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  • at first sight;Has shown signs;primera nieve;see sb. for the first time
初见 [chū jiàn]
  • [see sb. for the first time] 初次会见 ;初次面见

  • 初见鲁迅

  1. 但对于学校的政策实行来说,三年的时间却是初见成效的阶段。

    However , it is this " 3-year " coming with the fruitful results at first sight from the perspective of school policy execution .

  2. 人生只若如初见,那么我有如何告诉你。

    If , as has shown signs of life only , I have to tell you how .

  3. 这个想法在他早期的小说中已初见端倪。

    The idea already existed in embryo in his earlier novels .

  4. 那些试验总算初见成效了。

    The experiments have given initial results eventually .

  5. 医源性免疫失调导致初见于皮肤的EB病毒相关B细胞淋巴瘤

    Epstein-Barr virus-associated B-cell lymph-oma in the setting of iatrogenic immune dysregulation presenting initially in the skin

  6. 如今,随着HOPEVI再次被审批通过,城市中混合收入制项目的影响将初见端倪。

    Now , with HOPE VI up for reauthorisation , cities are seeing some results of the mixed-income experiment .

  7. ~(218)Po法寻找隐伏铀矿体初见成效

    Primary results of ~ ( 218 ) po measurement in finding buried uranium ore bodies

  8. BK病毒肾病的发生最初见于肾移植患者中。

    The occurrence of BK virus-associated nephropathy is primarily observed in renal transplant patients .

  9. 随着我国加入WTO后汇率形成机制改革初见端倪,以及经济全球化进程不断加快,汇率风险已经成为我国企业尤其是跨国公司面临的严峻挑战。

    After China became a formal member of WTO and began the exchange rate reform , foreign exchange risk and its management has been a real challenge for Chinese MNCs while globalization sped up .

  10. 相信大家都还记得,1491年,Katherine初见Klaus时的身份就是英格兰的贵族。

    If you remember , Katherine met Klaus when he was living as a nobleman in England in 1491 .

  11. 以CNG和LPG为主要燃料的燃气汽车技术开发已取得阶段性成果,产业化发展格局已初见雏形。

    The development of gas-fuelled automobiles , with CNG and LPG as the main fuels , has seen some initial achievements . The development pattern for the industry has become clear .

  12. 2011年初,微软宣布和诺基亚(Nokia)达成战略合作,如今已初见成效,诺基亚的Lumia系列手机就是其中代表。

    Microsoft announced a strategic partnership with Nokia ( NOK ) in early 2011 , which is bearing fruit , including the lumia line of smartphones .

  13. SO2污染治理是一项复杂的工程,虽然采取的治理措施已经初见成效,但是在晋城市经济发展,人口增长和自身地理位置特点的压力下,要实现彻底治理SO2污染依然任重道远。

    Through control measures have achieve initial success , with the pressure of economic development , population increasing and geographical position characteristics , realizing complete control of SO2 pollution still has a lot of things to be done .

  14. 浙江电网采用国产设备率先建设了6站LD-1型时差雷击定位系统并投入实用,1996年该系统已初见成效。

    LD - 1 time difference lightning location monitoring system made in China for six stations was developed and put into practice for Zhejiang electric power network in 1996 . The system has yielded preliminary results .

  15. 若只初见,便少了哀恸。

    If only strike through , then less would be mourning .

  16. 她初见金字塔时,敬畏之感油然而生。

    Her first view of the pyramid fille her with awe .

  17. 塔里木盆地北部卫星象片解译初见成效

    Initial results of satellite photograph interpretation of the North Tarim Basin

  18. 廖舜康在财务学上付出的努力已初见成果。

    Liu Shun Hong 's love of finance is paying off .

  19. 我们要发展我们的经济,而现已初见成效。

    We will grow our economy ; it is growing already .

  20. 你初见安妮时也是这样吗?

    Did you feel like this when you first met anne ?

  21. 每次两条金鱼相见就像初见一样。

    Each time two goldfish meet is like the first time .

  22. 注意初见和稳定水位的量测。

    Survey shall be performed of initial and permanent water levels .

  23. 对煤巷锚杆支护质量监测的几点初见

    Several views of supporting quality monitoring of tunnel anchor bar

  24. 一切,是否还可以像当初一样,一如人生初见时?

    It just like the first encounter as we meet .

  25. 初见素珊时有何感觉?

    What did you think of Suzanne when you first met her ?

  26. 亼玍,若只如初见。

    Life , if only as in the beginning sees .

  27. 加纳经济调整和改革初见成效

    Initial achievements scored in ghana 's economic adjustment and Reform

  28. 与你若只是初见,又何必感伤这场别离。

    And if you just strike through , why this sad parting .

  29. 城市发展战略对于一个城市的发展起着举足轻重的作用,我国城市发展战略的研究已经初见成效,然而,其中还存在着许多不足之处。

    To a city , the development strategy has a prominent function .

  30. 水利水电科学基金实施初见成效

    Initial results achieved by the science foundation of water resources and hydropower