
mín zhǔ jué cè
  • Democratic decision-making;make decisions through a democratic process
  1. 因此,他们能够“理直气壮”地推翻当地民主决策或个人决策。

    So local democratic or individual decisions can be overridden with a clean conscience .

  2. 党和政府建立健全了民主决策机制,重大决策出台之前均广泛征求各方意见。

    Both the Party and the Government have set up the structure with which , major decisions are made only after full consultations .

  3. 坚持科学民主决策,确保公共投资真正用于推进经济社会发展和改善人民生活,经得起实践和历史的检验。

    We will adhere to scientific and democratic decision making , and ensure that public funds are spent on projects that promote economic and social development and improve people 's lives and that will stand the test of practice and history .

  4. 这是通过民主讨论作出的决策。

    The decision was taken democratically .

  5. 扩大社会主义民主,依法实行民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督,保障人民的知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权。

    We will expand socialist democracy ; conduct democratic election , decision making , administration and oversight in accordance with the law ; and protect people 's rights to stay informed about , participate in , express views on , and oversee government affairs .