
  1. 他的观念影响了伦敦和爱丁堡两所国家肖像艺术馆的建立。

    His ideas influenced the establishment of National Portrait Galleries in London and Edinburgh .

  2. 目前我们还在计划展出威廉·埃格尔斯顿(WilliamEggleston)的作品,将会由伦敦国家肖像艺术馆(NationalPortraitGallery)策展。

    We are also planning to show William Eggleston 's work , which will be curated by the National Portrait Gallery in London .

  3. 下午,我们去了国家肖像艺术馆。

    In the afternoon we went to the National Portrait gallery .

  4. 实验室黑白肖像艺术照的拍摄及制作方法的改进

    The improvement of photography and making of black-and-white artistic portrait in laboratory

  5. 斯科特麦克马洪:我通常被肖像艺术所吸引,还有人的躯体和这些画是如何在岁月中存活下来。

    I 'm fascinated by portraiture in general , and the human body and how the image lives over time .

  6. 现代派雕塑家明大多·罗索的肖像艺术不肖之子败坏了这家的门风。

    The Portraits of Rosso , the Modernist Sculptor The unworthy son corrupted the ethics and moral standards of the family .

  7. 不消说他们利用肖像艺术本身的暖昧和多解。

    There is no need to state that these craftsmen are manipulating the ambiguity and potential for multiple interpretations inherent to portraiture .

  8. 第一章论述罗马帝国前期的政治经济情况、罗马肖像艺术发展状况以及古罗马文献资料中对儿童的普遍观点。

    The first chapter discusses the development of Roman society in early Empire , the evolution of Roman portraiture and the general attitudes towards children in Roman literatures .

  9. 本文旨在通过对画家肖像艺术的创作形态分析研究,借此试图对图像时代,绘画何为提出一个新的向度。

    Through the analysis of the artists ' portrait forms of creation , this thesis attempts to lead in a new direction the issue " What does the painting do in the imagery-time " .

  10. 现居北京,从事民族油画肖像画艺术课题的研究。

    Now , he is living in Beijing and working on the national portraits research .

  11. 素描肖像的艺术内涵

    The Artistic Connotation of Portrait Sketch

  12. 这次,习梅根报名参加县里的农民艺术节就是为了展示他的人物肖像剪纸艺术。

    This time , learning Megan enroll farmers in the county arts festival is to display portraits of his paper-cut art .

  13. 他的肖像画艺术价值不仅在于革新式的艺术语言,更在于它传达出现实生活中人的精神与一定社会阶层人的心理活动。

    The value of his works is not only creative art language , but human spirit and social psychology of certain class .

  14. 在中国古代漫长的艺术发展史上,肖像画艺术可谓是源远流长,有着上千年的深厚文化积淀。

    In the long development history of art in ancient China , portrait painting art has a long history , which has thousands of years cultural accumulation .

  15. 文艺复兴时期的肖像画艺术和20世纪中叶的超现实主义还无法用计算机处理图像,更不用说战略性打光了,所以进一步处理你的自拍照未必能保证匹配出更讨人喜欢的肖像。

    In Rennaisance-era portraiture and mid-20th-century surrealism , there was no Photoshop and far less strategic lighting , so putting more work into your selfie won 't necessarily guarantee a more flattering match .

  16. 是在阿切曼尼的法拉瓦哈肖像从波斯艺术消失之后。

    After the Achaemenids the image of the Faravahar disappears from Persian art .

  17. 而现行的法律又没有对此问题给出一个明确的答案,让法律在肖像权和艺术作品著作权的调和方面留下了漏洞空白。

    But the existing law does not give a clear answer to this question , leaving a gap among the harmonization between the portrait and art copyright in law .

  18. 直接由佛罗里达摄影艺术博物馆而来,潘越的作品将中国的符号&毛的肖像与波普艺术的语境下融合起来。

    Pan Yue , whose work comes to Eli Klein Fine Art directly from the Florida Museum of Photographic Art , manipulates China-specific icons such as Mao with the industrial revolution in a pop-art context .

  19. 第三部分针对存在的问题,借鉴国外相关法律规定和实践经验,提出几点具有针对性的建议,从而调和肖像权与艺术作品著作权之间的冲突,形成较合理的处理机制。

    The third part in view of existing problems , and draw lessons from foreign related legal provisions and practice experience , proposed some targeted Suggestions , so as to mediate a conflict between image and art copyright , form more reasonable processing form more reasonable processing mechanism .

  20. 肖像馆采取视觉艺术、表演艺术和新媒体等方式,展示真实体现美国社会生活的诗人、总统、思想家、乡野蛮夫、演员等各色人物的形象。

    Using visual arts , performing arts and new media , the gallery portrays poets and presidents , visionaries and villains , and actors and activists whose lives tell the American story .

  21. 本文欲回溯中国传统肖像画的发展脉络,重点对清代宫廷、文人肖像画的艺术特色进行分析,从理论著述结合相关作品研究清代肖像画中传达的美学思想。

    With related works from a theoretical study of writings in the Qing Dynasty portraits convey the aesthetic ideas .

  22. ·通过对中西社会文化结构差异在肖像绘画上的反映,进一步凸显社会的心理结构与视觉习惯对肖像艺术的支配作用。

    · Through the different reflections of west society in portrait painting of the cultural structure , it further highlights mental structure and sense of vision habit 's domination to portrait art of society .