首页 / 词典 / good

  • change;correct;alter;transform;revise
  • 变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。

  • 姓。


(改变) change; transform:

  • 改了主意

    change one's mind;

  • 改荒山为果园

    transform barren hills into orchards;

  • 我们将把日期改到3月28日。

    We'll change the date to March 28th.

  • 英国于1971年2月15日改用十进位币制。

    Britain converted to decimal currency on February 15th, 1971.


(修改) revise; alter; modify:

  • 删改

    amend and correct;

  • 批改

    comment on and correct;

  • 改煤灶

    make alteration in an oven


(改正) rectify; correct:

  • 痛改前非

    thoroughly rectify one's errors;

  • 改错

    correct mistakes


(改换, 后接动词) switch over to (doing sth. else):

  • 改种水稻

    switch over to growing rice;

  • 你下一站得改乘无轨电车。

    You'll have to change to the trolleybus next stop.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 改产

    Gai Chan

  1. 有时,我临场发挥改了词,因为我把原来的词给忘了。

    Sometimes I improvise and change the words because I forget them

  2. 我问威廉是否想改主意,他说:“绝不会。”

    When I asked him if he wanted to change his mind , William said ' No fear . '

  3. 我们把会议改到下周二下午两点好吗?

    Can we rearrange the meeting for next Tuesday at 2 ?

  4. 旅客自机场改乘出租汽车到旅馆。

    Passengers are transferred from the airport to the hotel by taxi .

  5. 改动作曲家原有的符号是亵渎行为。

    It would be sacrilege to alter the composer 's original markings .

  6. 我们已经把中央供热系统由燃油改成了燃气。

    We 've converted from oil to gas central heating .

  7. 结婚时你要改姓氏吗?

    Are you changing your name when you get married ?

  8. 这家机构把它那复杂累赘的名称改得好记一些了。

    The organization changed its cumbersome title to something easier to remember .

  9. 注意一定要让你的邮件改投到你的新住址。

    Make sure you get your mail redirected to your new address .

  10. 马房被别出心裁地改成了办公室。

    The stables have been imaginatively converted into offices .

  11. 我们把楼上改成了办公室。

    We 've converted the upstairs into an office .

  12. 很多小孩口吃,但长大就改过来了。

    Many children stammer but grow out of it .

  13. 他买这个仓库是为了将它改成一个旅馆。

    He bought the warehouse with an eye to converting it into a hotel .

  14. 导演把莎士比亚的戏剧从16世纪的威尼斯改成当代的英国。

    The director transposes Shakespeare 's play from 16th century Venice to present-day England .

  15. 老师把我的座位改在教室的前面。

    The teacher made me move my seat to the front of the classroom .

  16. 他由基督教改信伊斯兰教。

    He converted from Christianity to Islam .

  17. 他们住在由谷仓改成的房子里。

    They live in a converted barn .

  18. 第一个孩子出生后她就从全职工作改为兼职工作。

    She made the switch from full-time to part-time work when her first child was born .

  19. 他改吃素了。

    He 's turned veggie .

  20. 只是将10号衣服改大的话结果往往会很不理想。

    Simply scaling up a size 10 garment often leads to disaster

  21. 俱乐部把会议日期改到1月22号,星期六。

    The club has moved its meeting to Saturday , January 22nd

  22. 不知是出于什么原因,阿尔吉改了名字。

    For reasons best known to himself , Algie changed his name .

  23. 4份全国性日报中有两份将改为周报。

    Two of the four national daily papers are to become weeklies .

  24. 改成用直接借记方式偿还抵押贷款吧。

    Switch to paying your mortgage by direct debit .

  25. 尽管英格兰银行四次出手干预,英镑仍不改颓势。

    The pound continued to sag despite four interventions by the Bank of England

  26. 他决心一改公司保守落后的形象。

    He decided to revamp the company 's provincial image

  27. 英国花了4年时间才将其币制改为十进制。

    It took four years for Britain just to decimalise its own coinage .

  28. 这些裙子被改短了一两英寸。

    The skirts were shortened an inch or two .

  29. 一个人开始把遗嘱改来改去时总让人感到诧异。

    One always wonders when a man starts fiddling about with his Will .

  30. 泰勒再次一改常规地宣布英格兰队将在温布利球场进行训练。

    Taylor announced another departure from practice in that England will train at Wembley