
Two sisters were looking at a book of religious pictures and came across a painting of the Virgin and the baby Jesus .
The magi , as yo know , were wise men wonderfully wise men who brought gofts to the Babe in the manger .
All that stuff about the evil king wanting to kill the baby Jesus because he 's afraid that it 'll be a threat to him .
One is an alternative version of Da Vinci 's famous painting known as Virgin of the Rocks , with the infant Jesus and the infant John the Baptist .
That a divine child should be born in such humble material surroundings event , inspiring people everywhere to consider the idea that material wealth does not determine spiritual worth .
And the children held each other by the hand , kissed the roses , looked up at the clear sunshine , and spoke as though they really saw angels there .
The stories created about the activities of the child Jesus were not all gruesome , and detail that even as a baby or child Jesus set out to do the Divine Will of his Father .
The child jesus , wanting to play in the clouds , crawled into the sky on a sunbeam , but all of the playmates who followed him soon lost their faith and fell to their deaths .
But he says , come back and tell me once you visit him because I want to go worship him too , and the wicked evil king does not want to go worship Jesus , the baby Jesus , he wants to kill the baby Jesus .
In his creation , the religious works hold a important status .