
  • 网络Underground situation;love unto waste;The City Below
  1. 罗斯和依丽莎白继续地下情。

    Ross and Elizabeth continue their " secret " romance .

  2. 当时毕加索就要结婚了,比她大30岁,所以他们开始了地下情。

    Picasso was already married , and30 years her senior , so they kept their affair a secret .

  3. 丹尼尔·克雷格和瑞秋·薇姿地下情了几个月,这会儿这段恋情刚刚曝光,结果俩人居然已经走了下一步了。

    Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz have been quietly dating for the past few months , but the two have taken the next step .

  4. 今天,国际货币基金组织前总裁多米尼克·斯特劳斯·卡恩向法院提起诉讼,要求法院禁止一女子出版揭露二人2012年“地下情”的新书。

    Former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn filed suit today to halt the publication of a book by an author sharing details of her 2012 liaison .

  5. 这是一家网络公司对想拥有地下情的已婚人士进行调查得出的结果。Gleeden.com询问了4000名用户的名字来弄清谁非常有可能出轨。一位女发言人说:“我们已经能够分析出在网络上最具代表性的名字“。

    That 's according to an online company which matches married people who want secret flings . Gleeden.com asked a sample 4000 members for their name to find out who 's most likely to stray . A spokeswoman said , " We have been able to analyse the names that are the most represented on the site .