
  1. 论古代滇文化的民族属性

    On the Ethnic Attribution of the Ancient Dian Culture

  2. 清代贵州八十六种苗蛮的民族属性识别。

    6 , Identify the race property about Guizhou 's 86 kinds of " Miaoman " in Manchu Dynasty .

  3. 试论中西方神话的民族属性与文化内涵中西绘画发展探源&水墨意笔绘画与印象主义绘画之比较

    Comparison of National Characteristics and Culture Connotations in Western and Chinese Myths The Evolution of Chinese and western Painting

  4. 这其中,既表现出深厚的犹太文化内涵,而又超越了犹太民族属性,具有世界性的普遍意义。

    It not only presents profound Jewish culture connotation , but also transcends Jew race specificity , so it is of cosmopolitan significance .

  5. 文章认为,在全球化迅猛推进的当今世界,国家的民族属性仍有着坚实的社会文化基础和经济基础;民族国家仍有着蓬勃的生命力;

    The paper holds that the state 's attribute of nation still has its solid sociocultural foundation and economic base and that the nation state still has its flourishing vitality .

  6. 在这个关键的时期,总结中国歌剧的发展规律,研究中国歌剧民族属性和民族特征更是意义深远。

    In this important period of time , it is of great significance to summarize the developmental regularities of the Chinese Opera , and to explore its national quality and national characters .

  7. 迁至盛京及北京后,锡伯族人则被拆散而散编入满洲八旗、蒙古八旗各佐领之中,而且散居多处驻防点的各村屯,这对其民族属性不无影响。

    When they move to Shengjing and Beijing , Xibe nationality are broken up into the " Eight Banners " of Manchu and Monggol and they station in many villages as defence forces .

  8. 这些作家试图从民间独特的巫鬼信仰中,寻找到重新确认民族属性,拯救民族文化,安抚现代人心灵、医治现代文明病的路径。

    These writers strive to seek a path in the unique witch beliefs to reconfirm the national property , save the national culture , appease the soul of modern people , and heal the diseases of modern civilization .

  9. 尤其是由于朝鲜族具有双重民族属性和双重文化,在中韩国际合作中能够起到重要的中介作用和桥梁作用,并能够进入国内发达的沿海大城市,从中能够获得自身的发展。

    In particular , the Korean possess the dual nationality and dual-cultural , they can play an important intermediary role to the international cooperation between China and South Korea . They can also enter the domestic well-developed coastal cities .

  10. 科学是没有国界、没有民族文化属性的,医学科学也理当如此。

    Science knows no borders , no national cultural property , medical science has rightly so .

  11. 跨界民族的属性取决于该民族与国家结合的形式,不同类型的跨界民族有不同的发展趋势。

    The nature of a cross-border ethnic group depends on the form of combination of the group with the nation . Different ethnic groups have different development trends .

  12. 论中华民族礼仪的属性和审美特征

    Comment on the Property and Aesthetic Feature of the Chinese Ceremony and Propriety

  13. 政治属性是民族的基本属性。

    Political attributes are basic to ethnicity .

  14. 文化所具有的时代性与民族性的属性也同时要求主体性文化建设必须是现代性与民族性的统一。

    The intrinsic quality of culture which has nationality and time force the cultural construction of subjectivity to be the unification of modernity and nationality .

  15. 二胡初步发展阶段其民族、地域属性的多元性唐代是我国古代音乐史上一个辉煌灿烂的时代。

    The origin and development of Chinese urheen is diverse and complicated . Second , pluralism of er-hu at the elementary development stage Tang Dynasty is a glorious epoch in the ancient music history .

  16. 少数民族音乐教育的属性是复合性。

    Ethnic Music education belongs to a " compound model " .

  17. 跨界民族的类型、属性及其发展趋势

    On the Type , Nature and Development Trend of Cross-border Ethnic Groups

  18. 三峡库区少数民族传统体育文化属性的研究

    Research on the Characteristics of Traditional Ethnic Sports

  19. 语言的社会约定俗成性、系统性、民族性、认知属性等特征及其交际功能和文化承载功能都能在词汇层面得以体现。

    Social common language , its system , national origin , cognition , etc. , as well as its communication and cultural functions occur primarily at the lexical level .

  20. 基于少数民族干部的文化属性和政治属性的统一,在处理和解决民族问题的实践中,少数民族干部有着特殊的地位和作用。

    Based on the unity of ethnic minority cadres ' cultural attributes and political attributes , ethnic minority cadres hold on a special status and role in dealing with ethnic affairs .

  21. 根据文献与民族共同的文化属性,可对民族文献的特征、范围、划分的概念和标准及其作用进行新的界定。

    It is possible to redefine the scope , division , standards , functions and features of national documents according to the cultural attributes shared by the national documents and the national groups .

  22. 本文主要阐述了西部大开发中民族问题的基本属性及表现特征,提出了在大开发中进一步解决好民族问题应把握的几个方面。

    This paper mainly expounds the basic property and expression features of the national problems in the great advance of the Western China , and raises that should be grasped several aspects of further solving the national problems in the great exploitation .

  23. 民族国家把民族的文化属性和国家的权力特征结合在一起,是欧洲民族发展到一定阶段的产物。

    The nation-states , combining together the cultural attributes of nations and the feature of power of states , were born when European nations entered a certain stage .

  24. 因此,少数民族电影既具有少数民族文化属性又具有电影艺术属性。

    Therefore , the film has both ethnic minority cultural identity but also has the art of film properties .

  25. 歌谣的韵律结构是最具民族特色的,它是鉴别歌谣的民族属性的最为可靠的尺度之一。

    Endowed with distinct national characteristics , the rhythmical structures are the most reliable criterion to judge what nationality a ballad belongs to .

  26. 民族国家与全球化主权是现代民族国家的本质属性,也是国际法学、政治学和国际关系学的基础概念之一。

    As the essential attribute of modem nation state , SOVEREIGNTY is one of the basic concepts of international law , west political theory and international relations .

  27. 中西方神话因各自特征鲜明的民族特点和中西方文化来源的不同,在民族属性与文化内涵方面具有很大差异。

    Because of the different national characteristics and originations , great diversity is manifested in the symbolic meanings and cultural connotations in the Eastern and Western myths .

  28. 本文从民族出版及其定位、民族出版的选题方向以及民族出版的属性等几个方面对民族出版进行简单的理论分析。

    This article makes on theoretical analysis on the national publication and its orientation , the direction of topic selected and attribution .

  29. 我国民族音乐一词的出现,完全是为了强调音乐的民族属性和传承性,即将传统音乐和按传统音乐模式创作的音乐同外来音乐和接受外来音乐影响创作的音乐区分开来。

    The emergence of " national music " was entirely aimed at the emphasis on the ethnic attributes and heritable nature of music .

  30. 民族精神研究的基础和关键问题是作为实体概念的民族和作为属性概念的民族性、民族精神。

    The key concepts in the study are nation as a national entity and nationality or national spirit as attributes .