
láo dònɡ lì fǎ
  • labor legislation
  1. 加强劳动立法,依法保护劳动者就业权利。

    The stressing of the labor legislation and protecting of the labor right .

  2. 目前,我国三方参与基础性劳动立法的任务仍然非常繁重。

    At present , it is burdensome to tripartite participate in labor legislation in China .

  3. 劳资争议立法乃至整个劳动立法是与劳动政策密切相关的。

    Labour legislation was closely related to the labour policy .

  4. 中国应根据相关的国际公约要求,修改和完善现行劳动立法。

    China should perfect current labor acts by international treaty .

  5. 而一国的劳动立法往往与处理劳动争议现实要求密不可分。

    However , the domestic labor legislation is often in close connection with actual requirement of labor disputes disposal .

  6. 国际劳工组织的核心劳工标准与我国有关劳动立法的比较研究

    The Comparative Research of the Key Labor Standard of the International Labor Organization and Some Labor Law of Our Country

  7. 这样,中国现有的劳动立法与生产守则所采纳的劳工标准之间冲突与协调也随之产生了。

    So the conflict and correspond between Chinese labor legislation and the labor standard of the Codes come into existence .

  8. 具体而言,政府的角色缺位表现如下:首先,劳动立法不完善。

    In particular , the absence of the role of the government as follows : firstly , labor legislation not perfect .

  9. 超时工作和克扣拖欠工资现象严重等。由于劳动立法与执法脱节,不能体现法律的公正;

    Because of the incoherence of legislation and operation , there isn 't any way to show the justice of law .

  10. 第二、进一步完善和健全劳动立法,借助法律力量落实企业的劳动保护工作。

    Second , improve and perfect the labor legislation and take the task of labor protection into effect in the enterprise .

  11. 法的价值日益受到学界关注和研究,在劳动立法领域同样如此。

    The value of law is getting increasingly academic attention and research , so it is in the field of labor legislation .

  12. 健全的劳动立法是将劳动力纳入法制化管理轨道、实行社会主义市场经济运作模式不可或缺的重要实施环节。

    Sound legislation on labour in China is a key and indispensable link in legislating the labour force under the socialist market economy system .

  13. 因此,解雇限制问题也就成了各国不同历史时期劳动立法方面长期争论的焦点。

    Therefore , the issue of the restrictions against dismissal has been the bone of contention in labor legislation during the different historical periods .

  14. 我国劳动立法对劳动合同期限的笼统规定不利于建立稳定的劳动关系,不利于培养熟练技术工人阶层,进而影响我国产业发展和社会稳定。

    The general legislation of labor contract term makes against building up stable labor relationship and training specialized workers , even influences social stabilization and industrial development .

  15. 而日本劳动立法把集体谈判权的保障放在重要地位,对日本劳使关系的调节起到了不可低估的作用。

    Japanese labor legislation puts the right on collective bargaining in an important position and it has played a very important role of adjusting labor relations in Japan .

  16. 第四部分则是从国际劳工标准的核心或基本标准与我国劳动立法进行比较,寻找它们的差距,提出改革和完善我国劳动法制的建议。

    The fourth part advances suggestions how to reform and consummate our labor legal system in accordance with the differences between international labor standard and our labor law .

  17. 首先,该章探讨了国际劳工标准在国内适用的方式,并分析了我国批准的国际劳工标准对国内劳动立法的影响。

    First , this chapter discusses the domestic implementation of ILS , and analyses the impact of ILS , which China has ratified , on Chinese domestic labor legislation .

  18. 因此,本文还着重分析了我国劳工标准与核心劳工标准的差异,提出了完善我国劳动立法及加强对劳工标准有关法律的执法力度的建议。

    Moreover , this thesis analyses the differences of labor standards between WTO and China , points out the imperfections of Chinese labor standards and gives proposals to improve Chinese Labor Law .

  19. 在这样的社会背景下,从20世纪20年代起,社会各界对劳动立法的要求日渐强烈。但是,直至南京国民政府成立,才真正开始了大规模的劳动立法。

    Under such background , all social sectors had a growing demand for labour legislative since 1920s . But until the establishment of Nanjing National Government , extensive labour legislation was really started .

