
  1. 一些泥砖屋和风塔已改装为画廊和餐厅。

    A few have been turned into galleries and restaurants .

  2. 之后,邱志杰、谭盾、冯梦波等艺术家风格各异的专题展更为画廊添光增彩。

    Since then artists as varied as Qiu Zhijie , Tan Dun and Feng Mengbo have added different perspectives to the gallery profile .

  3. 大马路区域将成为南京夜生活的中心,而殖民地时期的建筑在经过改造之后将为画廊与精品零售店提供场所。

    The Dama Road District will be the hub of New Nanjing 's nightlife , and its renovated colonial-era buildings will house galleries and boutique retail .

  4. 他说,这一次,参加艺术展主单元(名为“画廊单元”)的大约220名交易商中,有不少人都是五年前还没有出现的。

    And the lineup of roughly 220 dealers in the fair 's main section , known as the Galleries sector , will feature a host of faces not present five years ago , he said .

  5. 两人2014年在威尼斯建筑双年展上获得银狮奖;斯米尔耶·拉蒂克(SmiljanRadic)同年为伦敦蛇形画廊(SerpentineGallery)设计了年度展馆。

    They include Pedro Alonso and Hugo Palmarola , who in 2014 won the Silver Lion award at the Venice Architecture Biennale , and Smiljan Radic , who that same year designed the annual pavilion at the Serpentine Gallery in London .

  6. 这个被称为“ChamberPot画廊”的画展于6月中旬开放,源于当地两位艺术家的灵感。

    Dubbed the ChamberPot Gallery , the exhibition that opened in mid-June is the brainchild of two local artists hoping to draw attention to this artist-oriented community .

  7. 喀什河谷被誉为百里画廊,绿色长卷。

    The Kashi Valley is dubbed as the long art galley or a green scroll .

  8. 这与乐高玩具的主人已经为博物馆,画廊,电视,杂志,公司,著名的百货公司和知名人士。

    This master with Lego toys has worked for museums , galleries , television , magazines , corporations , famous department stories and celebrities .

  9. 世纪翰墨画廊为北京资深画廊,是国内代表性画廊之一。

    Hanmo Art Gallery is a famous gallery with a long record in Beijing , and it is one of the representative galleries in domestic China .

  10. 9月24日,在切尔西(Chelsea),一座名为Chamber的独特画廊将在一栋毗邻高线(HighLine)的前卫共管公寓楼内开业。

    On Sept. 24 , in an avant-garde condo tower that butts up against the High Line , an unusual gallery called Chamber will open in Chelsea .

  11. 对现代都市女性的情感体验和精神气质进行了深刻的剖析,为当代文学人物画廊贡献了几种全新的人物形象。

    She make a profoundly analysis to the emotion experience and spirit temperament of females in modern city . She contributed several new characters for the contemporary literary figures gallery .

  12. 最后没有发现任何违法现象,但官方说服展会为被拒绝的画廊开设上诉程序(每年有50个画廊上诉;最终会有五个画廊在艺术展要求他们升级展品后,得以进入展会)。

    No violations were found , but the authorities convinced the fair to create an appeals process for rejected galleries . ( About 50 galleries a year appeal ; about five eventually get in , after the fair asks them to up their games . )