
  • 网络village meetting;village council
  1. 村党支部通过村民会议实现决策和监督职能;

    The village Party branch makes decision and supervises through villager assembly ;

  2. 如果有村民会议,她丈夫总是一个人去。

    She rarely gets involved in community activities – if there is a village meeting or gathering , her husband goes by himself .

  3. 村民会议每年审议村民委员会的工作报告,并评议村民委员会成员的工作。

    The villagers assembly shall deliberate on the work report of the villagers committee every year and appraise the performance of its members .

  4. 村务监督机构成员向村民会议和村民代表会议负责,可以列席村民委员会会议。

    Members of a village affairs supervisory organ shall be responsible to the villagers'assembly or the villagers'representatives'assembly , and can observe the meetings of the villagers'committee .

  5. 必要的时候,可以邀请驻在本村的企业、业单位和群众组织派代表列席村民会议。

    When necessary , representatives of the enterprises , institutions and mass organizations located in the village may be invited to attend the villagers assembly without the right to vote .

  6. 三是以青田模式为蓝本,坚持推进制度创新,重点发挥村民会议,村民代表议事会的作用,加快推进基层党组织自身的改革。

    Third is based on Qingtian model . It is to insist on promoting institutional innovation , exert villagers-meeting and village representatives ' role , speed up the reform of grass-roots party organizations .

  7. 10年前,中国建立了农村基层选举制度,到2004年底,64000个村委会通过直接选举产生,85%的村庄成立了村民会议或村民代表会议制度。

    Election was introduced at rural level 10 years ago . 64000 village committees were set up as of the end of 2004 , all of them being directly elected . 85 % of the villages have set up mechanism for important decisions .

  8. 村民代表会议法律地位及运行机制探讨

    Research on the Legal Status and Operational Mechanism of Villagers ' Autonomous Representative Conference

  9. 全国有半数以上村委会建立了村民代表会议制度,做到了村中重大事情由村民代表讨论决定。

    A system of village meetings , where important things are decided by the villagers , has been set up in half the village committees .

  10. 构建了村级权力制衡机制;(3)增强了村民代表会议的地位和村庄公共权力的合法性基础;

    It established the mechanism of village power operation : ( 3 ) It enhanced the status of villager representative meeting and the legal basis of village public power ;

  11. 而要解决这些问题,应从健全法律法规、转变政府职能、加强教育培训、拓宽监督渠道、完善激励约束机制等五方面着手加以改进,以建立村民代表会议与村民委员会间良性互动关系。

    To solve these problems , we must perfect the laws and regulations , alter the functions of the government , strengthen the education and training , expend the channels of the supervision , improve the incentive and restraint mechanisms .

  12. 本文在对现有的解决办法进行评述的基础上,提出了村级党组织通过村民代表会议发挥领导核心作用这一新的村级治理组织形式的设想,以构建村级治理的良性运行机制。

    Following an extensive review of the existing solutions to the above-mentioned problems , a new type of rural governing form is proposed in this paper , which aims at a central leadership of the Party by means of villager conferences .

  13. 只有通过制度建设使村民代表会议制度提供给村民和村干部的收益大于建设所需的成本,村民代表会议制度才有良性发展的希望,其效能也会因此增强。

    Only by the institution of system of villagers ' representative meeting through which what is provided for the villagers and village cadres surpasses the cost demanded by the construction , can the villagers ' representative meeting have the hope of positive development and hence a high efficiency .

  14. 村民通过视屏会议接受医院医生的检查。

    Villagers receive care from doctors at the hospital through videoconferencing .

  15. 村民自治下的村民代表会议制度

    On the System of Villagers ′ Autonomous Representative Conference

  16. 村级治理中的村民代表&关于村民代表会议制度效能的讨论

    Villagers ' representatives in village governance : a discussion on efficiency of the system of villagers ' representative meeting

  17. 村民选举委员会成员由村民会议或者各村民小组推选产生。

    Members of the electoral committee shall be elected by a villagers assembly or by all the villagers groups .

  18. 有五分之一以上的村民代表提议,应当召集村民代表会议。

    A villagers'representatives'assembly can be called by1 / 5 of the villagers'representatives or more .

  19. 修改《村民委员会组织法》,完善村民会议制度和村民代表会议制度;

    Modification village people committee organic law , perfect system and village people of the village people meeting represent meeting system ;

  20. 内部权利冲突主要是指村民、村民委员会、村民(代表)会议、村民小组之间的权利冲突。

    Inner right conflict means the right conflict among villagers , committee of the villagers , village meeting and villagers ' group .

  21. 村民选举委员会由主任和委员组成,由村民会议、村民代表会议或者各村民小组会议推选产生。

    A villagers'electoral committee is composed of a chairman and members who shall be elected at the villagers'assembly , the villagers'representatives'assembly or the villagers'group assembly .

  22. 《村民委员会组织法》内容与立法定位不相符,模糊了村民会议与村委会之间的关系界定。

    Because the legislative content is not in accordance with the legislative object , the difference between the village union committee and the village committee is blurred .