
  • 网络villager group
  1. 已经分别属于村内两个以上农村集体经济组织的农民集体所有的,由村内各该农村集体经济组织或者村民小组经营、管理;

    shall be operated and managed jointly by the collective economic organizations of the village or villagers ' groups ;

  2. 农村耕地流转市场的发育程度及其特征&对福建省和江西省46个自然村(村民小组)的调查

    The Development and Characteristic of the Rural Cultivated Land Market

  3. 论村民小组的毁林犯罪主体

    On the Crime Subject of Villagers ' Group in Deforestation

  4. 他们说,附近的村民小组有20人死亡。

    They said another 20 had died nearby .

  5. 论乡村政治的空间结构&村民小组与村庄空间结构的相关性研究

    On the Spatial Structure of Rural Politics & Village Group and the Spatial Structure

  6. 农民集体应当是农村集体土地所有权的常态主体,村民小组范围内的农民集体和乡镇范围内农民集体不是我国农村集体土地所有权的常态主体,而仅为特例。

    Farmer collective is the most normal subject of rural collective land ownership , and the others are of exception .

  7. 截止2008年全国共有村委会60.4万个,村民小组480.9万个,村委会成员233.9万名[1]。

    Until 2008 the whole nation altogether has village committee 604,000 ; villagers group 4,809,000 ; and village committee member 2,339,000 .

  8. 本文拟就村民小组的法律地位作一探讨,以期能够有助于相关法律制度的早日完善。

    This paper intends to discuss the legal status of village groups , so as to promote the maturity of relevant legal system .

  9. 认为:从经济分析角度看,重构农村土地集体所有权制度乃是立法成本最低的一种立法路径,从交易成本理论考察,应将村民小组界定为集体土地所有权主体;

    From the perspective of transaction cost , the farmer groups should be regarded as the subjects of the collective land ownership right .

  10. 以行政村所有的集体财产为基础设立公司的,应当以村民小组为股东。

    Where a cooperative stock company is established on basis of the collective assets owned by an administrative village , the villagers'teams shall be shareholders .

  11. 村民小组是村级治理结构的基层组织,是典型的熟人社会,它的治理有别于半熟人社会的行政村,更不同于乡镇的治理。

    Its governance is different from that of administrative village which is " semi-familiar society ", and is more different from the governance of villages and towns .

  12. 然而,村民小组的法律地位至今未获得法律的明确认可,行政审判实践中对其诉讼主体资格也争议颇多。

    Nevertheless , by far the legal status of village groups has not obtain explicit legal acknowledgement , hence many disputes around litigant entity qualification during administrative trials .

  13. 乡集体和村民小组集体所拥有的土地一律划归村集体,由其统一行使土地产权,从而实现外部性内部化;

    The land owned by counties and villagers should both be allocated to villages , which should be entitled to exercise the property right of farmland , to realize internalization ;

  14. 第二,对集体土地进行产权确权登记,明确集体土地所有权归村农民集体所有.村民小组行使集体土地所有权。

    Second , make property right confirmation registration for the collective land property rights , make clear collective land ownership belongs to farmers collective , farmers group exercise collective land ownership .

  15. 集体土地不应当属于村法人、村民小组法人或村民委员会所有,我国农村集体土地所有权应当是一种新型的总有权。

    Collective land should not belong to village legal person 、 Village group legal person or villager 's committee , collective ownership of rural land should be a new kind of aggregate right .

  16. 村民小组的治理状况会直接影响到村级治理,进而影响到乡镇的治理,最终会影响到整个乡村社会的治理状况。

    The condition of the governance of the small village group can directly influence that of village governance , further influence that of villages and towns , and at last influence that of the whole rural society .

  17. 我们认为,村委会及村民小组不是一个独立的实体,仅是村自治体的一个组织机构,因而不能成为独立的诉讼主体。

    To us , the village committee and the group of villagers are not an independent entity , instead they are only an organization of ' autonomous body of the village ' , therefore cannot be independent lawsuit subject .

  18. 我国农村集体土地中的大部分应该属于村民小组范围内的农民集体所有,此外还应允许村农民集体、乡范围内的农民集体总同共有小部分土地。

    The most of collective rural land should belong to peasants ' collective of village group scope , the fewer part of collective rural land may belong to peasants ' collective of the whole village or the whole township .

  19. 为了执法的准确与公正,本文从村民小组的法律地位和相关法律适用等方面,分析了村民小组在毁林犯罪中的单位犯罪主体资格。

    For the exactitude and justice of law enforcement , the paper discusses the qualifications of crime subject of villagers ' group as an unit from the law status and applicability of related laws in the case of deforestation .

  20. 第一个问题是基层群众自治组织、村民小组组长是否属于其他依照法律从事公务的人员,这不能一概而论,要根据其是否从事的是公权力公务这一本质并结合有关的司法解释来判断。

    The first problem is whether the grass-roots mass self-organization , village group leaders are belong to " other persons engaged in public affairs according to law ", we determine this issue according to whether they engage in public affairs and with the relevant judicial interpretations .

  21. 笔者通过观察湖南西部山区D村最基本的政治单元&村民小组,它在国家对村庄的建设扶贫背景下,对当前已成基本事实的变化了的乡村起到较好的整合作用。

    The author by observing the mountain west hunan village the most basic political D villagers groups in countries of the village of poverty relief construction background , the current has already become the basic facts " changes in the country " has a good integration function .

  22. 早在1983年,我国农村撤消了人民公社,建立了乡镇一级政府,在乡级政府下设立了村民委员会和村民小组。

    As early as 1983 , our country village repealed the people 's community and established a government at the town level , the village people committee and the village people group .

  23. 在村民自治制度化的实施当中,村民小组作为最基层的一级农村集体经济组织,直接联系农户,处于上通下达的关键位置。

    In the implementation of Village autonomy Regularity , as the basic-level rural collective economic body , village groups keep direct contact with villagers , thus play an internuncial role .

  24. 村民选举委员会成员由村民会议或者各村民小组推选产生。

    Members of the electoral committee shall be elected by a villagers assembly or by all the villagers groups .

  25. 内部权利冲突主要是指村民、村民委员会、村民(代表)会议、村民小组之间的权利冲突。

    Inner right conflict means the right conflict among villagers , committee of the villagers , village meeting and villagers ' group .

  26. 村民委员会可以根据村民居住状况、集体土地所有权关系等分设若干村民小组。

    A villagers committee may , on the basis of the residential distribution of villagers and the collective ownership relationships of land , establish a number of villagers'groups .

  27. 据村民讲,在当地一个有37户家庭、共200人的村民小组,有12人死亡,四人伤势严重,还有一人失踪。

    It wasn 't clear how many of the residents were dead or injured . In one cluster of 200 people and 37 families , 12 people were killed , four were seriously injured and another was missing , residents said .

  28. 村民选举委员会由主任和委员组成,由村民会议、村民代表会议或者各村民小组会议推选产生。

    A villagers'electoral committee is composed of a chairman and members who shall be elected at the villagers'assembly , the villagers'representatives'assembly or the villagers'group assembly .

  29. 村民自治组织作为农村基层自治组织,由村民大会选举产生的村民委员会、村民小组及因土地被征收而临时选举产生的被征地农民代理人或代理组织等自治组织等组成。

    The villagers ' self-governance organizations as grassroots self-governance organizations , it includes the village committee , villagers ' group , representatives and agency organizations , and representatives and agency organizations are elected by villager meeting .

  30. 文中运用一个个生动的个案展现精英和村民的行动逻辑,并通过对社会事实的展开来突显乡村社会资本在村民小组治理中的重要作用。

    In my paper , some vivid cases are applied to presenting the logic of action between elites and villagers . My paper highlights the function of rural social capital on the governance of the small village group by unfolding " social fact " .