
wēi xiǎn dān wèi
  • Hazardous Units;danger work unit
  1. 所谓危险单位,是指一次保险事故可能造成的最大损失范围。

    Alleged and dangerous unit , it is the limits of the biggest loss that shows insurance accident may be caused .

  2. 保险法对保险公司的危险单位计算办法和巨灾风险安排计划的监管要求是什么?

    What is insurance law calculates what method and catastrophe venture arrangement plan to superintend a requirement to the dangerous unit of insurance company ?

  3. 核电站财产损失险定价的原理包括:核电站危险单位的划分,核电站财产损失险理论费率的确定,核电站财产损失险实际费率的确定。

    The principals of nuclear material damage insurance including , the risk unit of nuclear power station , determination of theoretical rates and determination of real premium rates .

  4. 危险化学品从业单位安全标准化是近年才正式推行的一种新的安全管理模式,与HSE管理体系相比,两者各有特点。

    The safety standardization of an enterprise producing dangerous chemicals is a new safety management model formally implemented in recent years , which has different characteristics comparing with HSE management system .

  5. 危险化学品经营单位安全评价导则(试行)

    Guideline on Safety Evaluation for Enterprises Dealing with Dangerous Chemicals ( trial )

  6. 第四十六条产生危险废物的单位,必须按照国家有关规定处置;

    Article 46 Units discharging hazardous waste must treat the waste in accordance with relevant State regulations .

  7. 火灾、爆炸指数评价方法在危险化学品生产单位安全评价中的应用

    Application of Assessment Method with Fire and Explosion Indexes in Safety Assessment on Dangerous Chemical Production Enterprise

  8. 公司获得了国家危险化学品从业单位安全标准化二级企业证书;同时正在办理产品安全生产许可证;

    The company has gained the security certificate of national dangerous chemicals business unit standardization for the secondary unit , and also safety production license ;

  9. 本文结合笔者从事危险化学品经营单位安全评价工作的经验,就目前评价工作的现状、存在的主要问题及解决的方法进行探讨。

    Based on the experience related to safety evaluation work of hazardous chemicals enterprises , the situation of current safety evaluation work , major existing problems and relevant solutions are discussed in the paper .

  10. 第十七条生产、储存、运输、销售或者使用、销毁易燃易爆危险物品的单位、个人,必须执行国家有关消防安全的规定。

    Article 17 Any unit and individual engaged in production , storage , transportation , sales or use and destroy of inflammable and explosive dangerous goods , must execute relevant state regulations on fire control safety .

  11. 生产易燃易爆危险物品的单位,对产品应当附有燃点、闪点、爆炸极限等数据的说明书,并且注明防火防爆注意事项。

    Units producing inflammable and explosive dangerous goods shall attach instruction book with datas such as the ignition point , flash point and explosion limit of the product , and give points of attention for fire and explosion prevention .

  12. 安全评价作为现代先进安全生产管理模式内容之一,它的推广应用必将对提高危险化学品经营单位安全管理科学化和规范化水平产生积极的影响。

    The popularization and application of safe evaluation , one of the modern and advanced production safety management patterns , will have a positive influence on improving the scientific and standard level of safety management of hazardous chemicals enterprises .

  13. 新技术厂是使用危险化学品较多的单位,在危化品安全管理方面取得了良好的安全生产效果。

    New technology plant have gained some good safety production effect in safety management , even it is a unit in which use much dangerous chemicals .