
yī bān dān bǎo
  • general security;general guarantee
  1. 债权人的代位权为债的保全措施之一,是债的对外效力的表现,属于债的一般担保。

    The right of subrogation of the creditor is one of the preservation measures concerning debts . It is the presentation of debt 's external force and the general guarantee of debts .

  2. 股东认股出资既是公司设立行为的重要环节,也是公司成立后开展业务的基础,同时股东的出资财产又构成公司债务的一般担保。

    The contribution by shareholder is an important stage of incorporation , as well as the basis of corporations to operate , in the mean time , the contributions constitute the general guarantee to the debts of the company .

  3. 这一新型的制度,在理论上填补了我国债法立法的一个大的立法缺项,完善了我国债的一般担保法律制度;

    The new type of system counteracts a big legislation limitation of our debt law legislation in theory and consummates ordinary guarantee law system of our national debt .

  4. 在限定继承原则下,遗产的清算既是保障继承人承担有限责任的基础,也是保护遗产债权人之公平受偿权及债权之一般担保不被侵吞的重要措施。

    Under the principle of limited heritage , the liquidation of heritage is the foundation to ensure the heir 's limited liability . At the same time , it is also an important measure to protect other creditors right .

  5. 鉴于项目回购款项的按期足额支付是BT项目成功之根本所在,BT模式下的政府担保自有其独特性和必要性,不能以对待一般政府担保或BOT模式下政府保证的态度一味予以否定。

    Full amount payment purchasing on schedule is the key to BT projects . With its uniqueness and necessity taken in consideration , government guarantee under the BT mode should not be treated as ordinary government guarantee or guarantee measures of government under the BOT mode .

  6. 第二,优先性。是指税收债权与其他债权同时存在时,税收债权优先于一般无担保债权,甚至优先于比它设定在后的抵押权、质权、留置权。

    Tax collection shall have priority over right to mortgage , right of pledge and lien happened after it ;

  7. 虽然利率比较高,但还是比一般无担保品的信用贷款利率便宜,因而颇受房贷客户欢迎。

    Although interest rates higher , but still more than general unsecured credit goods cheaper lending rates , thus popular mortgage customers welcome .

  8. 港口工程招标投标的担保一般包括投标担保、履约担保和预付款担保。

    Guarantees in tender and bidding process of port engineering generally include bid guarantee , fulfillment guarantee and advance payment guarantee .

  9. 为了保护债权人,防止债务人不履行债务,贷款时一般要求提供担保。

    To protect the creditor , should default in payment be made by the debtor , security will often be required for the loan .

  10. 一般理论认为担保物权具有从属性、优先性、价值性、物权性、特定性、他物权性等属性特点,随着社会经济的发展,担保物权制度也发生了变革。

    In general theory , the real right for security has such features as subordination , priority , worth , real security , specialization and etc. With the development of social economy , the system of real security has changed a lot , too .

  11. 虽然既有学说体现出区别于一般物权或担保的的特殊性,但这是由于融资租赁交易本身的独特性所决定的,既有学说本身仍无法走出不实用的泥潭。

    Existing doctrine reflects the difference between General particularity of real rights or guarantees , this is due to the uniqueness of the decision of the finance lease transactions themselves , but both theories are still unable to get out of the quagmire is not practical .

  12. 在担保制度中,一般债权质押担保的地位越来越重要,第三债务人(入质债权出质人的债务人)权利与义务与一般债权质押设立存在重要的关系。

    In the security system , the standing of the pledge of general obligation is more and more important . The right and duty of the third obligor ( the pledgor 's obligor ) remains the important relationship with the establishing of the pledge of general obligation .

  13. 相对于一般债券,FDIC担保债券的发行成本较低,因为在有了政府担保的情况下,投资者愿意接受相对较低的利率。

    FDIC-backed debt is cheaper to issue than normal debt because investors are prepared to accept a lower interest rate because of the government guarantee .

  14. 并一般由当地银行担保。

    And possibly guaranteed by a bank locally .

  15. 一般债权质押、浮动担保、一般债权让与担保在实践中运用广泛,均有立法必要性。

    It is necessary to bring legislation to the practical application of general liability mortgage , floating guarantee and the guarantee for the transfer of liability .