
  1. 他请了英国一位顶尖律师为他辩护。

    He has employed one of the UK 's top lawyers to defend him .

  2. 我并不完全认为这就是去上一所顶尖学校的理由。

    " I don 't necessarily think that 's a reason to go to one . "

  3. 他说:“我们会这样鼓励学生:‘你会从耶鲁毕业。你会做得很好。’”这指的是导师、工作人员和教授会鼓励那些在这样一个顶尖学府学习时缺乏"归属感"和自信心的学生。

    " Our support structure was more like : ‘ You are going to get through Yale ; you are going to do well , ' " he said , hinting at mentors , staff , and professors who all provided significant support for students who lacked confidence about " belonging " at such a top institution .

  4. 到1909年,爱因斯坦已成为一位顶尖科学家。

    By 1909 , Einstein had become a top scientist .

  5. 两年后,他搬到了多伦多的约克大学(yorkuniversity),这样他就可以在一个顶尖的金融中心工作。

    He then moved to York University in Toronto two years later so he could work in a leading financial centre .

  6. 如果女性从一个顶尖MBA项目毕业,那么她们会处于非常有利的位置。

    Women are very well-positioned if they graduate from a top MBA programme .

  7. 波士顿大学奎斯特罗姆商学院(BostonUniversity’sQuestromSchoolofBusiness)的教授埃琳·里德(ErinReid)进行的研究显示,至少在一家顶尖的咨询公司,不少人采取了这样的办法。

    Many of them were , at least , at one elite consulting firm studied by Erin Reid , a professor at Boston University 's Questrom School of Business .

  8. 美国金融服务集团摩根大通(JPMorgan)周一宣布,已聘请一名顶尖的亚洲公司法律师执掌其中国业务,并扩大了这一职位的职能,使其带领该银行推进在中国各项雄心勃勃的计划。

    JPMorgan on Monday announced the hiring of one of Asia 's leading corporate lawyers to head its China business and expanded the role to lead the bank 's ambitious plans in the country .

  9. 以色列商人伊兰佩里(ilanperry)被指控策划在德班一家顶尖医院里安排了至少100次非法肾脏交易。

    Ilan Perry , a Israeli businessman , has been charged with masterminding a syndicate that arranged at least 100 illegal kidney swaps at a top Durban hospital .

  10. 该剧根据JoselinLinder同名传记改编,讲述了GwendolynLanger医生在一家顶尖诊所利用神奇的基因药物和高风险的医疗手段治病救人的故事。

    The drama , based on the memoir of the same name by Joselin Linder , follows Dr. Gwendolyn Langer as she saves lives in a cutting-edge clinic that brings together high-stakes medical procedures with the miraculous advances of genetic medicine .

  11. 阿南德教授表示,Mooc的问题在于,它们不具备哈佛商学院作为一所顶尖商学院所具有的任何一项优势。哈佛商学院的价值建立在其教学质量、以及讲授案例研究时在课堂上营造的那种活力的基础之上。

    The problem with Moocs , Prof Anand says , is that they did not play to any of Harvard 's strengths as a leading business school , whose value is based on the quality of its teaching and the dynamic it creates in the classroom when case studies are being taught .

  12. 在全美一所顶尖球队里表现很高效。

    Very productive on one of the nation 's top teams .

  13. 英国一名顶尖的睡眠专家不同意这种说法。

    One of the country 's top sleep experts disagree .

  14. 你觉得自己能在这一世界顶尖水平维持多久?

    How long do you think you can remain at this high level ?

  15. 而且没有一所顶尖的大学会收作弊的学生。

    And no top university will admit cheaters .

  16. 一名顶尖的工匠,他画设计图时,是不必借用圆规、尺子的。

    A top craftsman can draw the blueprint without using the compasses and rules .

  17. 我相信,要成为一个顶尖举重运动员,你必须首先热爱这项运动。

    I believe to be a top lifter you have to enjoy it first .

  18. 我离开了一家顶尖的营销公司。

    I left a top-tier marketing firm .

  19. 任何新兴成长型公司的发展壮大都需要一支顶尖的团队来出谋划策。

    For any emerging growth company to scale effectively , it must attract a world-class team .

  20. 我知道会是在其中一个顶尖足球国家里的一家非常优秀的俱乐部。

    I know it will be a very good club in one of the top football countries .

  21. 这是在一个顶尖机器人控制学院里,一个博士研究项目的成果。

    So this is the end of a Ph.D. project from one of the best robotics institutes .

  22. 这些表演“天鹅湖”的芭蕾舞演员来自一所顶尖大学,哈尔滨工业大学。

    These ballerinas performing " Swan Lake " are from a top-ranked university , Harbin Institute of Technology .

  23. 我深知他是一个顶尖的得分手和优秀的射手,不过令我震惊的是原来他还有那么出色的传球能力。

    I knew he was a great slasher and a good shooter , but his passing ability stunned me .

  24. 好比说,这是东北部一所顶尖大学内大学生之间的真实网络图。

    So , for example , here is a real network of college students at an elite northeastern university .

  25. 后来他返回泰国,在全心投身政治之前,曾在泰国一所顶尖大学教授经济学。

    He returned to Thailand and lectured in economics at an elite Thai university before going into politics full-time .

  26. 一家顶尖体育用品公司的负责人曾经告诉我,他们的一家代工商在工厂里为女员工提供怀孕检测服务。

    The head of a leading sportswear company once told me a contractor had introduced pregnancy testing at its factories .

  27. 吉格斯说:在一个顶尖的联赛里,他都可以被罚下场三次了。

    In a Premier League game he [ Manu ] would probably have been sent off three times , said Giggs .

  28. 最近,一所顶尖的中国大学因为一名教授的学术不端行为而开除了他,这是近年来第一次。

    For the first time in recent years , a top Chinese university has fired a faculty member for academic misconduct .

  29. 佳沃聘请了一名顶尖的美国农学家。此人专门研发防腐剂,以及能有天然杀虫剂功效的微生物。

    Joyvio hired a top American agronomist who specialized in the development of preservatives and microorganisms that work as natural pesticides .

  30. 另一个顶尖竞争者是理查德.迈耶建筑师事务所,曾建造洛杉矶盖提美术馆。

    Another top contender was the firm Richard Meier & Partners , designers of the J.Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles .