
  1. 预计公司将公布“英雄联盟”(LeaguesofLegend)收入的最新数据,同时“地下城与勇士”(DungeonFighter)、“穿越火线”(Crossfire)和“剑灵”(BladeandSoul)等微信游戏出现强劲增长。

    Expect an update on revenues from Leagues of Legend and solid growth of WeChat games including Dungeon Fighter and Crossfire , and Blade and Soul .

  2. 这场比赛的目的是决出20世纪最广受欢迎的魔法知识法典《巫师完全手册》VS《进阶龙与地下城第二版》。

    For the purposes of this match we will turn to the 20th century 's most widely acclaimed codex of magical knowledge - The Complete Wizard 's Handbook , Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition .

  3. 新增加了两个玩家可以探索的Cadwallon的地下城房间:赌场和魔法书屋!

    Expand your exploration of the dungeons of Cadwallon with two new rooms : The Gambling Den and the Scriptorium !

  4. 加拿大蒙特利尔市地下城规划与建设

    Success Story for Underground Space Development : the Case of Montreal

  5. 蒙特利尔地下城及其对地面商业的影响

    Montreal 's Underground Shopping Center and Its Influence on Ground Commerce

  6. 资料片中有几个地下城?

    How many new dungeons will be in the expansion ?

  7. 英雄可以通过这里进入地下城。

    A hero entering this gate will descend to the subterran level .

  8. 我们渴望在2006年向世界公布地下城。

    We are looking forward to opening the dungeons to the world in2006 !

  9. 这实际上是一个合适的打穿一层地下城的时间。

    That 's actually a good amount of time for a single level .

  10. 地下城上空骏马雕像立柱爆破拆除

    Blasting demolition of horse statue pillar on underground city

  11. 我们的每个地下城副本都是为某个等级范围量身定做的。

    Each of our instanced dungeons is tailor made for one level range .

  12. 敢于冒险的客人们还可以进入附近的地下城和隐蔽的洞穴教堂里。

    Adventurous guests can also head into thenearby underground cities and hidden cavernous churches .

  13. 鬼魂状态下不能探索地下城。

    You cannot explore dungeons as a ghost .

  14. 庞培不再是地下城了。

    Pompeii is no longer a buried city .

  15. 我们期望大多数玩家在这个地下城的战斗能保持一个轻快的节奏。

    We expect most players to battle through this dungeon at a brisk pace .

  16. 《永恒美丽的背后:孟买地下城的生命、死亡与希望》

    BEHIND THE BEAUTIFUL FOREVERS Life , Death , and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity .

  17. 在地下城深处有一个隐藏的密室中,存放着魔法师书写的魔法禁书。

    Deep in the dungeons is a hidden chamber where mages write their forbidden books .

  18. 静态的地下城和你在其它任何在线游戏中见到的都不一样。

    Static dungeons are like nothing you have ever seen in any MMORPG to date .

  19. 另一方面,世界地下城的规模则更加庞大,甚至比最大的小型地下城还要大。

    World dungeons on the other hand are much larger than even their largest micro-dungeon cousins .

  20. 他们同时还控制并守卫着伦敦地下城,人类的庇难所。

    They also control and defend the London underground , which serves as mankind 's sanctuary .

  21. 还两次代表全州参加排球比赛,而我那会儿还玩着“龙与地下城”。

    and a two-time all-state volleyball player , and I played " Dungeons and Dragons . "

  22. 玩家现在可以在胡萨姆将军在战斗状态时进入地下城了。

    Players are now able to zone into the dungeon if General Hussam is in combat .

  23. 在《龙与地下城》系统中,这就像一个2倍倍率。

    In the D & D system , this is like a " 2x " multiplier .

  24. 在这里您不仅可以得到最快最新的地下城与勇士资讯,还能认识到众多的

    Here you can get not only the fastest latest DNF information , but also recognized that many

  25. 在东京,建筑者们正计划在接下来的十年里建造一个大型的地下城。

    In Tokyo , builders are planning a massive underground city to be begun in the next decade .

  26. 玩家角色只有通过仪式大厅才能进出新的地下城房间。

    Characters can enter and exit the dungeon only through the Ritual Chamber ( download Cry Havoc !) .

  27. 达哈卡可以被比作马鲁特,一种有些类似于来自龙与地下城的生物。

    The Dahaka can be compared to the Marut , a somewhat similar creature from Dungeons and Dragons .

  28. 万岁!呃,在这个地下城能看到这样友好的面容真是令人高兴!

    Hail ! Well , it certainly is nice to see a friendly face here in this dungeon !

  29. 互联网(以及互联网财富)的缔造者中有很多人都曾在童年时代玩过龙与地下城的游戏。

    Many of the people who built the internet ( and their fortunes ) spent their childhoods playing the game .

  30. 玩家们对于(使用组队工具进入地下城后的)物品拾取系统似乎有一些迷惑,所以我来解释一下。

    There seems to be some confusion on how the looting system works so I 'll explain it a bit .