
  1. 这是一个神奇的地方,它让咖啡拥有了生命,星巴克的概念设计总监利兹·穆勒(LizMuller)。

    This is a magical place where coffee comes to life , said Liz Muller , director of concept design for Starbucks .

  2. 但是,你知道,泰国是一个神奇的地方。

    But , you know , Thailand is an amazing place .

  3. 就像被转送到一个神奇的地方。

    It was like being transported to a magical place .

  4. 玛丽:那是一个神奇的地方。我极力推荐。

    Mary : It 's a magical place . I highly recommend it .

  5. 录音室是一个神奇的地方。

    The studio is an amazing outlet for me .

  6. 在非洲西南端有一个神奇的地方。

    There is magic at the tip of Africa .

  7. 实际上,在那条马路上一切都是静悄悄的,那是一个神奇的地方,到处都是人,但并不吵闹。

    Indeed , all was quiet in this walk-it was a mysterious place , full of people but without noise .

  8. 我们要去一个神奇的地方,那里有许多崭新的品牌衣服,一切都无可挑剔。

    Ellen : We 're going to a magical place with brand spanking new clothes and where everything is flawless .

  9. 在这样一个神奇的地方你可以遇见朋友,促进学习,健康成长。

    It is such a magic place where you can meet friends , study for next year , and get healthier .

  10. 我相信,我们最好的年头就在前面,我们将一起让苹果继续成为一个神奇的地方。

    I am confident our best years lie ahead of us and that together we will continue to make Apple the magical place that it is .

  11. 网络是一个很神奇的地方,人们的思想和追求不同

    Internet is a very magical place , people 's thinking and pursue different

  12. 墨西哥的图鲁姆,那是一个很神奇的地方。

    A.Tulum , Mexico , because it 's magic .

  13. 贵德,一个有些神奇的地方,很久就想揭开她神秘的面纱。

    Guide , a somewhat mysterious place , long wanted to open her mysterious veil .

  14. 那是一个浪漫神奇的地方,遍地都是神话般的城堡和奶油色的堡垒,它们都带有几何形的树篱和精致的花圃。

    It is fabulously romantic , littered with fairy-tale castles and cream-colored fortresses with their geometric hedges and exquisite parterres .

  15. 就这样,我在这块沙漠里生活了十年,正因为如此,我发现了一个有神奇魔力的地方。

    So , for ten years I lived in this desert , and because of this , I found a magical place .

  16. 《龙船调》的故乡&西部名城利川市是一个神奇而美丽的地方,这里有着雄奇险峻的自然风光和悠久灿烂的民族文化。

    Lichuan , hometown of dragon boat song , is a magic and beautiful city in the western part of China with its magnificent natural scenery and splendid ethnic culture .

  17. 西安,一个充满神奇和活力的地方,走近它,你会为历史遗存的完美博大所震叹,又会为现代建设的勃勃生机所感喟!

    Xi'an , one full of magic and the vitality of local , approached it , you will be perfect for the broad historical monuments by the earthquake sigh , will be the vitality of modern building by Hankui !