
  • 网络A missed Date
  1. 特别崇拜仪式发生在每个月的初一和十五。

    Special worship services took place there on the first and fifteenth of every month .

  2. 每逢初一、十五,母子俩便给泥菩萨烧香上供。

    On the first and fifteenth of every month , mother and son burned incense before earthen idols .

  3. 还是你初一我十五,自己也用婚外情来报复?

    Or should she go even further , and take revenge by having an affair of her own ?

  4. 正月初一和十五是庙里接待客人最为繁忙的两天,因为传说这两天佛爷值班。

    The first and15th day of every lunar month are typically the busiest days for temples in terms of guests because tradition dictates these are the days when Buddha is on duty .