
wēi xiǎn rén wù
  • dangerous person;risk
  1. 我早就应该发现你是一个危险人物。

    I should 've known you 're such a dangerous person .

  2. 梦娜是个危险人物迈克

    Mona is a very dangerous person , Mike .

  3. 詹森是个危险人物,可能会变得非常野蛮而凶残。

    Jensen is a dangerous man , and can be very brutal and reckless .

  4. 他对于大众是个危险人物。

    He is a danger to the public .

  5. 如果有足够的智慧,面对那些曾认定的危险人物所假装出来的无辜,你也不会上当受骗。

    If you are wise you won 't be deceived by the innocent airs of those whom you have once found to be dangerous .

  6. 公司治理研究公司GMI宣传总监与助理研究员保罗•霍奇森称,在公司调查报告中,倒闭公司的董事被打上了“危险人物”的标签。

    Directors from failed companies are red-flagged in company research reports , says Paul Hodgson , communications director and research associate at corporate governance research firm GMI .

  7. 妈妈让我远离大卫这个危险人物。

    Mum told met keep away from David who was dangerous .

  8. 这个人被视为社会上的危险人物。

    The man was regarded as a danger to society .

  9. 警方认为他不是个危险人物。

    The police do not regard him as being dangerous .

  10. 他们是危险人物,你会受到伤害的!

    They are very dangerous , you could get hurt .

  11. 他现在更成熟了,在禁区内是危险人物。

    He 's more mature now and so dangerous in the box .

  12. 法官把他说成是社会的危险人物。

    The judge described him as a danger to society .

  13. 你才要把他弄成那个,那个危险人物

    to make him out to be thisthis menace ?

  14. 危险人物,成天在荒野游荡。

    They 're dangerous folk , wandering the Wilds .

  15. 他是个危险人物,应该要有人收拾他,使他不为害。

    He 's a dangerous fellow ; someone ought to draw his teeth .

  16. 她不是危险人物她只是被人伤害

    She 's not dangerous , she 's hurt .

  17. 老板,我断定,这个标枪手一定是个危险人物。

    Depend upon it , landlord , that harpooneer is a dangerous man .

  18. 这名逃犯是危险人物。

    This escaped convict is considered extremely dangerous .

  19. 那个女人是社会上的危险人物。

    That woman is a danger to society .

  20. 对危险人物的紧急预防性拘留。

    The emergency preventive detention of dangerous persons .

  21. 她是个不惜拿我们的性命来冒险的危险人物

    She 's a dangerous person who has no problem gambling with our lives .

  22. “伪装的危险人物威胁着城市”

    " Masked menace terrorizes town . "

  23. 小玉:我在这儿是危险人物。

    I 'm the hazardous one here .

  24. 这能理解,我是危险人物。

    l 'm a pretty dangerous character .

  25. 更要紧的是,这位国防部长说,他们仍然是危险人物。

    More to the point , said the defence secretary , they were still dangerous .

  26. 提姆:所有会骂别人白痴的人脑袋都有问题,他们是社会的危险人物!

    Tim : Anyone who would say that is crazy , and a danger to society !

  27. 他身上有武器,是危险人物。

    He is armed and dangerous .

  28. 每晚你都有可能去一些奇怪的地方或是给一些危险人物送披萨。

    Every night you go into these weird situations and deliver to people who are scary .

  29. 我吸过毒,曾经和危险人物发生过身体冲突,他们很生气。

    I 've used drugs , I 've had physical altercations with dangerous people , people were angry .

  30. 当招聘经理或者是面试官听到这个词时,他们会感觉你是一个危险人物。

    When a hiring manager or recruiter hears you say that word , they hear high risk candidate .