
  • 网络Dangerous actions;Dangerous Moves
  1. 他们缺少大多数人拥有的那种预期性焦虑,因此他们在采取危险行动时不会退缩。

    They lack the same kind of anticipatory anxiety that most people have so are not put off from taking dangerous actions .

  2. 曾参与艰巨或危险行动(如嘉利大厦火灾)的人员,可获提供危机情况压力事后辅导服务。

    Critical incident stress debriefing services were available to officers involved in difficult or dangerous operations such as the Garley Building fire disaster .

  3. 但来自右翼势力的批评尤为严厉,亲以色列的保守人士给他贴上了“近乎反犹太”的标签,并暗示他很可能做出大幅削减国防预算的危险行动。

    But the criticism has been especially virulent from the right , with Israel conservatives labelling him borderline anti-Semitic and suggesting he was intent on making dangerously deep cuts to the defence budget .

  4. 这可能是一次危险的行动,在理论上听着无缝可击,但——呃哼——真做起来却可能有点冒险。

    It can be a dangerous course of action which might be sound in theory but — ahem — perhaps a trifle risky in practice

  5. 如果你看了这一季映时台(Showtime)的《国土安全》(Homeland),你就知道巴基斯坦很有可能采取更危险的行动。

    And if you 've been watching the current season of " Homeland " on Showtime , you know that Pakistan 's more sinister operations have been on wide view .

  6. 你在进行一项危险的行动。

    You 're making an outrageous leap .

  7. 同时,在我们朝着这个目标努力的过程中,它为安理会制定了减少核危险的行动框架。

    And it brings Security Council agreement on a broad framework for action to reduce nuclear dangers as we work toward that goal .

  8. 不能突破地理品牌共享的约束,企业成就强势品牌的战略是一种十分危险的行动。

    If the restriction of mutual geographical brand should not be broke through , the enterprise strategy to achieve the strong brand is dangerous .

  9. 答:言论上指出投降主义的危险,行动上组织人民群众制止投降运动。

    Answer : Both by words , that is , by exposing the danger of capitulationism , and by deeds , that is , by organizing the masses to stop the capitulationist activities .

  10. 他要进行一次非常危险的秘密行动。

    He 's about to go undercover in a high-risk operation .

  11. 最近的例子就是有人阻碍对叙利亚这样的危险分子采取行动。

    Witness blocked attempts to take action against bad actors like Syria .

  12. 由于情况危险,救援行动已经暂停。

    The rescue operation has been suspended due to the dangerous situation .

  13. 有勇气在残骸中站起来拍去身上的尘土,有勇气重新冒着生命危险参与救援行动。

    to dust themselves off from the wreckage and to start again , risking their lives to save others .

  14. 但事实上您可能就错了:巴基斯坦长期以来一直在采取极其危险的欺骗行动,这已经成为其外交政策的特征。

    In fact , you would be wrong : high-risk duplicity has long been the hallmark of Pakistani foreign policy .

  15. 令人惊奇的是,这个极其危险的作战行动是由一个年轻貌美的比利时姑娘组织的,她名叫安德,23岁。

    And the astonishing thing is that this most dangerous operation was organized by a young attractive twenty-three-old Belgian girl , Andree by name .

  16. 所以我们必须冒着危险在白天开始行动。

    So we 'll have to begin our approach during daylight and risk detection .

  17. 美国总统奥巴马授权军方,一旦菲利普斯船长的生命有危险就采取武力行动。

    President Obama ordered the military to take action if it was believed that Phillips'life was in danger .

  18. 我们必须认识到,我们的敌人会以这些病毒为武器,我们必须在危险到来之前采取行动。

    We must assume that our enemies would use these diseases as weapons , and we must act before the dangers are upon us .