
  • 网络Brink;FRINGE
  1. 同时,他的恶械人公司(badrobot)也已颇具制片实力,最近为福克斯网络(foxnetwork)创作了热门新片科幻题材剧《危机边缘》(fringe)。

    His bad robot company , meanwhile , has become a production force , creating fringe , a new hit science fiction programme for the Fox network .

  2. 同时跨越不同的时间线,要想让人伤感也不容易,《危机边缘》就有解决的办法。

    Fringe It may be difficult to mushy while straddling multiple timelines , but leave it to Fringe to find a way .

  3. 我们已经将金融体系从危机边缘拉了回来。

    We 've pulled the financial system back from the brink .

  4. 《危机边缘》是那种公事公办的冷静语气,就像保尔森本人。

    On the Brink is business-like and sober , just like the man himself .

  5. 有人说,越是处于危机边缘的经济越是需要更多便宜的货币,而且动作要快。

    An economy at risk , the argument goes , needs much cheaper money , and quickly .

  6. 为什么法国人总是相信自己正处于危机边缘,并如此爱好言辞上的歇斯底里?

    Why is France so often convinced it is on the brink , and so prone to rhetorical hysteria ?

  7. 亚洲各国普遍认为,欧元区的局势至少已处于危机边缘。

    Asia , in the most general terms , believes the eurozone situation must at least be near a crisis point .

  8. 故事开始于这座渔村处于危机边缘的时刻,那时讲述者还是个孩子。

    The book begins with the village on the edge of a crisis that occurred when the narrator was a boy .

  9. 我当时完全没有意识到,随着一场重大核事故一环接一环地迅速展开,日本正处于一场事关生死存亡的危机边缘。

    What I simply did not recognise was that Japan was on the edge of an existential crisis , as a cascading nuclear accident rapidly unfolded .

  10. 但如果大宗商品价格走低,它的经常账户赤字可能会迅速恶化,将巴西推到债务危机边缘。

    But if commodity prices were to ease , the current account deficit could deteriorate rapidly , leaving Brazil on the verge of a debt crisis .

  11. 传统的数据加密技术可以部分的克服信息的随意散布,但随着破译技术的迅速发展,几乎所有的数据加密技术都一样的处于危机边缘。

    Traditional data encryption can partly prevent invalid distribution of data , but with the development of decryption technology , almost all the encrypted data are facing the danger of being cracked .

  12. 更为重要的是,母亲们以自己的人生经验和智慧将女儿们一次次从危机边缘挽救回来,并由此打破了母女之间的那道阻隔之墙。

    More importantly , they use their wit and life experience to save their daughters from all kinds of crisis in their life , meanwhile also break the walls erected between them .

  13. 但是现在,库克先生和他的同事们必须要展现出,那个将苹果从危机边缘一举带到世界主宰地位的男人的一些魔力在他们身上重获新生。

    But Mr Cook and his colleagues now need to show that some of the magic of the man who took Apple from the brink of disaster to world domination has rubbed off on them .

  14. 在德国和法国领头的合约中,西班牙和其他在欧元区债务危机边缘的国家正在通过限制他们的债务来重新获得投资者的信心。

    The deal follows calls by Germany and France for Spain and other states at the sharp end of the euro zone debt crisis to set binding limits on their deficits to regain the trust of investors .

  15. 政府把自己推向了财政危机的边缘。

    The government brought itself to the brink of fiscal disaster

  16. Event广告:轰动与危机的边缘

    Event Ad. : on Boundary of Convulsion and Crisis

  17. Socialworkers社会工作�处理受虐待的孩子的事件,或者处理处于每一个可以想象到的“危机”边缘的家庭事件,再加上一系列的繁文缛节,这些都造成了工作的压力。

    Dealing with abused children or families on the brink of every imaginable crisis - combined with bureaucratic red tape - can make for a demanding , stressful job .

  18. 理性在道德领域走向了危机的边缘,人们对理性主义的道德观念开始动摇。

    Rationality in moral field was on the verge of crisis .

  19. 现在世界又一次处在能源危机的边缘。

    Now the world is on the brink of another energy crisis .

  20. 石油供给几乎到了危机的边缘。

    The supply of oil has been strained .

  21. 但在法国等国家,情况更多样化一些。这些国家仍处于欧元区危机的边缘。

    But the picture is more mixed in countries like France , which are still teetering on the brink of the eurozone crisis .

  22. 在1998年对冲基金–长期资本管理公司倒台后,福德先生戏剧性地将莱曼兄弟公司从危机的边缘拉了回来。

    Mr Fuld has brought Lehman back from the brink before-dramatically so after the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management , a hedge fund , in1998 .

  23. 如果监管机构要想获得信任(注意,这仍是一种假设),这并不是因为德国近来一直徘徊在金融危机的边缘。

    If the regulators are to be believed and this remains an " if " it is not because Germany has hovered on the edge of financial crisis in recent days .

  24. 世界卫生组织曾表示,疫情正处在扩大为粮食危机的边缘,自三月份以来,埃博拉病毒已导致9200多人被感染,有近5000人因病死亡。

    The World Health Organization has said the epidemic , which since March has infected more than 9200 people and killed nearly 5000 , is on the verge of widening into a food crisis .

  25. 该组织说他们一直生活在危机情况的边缘,因为国际援助并没有很好的实施。

    It says they are living permanently on the edge of emergency , because international aid is not being spent wisely .

  26. 为缓解矿山危机和对边缘及深部找矿资源增储,集中应用和分析成矿因素与成矿模式理论,为矿山的找矿研究提供相关依据。

    To ease the crisis and the edge of the mine and ore resources by deep storage , application and analysis of focus-forming factors and metallogenic model theory , research for the mining of ore-related basis .

  27. 欧元区危机已处于失控边缘。

    The eurozone crisis is on the verge of spinning out of control .

  28. 冰岛金融危机正濒临爆发边缘动荡不安,货币崩盘,通货膨胀率飙升。

    Iceland sends out financial SOS as its economy is in turmoil , currency collapsing , and inflation soaring .

  29. 同时,沙特国内改革和反改革的力量较量,也使这个王国处于危机与变革的边缘。

    Meanwhile the inside conflict between the force of reform and anti-reform makes the country at the verge of crisis and change .

  30. 但在现代都市环境中,它并没有摆脱危机,而是更加边缘化,这种边缘化带来了诗人队伍自身的调整。

    But in the modern metropolitan environment , instead of ridding itself from the crisis , it turns out to be less cared for . As a result the adjustment of the body of poets has been made .