
  1. 为了她方便,他很乐意绕道。

    He was happy to make a detour for her convenience .

  2. 他们已经开始为了她你争我夺。

    They had already begun fighting over her .

  3. 一个人拉扯大五六个孩子,真难为了她。

    It was hard for her to bring up half a dozen children alone .

  4. 为了她最新的电影《疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路》(MadMax:FuryRoad),塞隆才狠心剃掉了一头长金发,加入了“为戏剃头”的女星阵营。

    Theron shaved her head for the upcoming film Mad Max : Fury Road .

  5. 为了她在夜总会的首场演出,她把名字的拼法从Barbara变成Barbra。

    She changed the spelling of her first name – from Barbara to Barbra – for her nightclub debut .

  6. 为了她,赛卡明斯还讲了圣公会。

    And CY Cummings has even turned high Episcopal for her .

  7. 为了她那么多年都把我们放在朋友范围。

    For keeping us in the friend zone all those years .

  8. 为了她我可差点丢了脑袋。

    I almost lost my head trying to follow her around .

  9. 然而也有人为了她而倾家荡产的。

    And yet men had ruined themselves for that woman .

  10. 这全数是为了她着想,这么好的男伴侣那边去找。

    All for her sake , what a perfect boyfriend you are .

  11. 她心里轻轻地说,他这样做,都是为了她。

    Her heart did whisper that he had done it for her .

  12. 那次你大胆地为了她和我进行了申辩!

    And thou didst plead so bravely in her behalf and mine !

  13. 爱玛毫不怀疑,这完全是为了她而写的。

    This , Emma could not doubt , was all for herself .

  14. 她们挽留她,首先是为了她自己,因为她们是爱她的。

    They wanted her for her own self because they loved her .

  15. 他为了她有些兴奋起来。

    He was a little keyed up because of her .

  16. 为了她,他好像把他杀了。

    It 's because of her that he kills him I think .

  17. 为了她招惹了条子,所以她的父亲约束了她。

    Her father clipped her wings for getting into trouble with the cops .

  18. 为了她才去的加利福尼亚!

    She 's the reason we travel to california !

  19. 但是我知道我师父为了她。

    But my master never married because of her .

  20. 她这么做都是为了她妈妈。

    And she did it for her mom .

  21. 而她所有的努力,都是为了她收养的孙女,倩倩。

    All her efforts are for the sake of her adopted granddaughter , Qianqian .

  22. 为了她我会穿过去。

    For her I 'll cross over .

  23. 埃莉诺为了她妹妹的利益,不再坚持这个题目了。

    Elinor , for her sister 's sake , could not press the subject further .

  24. 你不是为了她才来的,对吧?

    Lightman : Well , you 're not here because of the girl , right ?

  25. 为了她自己吗,当然不是

    What -- for herself ? No. No.

  26. 我做这些都是为了她

    I 'm doing this for her

  27. 美剧表达:为了她我愿意做任何事,她为我做了很多。

    I would do anything for her . She has already done so much for me .

  28. 6.埃莉诺为了她妹妹的利益,不再坚持这个题目了。

    e.g. Elinor , for her sister 's sake , could not press the subject further .

  29. 我们得为尼珀姑娘说句公道话,她说这些话主要是为了她年轻的女主人,而不是为了她自己;

    To do Miss Nipper justice , she spoke more for her young mistress than herself ;

  30. 有些时候,她的确失败了,但这些小小的挫折都进一步转化为了她继续前进的动力。

    At times she did , but only in small ways that strengthened her motivation to succeed .