
  • 网络dangerous driving
  1. 首先,探讨了危险驾驶罪的立法目的。

    First of all , on dangerous driving crime legislation purpose .

  2. 完善危险驾驶罪的规定。

    Improve the provisions of the crime of dangerous driving .

  3. 警方以危险驾驶罪起诉那名男子。

    Police have brought a charge of dangerous driving against the man .

  4. 危险驾驶罪的主观方面表现为故意,并且只能是间接故意。

    The indirect intention is the subjective performance for dangerous driving crime .

  5. 危险驾驶罪的客体为公路交通运输安全。

    The object for dangerous driving crime is the highway traffic transportation safety .

  6. 第四章,危险驾驶罪的立法完善。

    The fourth chapter is about the legislative improvement of dangerous driving crime .

  7. 危险驾驶罪是一个新罪名,对于这一犯罪的构成和认定上还有诸多争议。

    The crime of dangerous driving is a new charge that has many disputes .

  8. 以此为深入分析危险驾驶罪做好铺垫。

    Pave the way as the Criminal Regulation of in-depth analysis of dangerous driving behavior .

  9. 危险驾驶罪为一种允许被反证的抽象危险犯。

    The crime of dangerous driving is an abstract dangerous criminal that allows to be disproofed .

  10. 当危险驾驶罪同时构成他罪的,择一重处断。

    When drunk driving simultaneously constitutes other crimes , the author advocates observing the most serious crime .

  11. 在现行法律框架下,如何认定危险驾驶罪乃实务的需要。

    Under the current legal framework , how to identify the crime of dangerous driving is required .

  12. 此次修正案中,讨论最多的也最受关注的就是新增危险驾驶罪这一罪名。

    The amendment , the most discussed and most attention is the new crime of dangerous driving charges .

  13. 危险驾驶罪的处理的特殊性就体现在它的一律性和不加选择性上。

    The special nature of the offense of dangerous driving , handling reflected on it all and without selective .

  14. 但是不可否认的是,危险驾驶罪尚有不足,有待完善。

    But it is undeniable that the offense of dangerous driving is still inadequate and need to be improved .

  15. 从实践效果来看,危险驾驶罪起到了很好的效果,危险驾驶案件数量不断下降。

    Practice effect from the point of view , the crime of dangerous driving play a very important effort .

  16. 分别从危险驾驶罪的犯罪客体、犯罪客观要件、犯罪主体、犯罪主体要件进行分析,明确了危险驾驶罪的构成要件。

    Crime object , crime objective element , crime subject and crime subjective element of dangerous driving crime are analyzed .

  17. 交通肇事罪可能与危险驾驶罪存在竞合关系,两罪在主体、主观方面存在显著差异。

    There may be competing with the relationship between the two crimes , there are significant differences in the subjective .

  18. 刑法修正案(八)将追逐竞驶作为危险驾驶罪的行为方式之一。

    Racing driving is regarded as one ways of dangerous driving sin in the Criminal Law Amendment ( 8 ) .

  19. 五是危险驾驶罪将醉酒驾驶与追逐驾驶行为犯罪化,扩大了道路交通犯罪圈。

    Fifth is the crime of drunk driving and dangerous driving will decriminalize , which enlarge the road traffic crime circle .

  20. 认定作为危险驾驶罪同类客体是公共安全,直接客体是交通运输安全。

    Identified as similar object of the offense of dangerous driving public safety , the direct object of the Transportation Security .

  21. 笔者认为,危险驾驶罪的客体是交通秩序和安全。

    The author thought that the object of the crime of dangerous driving was safety and order of the public traffic .

  22. 在主体方面,笔者认为危险驾驶罪的主体是一般主体。

    On the subject aspect , the author believes that the subject of the crime of dangerous driving is general subject .

  23. 本文通过对危险驾驶罪这一新型罪名的介绍,分析其犯罪构成,并对其中所包含的相关法律问题进行阐述与界定。

    This article introduced and analyzed the constitution of Dangerous Driving Charge , and illustrated relative legal issues to define such crimes .

  24. 飚车型危险驾驶罪是必要的共同犯罪,由此方能与严重超速的行政违法行为相区别。

    Dangerous joyriding is a necessary common crime , and this makes it different from severe speeding which is an administrative malfeasance .

  25. 车辆驾驶人对危害行为的主观心理、主观罪过无疑是理论界争论的焦点,对于危险驾驶罪的罪过形式宜认定为间接故意的心理,也只可能是故意不可能是过失。

    The offence form of dangerous driving should be one of indirect intention . It can only be intention instead of negligence .

  26. 《刑法修正案(八)》增设危险驾驶罪具有较为重要的理论价值和实践意义。

    " Criminal Law Amendment ( h )" added the crime of dangerous driving has the more important theoretical and practical significance .

  27. 危险驾驶罪的增设是《刑法修正案(八)》的亮点之一。

    The creation of the crime of dangerous driving is one of the highlights of the " Criminal Law Amendment ( h )" .

  28. 认定危险驾驶罪需要有具体的认定标准,这需要通过界定危险驾驶罪的犯罪构成来完成。

    So how to identify dangerous driving offenses needs specific criteria , which should be fulfilled by defining the formation of dangerous driving .

  29. 在文章的第三部分,主要围绕危险驾驶罪的刑事责任问题进行论述。

    In the last part of the article , mainly around the issue of criminal responsibility of the crime of dangerous driving were discussed .

  30. 危险驾驶罪作为新罪,是指在交通运输过程中,驾驶人员严重违反交通安全法规,足以导致严重危险的驾驶行为引发的犯罪。

    Dangerous driving behavior is driving the serious violations of traffic safety regulations in the transport process , enough to cause serious dangerous driving behavior .