  20. 日本是较早进行劳动立法的国家之一,其解雇制度可以追溯到19世纪末民法典关于雇用合同解除制度的相关规定。

    Japan , being one of the earliest countries to enact labor legislation , has a dismissal system which can be traced back to the late 19th century Civil Code governing contracts of employment .

  21. 我国现行的劳动立法规定企业、个体经济组织、国家机关、事业组织、社会团体和与之建立劳动关系的劳动者适用本法。

    The existing Labor Legislation in our country only adjusts the labor relationships between employers such as the enterprises , individual economic organizations , State organizations , institutions , community groups , and the employees .

  22. 集体合同可以弥补劳动立法不足,促进集体劳动关系和谐,是劳动者以团体力量对抗雇主,维护自身合法权益的重要手段。

    Making up a deficiency for labor legislation and promoting the harmony of collective labor relation , the collective contract is a crucial means for employers to maintain their own rights and interests strength against employers .

  23. 法律在调整社会关系方面具有明显的优势,应该成为社会进步的推动力而不是桎梏,劳动立法的完善将进一步推动我国的法制化进程。

    Legal adjustment has obvious advantages in terms of social relations , should be the driving force for social progress rather than shackles , improvement of labor legislation will further promote the process of the legal system of our country .

  24. 要通过劳动立法和社会保障立法,创造一个有效和公平的环境,加快形成城乡统一的劳动力市场,为农业剩余劳动力的转移创造条件。

    Furthermore , through labor legislation and special social security legislation , efficient and fair conditions will be created which will promote the formation of a unified urban-and - rural labor market and provide good conditions for surplus labor transfer .

  25. 因此,我们有必要对辞职权进行系统而深入地分析,消除人们对其存在着的不当认识,同时,也为未来劳动立法及司法实践提供参考。

    Therefore , it is necessary to make a thorough and systematic analysis on the right to resign so as to dispel those inappropriate understanding of the right as well as give references for legislation and judicial practice in the future .

  26. 经济补偿金制度作为劳动立法中的一项重要制度设计,通过倾斜保护相对弱势的劳动者以修正用人单位和劳动者之间的力量差异、进而形成实质平衡的利益格局。

    The economic compensation system is an important system in the labor law . It is the national regulation for protecting workers in order to rectify the strength difference between the employer and the employee , and then formed the substantively balanceable interest pattern .

  27. 要逐步消除制度藩篱,加快完善劳动立法,分步实施社会保障;其次要形成教育合力,发挥思想政治教育的功效。

    Remove the barriers of the system gradually , and improve labor legislation speeding up . Besides , implement social security step by step . The second , Put up the convergence of the power of education to play the effectiveness of ideological and political education .

  28. 同时,相应地转变政府职能,通过法律和经济手段,利用市场的力量,实现职业经理资源的有序运动,为职业经理人市场提供系列化的服务、保障和劳动立法支持。

    At the same time , the government should change its function correspondingly , use laws , economic means and the strength of market , realize professional manager resource moving by order , and offer a series of supports on the legislation , services and social guarantees .

  29. 针对目前我国劳动立法不甚完善的现状,必须完善劳动立法程序、完善劳动立法体系、健全劳动监察立法和完善劳动争议仲裁程序。

    Based on a full analysis of the defectiveness of the existing labour legislation , the paper proposes that great efforts should be made to bring perfection the related legislative procedures and systems , supervision on the enforcement of laws concerned and arbitration procedures on labour disputes .

  30. 因此,应当学习其他市场经济国家的先进经验,加强劳动立法,以保护劳动者的合法权益、缓解劳资力量的失衡、维护劳动关系的稳定和谐。

    So we should study advanced experience of other market economy countries and strengthen the work of legislation to protect the laborers ' legitimate rights and interests , to alleviate out-of-balance in power between labor and capital , and maintain the stability and harmony of the work relation .