
  • 网络Lands
  1. 他手法敏捷地把牌变没了。

    He used sleight of hand to make the card disappear .

  2. 专营公司或持牌人未经署长同意,不得在前往码头或停泊处的任何进路竖设或准许竖设标志或目的地指示牌。

    A grantee or Licensee shall not erect or permit the erection of signs or destination indicators on any approach to a pier or berth without the consent of the commissioner .

  3. 她熟练地洗着牌,爷们都看呆了

    She shuffles cards expertly , all the guys stare in amazement .

  4. 我已无数次地使用塔罗牌来为企业作直觉策略计划工具和刺激灵感思维。

    I have used tarot numerous times with businesses as an intuitive strategic planning tool and brainstorming process .

  5. 梅赛德斯&奔驰对公众的宣传教育活动包括设计发放海报、与报纸合作发表相关宣传文章,以及在城市的主要人群聚集地的广告牌上安排宣传交通安全内容。

    Our activities to educate the general public have included the design and distribution of posters , the placing of newspaper adverts and the posting of billboards in key city locations .

  6. 就像任何一个出色的辛迪加,塔利亚布先生领导下的nfl也成功地打出了政治牌。

    Like any good syndicate , the NFL under Mr Tagliabue has also mastered politics .

  7. 她很高兴地发现这个广告牌没有了。

    She was glad to discover that the sign was gone .

  8. 我可能很容易地囊括5墩牌。

    I may wrap up 5 tricks easily .

  9. 接待大型团队时地陪的接站牌要写清什么?

    What should a local guide write on the welcome board for receiving a large group ?

  10. 在尽量走自己的牌的同时,如何最大化地挡住对手的牌;

    At the meantime you go , you want to force your opponents to fold as many big cards as possible .

  11. 他眼前的赌桌上放着3个空马提尼瓶子,他用两个肘子支撑着身体,斜倚在桌子边,目不转睛地盯着他的牌。

    There were three empty martini glasses on the table in front of him , and he was leaning forward on both elbows , his gaze focused on his cards .

  12. 结合我国知识产权保护水平和国际贸易政策来考量,理性地评判涉外定牌加工行为的商标侵权问题具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    There is important significance in the theory and the practice that Judge the trademark infringement with a rational attitude which combine the level of intellectual with the policy of the trade .