葵也在上述论坛上表示,此次汇改“和2005年的汇改不一样”,2005年汇改后人民币兑美元逐步升值,如今人民币兑美元则可能“双边”浮动。

    Li Daokui , an adviser to the central bank , told the same forum in Shanghai that this " is different from the reform in 2005 " , after which the renminbi appreciated gradually against the dollar ; today , there could be " two-way " movement .