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  • in duōsuo
  • 〔~嗦〕发抖,战栗,如“冷得打~~”(“嗦”读轻声)。

  1. 当你学读书时,你从ABC开始,当你学唱歌时,你从哆咪开始。

    When you read , you begin with ABC , when you sing , you begin with Do , Re , Me .

  2. 维他命B6又叫吡哆辛。

    Vitamin B6 is also called pyridoxine .

  3. 26集的《哆啦A梦》英文版将于今夏在迪士尼XD频道播出,目前播出时间未定。

    Doraemon will air for 26 episodes on the Disney XD channel starting from an unspecified date in the summer .

  4. 目的研究吡哆素L2吡咯烷酮5羧酸酯(MTDX)对雄性大鼠生殖毒性作用的机制。

    Objective To study the mechanism of male reproductive toxicity of metadoxine ( MTDX ) on mice and rats .

  5. 研究了在聚亚甲基蓝修饰的玻碳电极上盐酸吡哆辛(维生素B6)的电化学氧化-还原过程。

    The redox processes of pyridoxine hydrochloride ( vitamin B6 ) at a poly ( methylene blue ) film modified glass carbon electrode ( PMBE ) were studied by electrochemical method .

  6. 王平:假如我们在国外旅行,更容易在异国他哆找到ESPN,因为它在16个国际体育频道拥有全部或部分股份。

    Wang Ping : If we travel abroad , it would be easier to find ESPN in another country , because it owns whole or partial stock for16 inter-national sports channels .

  7. 结论吡哆素L-2-吡咯烷酮-5-羧酸酯在本实验条件对SD大鼠无致畸性,无作用剂量为400mg/kg,发育毒性的无作用剂量小于400mg/kg。

    Conclusion Under the presented experimental conditions , metadoxine has no teratogentic effects on SD rats and the no effect dose is 400 mg / kg . And the no effect dose for the developmental toxicity is less than 400mg / kg .

  8. 他还为今年早些时候上映的日本真人电影《小偷家族》和2014年CG电影《哆啦A梦:伴我同行》制作过中国本土海报。

    He 's also done local posters for " Shoplifters " ( also known as " Manbiki Kazoku " ) , a live-action Japanese movie released earlier this year , and the 2014 CG " Stand By Me Doraemon " film .

  9. 动画片《哆啦A梦》(Doraemon)中的任意门(通过这扇门能把你传送到任何想去的地方),因为我总是四处旅行演出,这真的令人疲倦。

    The Anywhere Door from the Doraemon cartoon [ which transports those who walk through it anywhere they would like to go ] because I always travel a lot to give performances and it 's really tiring .

  10. 格雷特尔很快抬头看了看,哆哆嗦嗦地说起话来。

    Soon Gretel looked up and said in a trembling voice .

  11. 他们正在发起活动,认为电视上应该禁播《哆啦A梦》。

    They are campaigning to ban the popular character from television .

  12. 吲哆美辛-微米铜-聚乙烯复合材料体外释放的研究

    Slow Release of Polyethylene Matrix Composites Containing Copper and Indomethacin in vitro

  13. 我们总是在那里哆哆嗦嗦、但又不是完全不高兴地等着斯蒂菲娜老姑出来。

    There we would wait , in trembling but not altogether unpleasant .

  14. 于是我哆哆嗦嗦地来到他的房间。

    So I went , trembling , to his part of the house .

  15. 哆,一只鹿,一只母鹿。

    Doe , a deer , a female deer .

  16. 哆啦A梦经常驾驶着时光机来来回回。

    Doraemon is often seen piloting the time machine .

  17. 小猴子哆哩哆嗦地答道:“是您,伟大的狮子!”

    The trembling monkey says , " You are , mighty lion ! "

  18. 让我们回头再唱“哆”。

    That will bring us back to doe .

  19. 动画片《哆啦A梦》已经在35个国家播出过,主要是在亚洲地区。

    The animation series has been broadcast in 35 countries , mainly in Asia .

  20. 而丁梅斯代尔牧师却哆里哆嗦地断然推开了那老人的胳臂。

    The minister tremulously , but decidedly , repelled the old man 's arm .

  21. 哆啦A梦时光机的入口在野比(大雄)的课桌抽屉里。

    The entrance to Doraemon 's time machine is in Nobita 's desk drawer .

  22. “是,先生。”奥立弗哆哆嗦嗦地低声答道。

    ' Yes , sir , 'replied Oliver , in a low , tremulous voice .

  23. “哆啦A梦”在致辞中说自己很期待为传播日本文化出一份力。

    In his acceptance speech , Doraemon said he was eager to promote Japanese culture .

  24. 我哆哆嗦嗦地伸手从大衣里摸出了我的诺基亚。

    My fingers shook as I reached into my coat and fumbled for my Nokia .

  25. 亲爱的,唱“哆”。

    Sing me a doh , honey .

  26. 方言语气词也是个大的分支,例如:哈嘞哆等。

    The dialectal modal particles are also a large branching , like HA LEI DUO .

  27. 于1969年开始连载的漫画《哆啦A梦》,如今依然很受孩子们欢迎。

    Having started as a manga in 1969 , Doraemon still appeals to kids today .

  28. 哆西拉嗦咪嗦哆西拉嗦。国产盐酸西替利嗪治疗荨麻疹和过敏性鼻炎的多中心验证研究

    A multicentre compared study of domestic cetirizine hydrochloride in the treatment of urticaria and allergic rhinitis

  29. 聚甲基红膜修饰电极的电化学性质及其对盐酸吡哆辛的伏安测定

    Electrochemical Behaviour of Poly Methyl Red Film Modified Electrode and the Voltammetric Determination of Pyridoxal Hydrochloride

  30. 我蜷缩在桶里,哆哆嗦嗦地侧耳倾听,恐惧和好奇都达到了极点。

    But lay there , trembling and listening , in the extreme of fear and curiosity ;