
  • 网络female agent
  1. 里夫斯:尼尔内是温斯顿•丘吉尔设立的一个叫做特别行动执行小组简称SOE组织中屈指可数的几位女特工之一。

    REEVES : Nearne was one of only a few dozen women spies in an organization set up by Winston Churchill , called the Special Operations Executive or SOE .

  2. 甚至派去杀他的女特工也会爱上他。

    Even the femme fatales assigned to kill Bond fall for him .

  3. 一名前政府官员称他对中央情报局女特工瓦莱丽普莱姆身份泄密感到遗憾。

    A former government official says he is sorry for outing CIA operative Valerie plame .

  4. 作为一名中央情报局的女特工,伊芙琳-绍特(安吉丽娜-朱莉饰演)发誓效忠责任、荣耀和国家。

    As a CIA officer , Evelyn Salt swore an oath to duty , honor and country .

  5. 结束室内瑜伽课后,我发现自己真成了“变种女特工”。

    While my inner ninja is gone , I have discovered that I really am the Bionic Woman .

  6. 昨天,有数以百计的人来参加她的葬礼,向这在二战期间最勇敢的一位女特工致敬。

    Hundreds of people turned up for her funeral yesterday to honor one of World War II 's most courageous spies .

  7. 在即将上映的007电影中,女演员拉什纳·林奇将饰演代号00的女特工,在克雷格饰演的邦德卸任后接替他的职位。

    The forthcoming Bond film will see actress Lashana Lynch play a female 00 agent after Craig 's Bond has left active service .

  8. 而在特别行动处39位渗入法国的女特工中,11名没有在德国纳粹集中营中丧生,而她也许是其中最令人敬畏的那个。

    Of the 39 SOE women infiltrated into France , 11 of whom would die in concentration camps , she was perhaps the most redoubtable .

  9. 反恶人联盟的女特工露西(克里斯汀韦格配音)希望他能帮忙找到一种能将所有生物化身毁灭性武器的化学物质。

    The Anti-Villain League spy Lucy ( Kristen Wiig ) seeks his help to find a chemical that turns every living creature into a destruction-hungry machine .

  10. 今天利比到达华盛顿联邦法院,在这里他将被控妨碍联邦调查局侦察,泄密中央情报局女特工瓦莱丽?普莱姆身份一案。

    Libby arrived at the federal courthouse in Washington today where he stands accused of obstructing the fbi 's probe into the leaking of the identity of CIA operative Valerie plame .